brêz without
brez- un-, -less; devoid of; destitute of
brêz mene without me
brêz njegove vednosti without his knowing it
brêz odlašanja without delay
brêz škode za without prejudice to
brêz nadaljnjega without hesitation, without more ado
brêz dvoma doubtless, no doubt, without doubt, undoubtedly
brêz dela, brêz zaposlitve out of work, unemployed
brêz doma homeless
brêz prijateljev friendless
brêz denarja, brez pare penniless
brêz upanja hopeless
brêz vrednosti worthless
brêz zdrave pameti devoid of common sense
brêz razumevanja devoid of understanding
brêz sape out of breath, breathless
brêz prestanka ceaseless, unending
brêz otrok childless
brêz šale joking apart
kava brêz sladkorja coffee without sugar
biti brêz česa to be lacking (ali wanting ali deficient) in something
moral bom (biti) brêz tega I shall have to go without it (ali to do without it)
bili smo brêz denarja we were penniless ali pogovorno hard up
brêz njega bi jaz bil izgubljen but for him I should have been lost
ni rože brêz trna there is no rose without a thorn
Zadetki iskanja
- adút trump, trump card
brez adúta no trumps
adút v rezervi (figurativno) an ace up one's sleeve
kaj je adút? what are trumps?
srce je adút hearts are trumps
izigrati adúta to lead trumps ali a trump
igrati adút (tudi figurativno) to play a trump card, to trump
imeti vse adúte v rokah to hold all the trumps (ali all the winning cards)
vzeti z adútom to trump, to take with a trump
(pre)vzeti vzetek z adútom to take a trick with a trump
to je eden naših najboljših adútov (figurativno) it is one of our best assets
uporabiti svoj zadnji adút to play one's last card - apetít appetite (za for)
velikanski apetít a ravenous appetite
dobiti apetít to get an appetite
narediti, delati apetít to give an appetite
biti brez apetíta to be off one's food
nimam veliko apetíta pogovorno I'm off my feed
dražiti apetít to whet (ali to stimulate) the appetite, to sharpen the appetite, to give an edge to the appetite
izgubiti apetít to lose one's appetite
z apetítom jesti to eat with gusto
pokvariti komu apetít to spoil someone's appetite
apetít pride z jedjo start eating, and you work up an appetite; much must have more; the appetite grows with what it feeds on; appetite comes with eating - aplávz applause; clapping; round(s) of applause; (tudi figurativno) plaudits
aplávz brez konca in kraja round after round of applause
igralec je dobil velik aplávz the actor was loudly applauded
dobiti glasen in splošen aplávz pogovorno to bring the house down
požeti, dobiti aplávz to win applause - belíč farthing
biti brez belíča to be (dead) broke; (knjižno humoristično) to be impecunious
to ni vredno belíča it's not worth a (brass) farthing
plačal vam bom do zadnjega belíča I'll pay you to the last farthing - bíti (sem) to be; to exist; to live; to take place
je (= se nahaja) there is
so (= se nahajajo) there are; (bivati) to stay
bíti lačen, žejen to be hungry, thirsty
bíti ves iz sebe to be beside oneself, to be overwrought
3 x 5 = 15 three times five equals fifteen
kaj je, kakó je (kaj) z njim? how is he?, how is he getting on?; how are things with him?
kaj je s teboj? what is the matter with you?
toplo (mraz) mi je I am warm (cold)
ne morem bíti brez (cigaret) I cannot do without (cigarettes)
bíti brez denarja to be short of money
bíti brez premoga to be short of coal
po čem je kruh? how much is (the) bread?
koliko je do postaje? how long does it take to the station?
bodi previden! be careful!
on je iz Londona he is (ali comes) from London
kdo je? who is there?
kdo je tam? (vojak na straži) who goes there?
po meni je, z menoj je konec I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
kaj Vam je? what is the matter with you?
nič mi ni there is nothing the matter with me
slabó mi je I feel sick
jaz sem (to) it is I, pogovorno it's me
če bi jaz bil Vi (bil na Vašem mestu), bi ostal doma if I were you, I would stay at home
če je (to) takó if it is so, if that be so, if that be the case
naj bo takó! arhaično let it be so!
naj bo (to), kot hoče! be that as it may
naj bo tako ali tako in either case
to bo dovolj this will do
kar je bilo, je bilo let bygones be bygones
bíti v napoto to be in the way, to inconvenience, to hinder
ni mi za... I don't care for...
za to mu ni he does not care about it
nič mi ni zanj pogovorno I couldn't care less about him, I don't care a fig for him
ni mi do šal I am in no mood for joking
to ni (nič) zame that is not in my line
nič ni bilo iz tega nothing came of it
ni mi do poezije I have no time for poetry
mnogo mi je do tega, da... I am very anxious to...
vem, pri čem sem I know where I stand
on je proti meni he has set his face against me
hiša je v gradnji the house is being built
bilo mi je, da bi jokal I felt like crying
on bi bil dober učitelj he would make a good teacher
tu gre za bíti ali ne bíti this is a matter of life or death
šlo je za bíti ali ne bíti it was touch and go
pri tem sem ob 50.000 SIT I am fifty thousand tolars out of pocket over it - bivalíšče (place of) residence; domicile; dwelling place; abode
stalno bivalíšče permanent residence
brez stalnega bivalíšča unsettled; of no fixed abode; of no fixed address
sprememba bivalíšča change of residence, change of address, removal - bojázen anxiety, apprehension; fear; pogovorno funk; fright, dread
brez bojázni without fear, fearless
iz bojázni pred from fear of
razpršiti (si) bojázen to dispel one's apprehensions - bráda chin; (dlaka) beard
brez bráde beardless; (pri ribi, rastlini) barb, beard
bráda pri ključu (key-)bit
dvojna bráda double chin
kozja bráda, bradica goatee
naprej štrleča (nazaj umaknjena) bráda protruding (receding) chin
pustiti brádo (rasti) to grow a beard
bog je sebi najprej brádo ustvaril (figurativno) charity begins at home - brázda furrow; (guba tudi) wrinkle
brez brazd furrowless
vodna brázda (za ladjo) wake - brezdómec homeless person; stray; (potepuh) vagabond, tramp, vagrant
brezdómci pl, otroci brezdómci (ptički brez gnezda) waifs and strays - bríga care; trouble; worries pl; (zaskrbljenost) concern, anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, apprehension
bríga za (kaj) care for (something)
moreča bríga zastarelo carking care
to je moja bríga I shall see to it
to ni moja bríga this is no business of mine, this is no concern of mine
to mi je deveta bríga I don't care about it at all
bodi brez bríge! don't worry; never you fear; be easy on that score
dajati, povzročati bríge to cause anxiety (ali uneasiness)
imeti na brígi to take care of, to attend (ali to see) to - carína (urad) customs pl; (dajatev) duty, pl duties; tariff
brez caríne, prost caríne duty-free, custom-free; non dutiable
carína plačana duty-paid
podvržen caríni liable to duty; liable to customs, dutiable
neplačana carína unpaid duty
izvozna carína export duty
uvozna carína import duty, duties on entry
zaščitna carína protective tariff
trgovina brez caríne free trade
iti skozi caríno to go (ali to pass) through the customs
plačati caríno to pay duty (za, na on)
pobirati caríno to collect duty - carínski customs
carínski agent customs agent
carínska meja customs frontier
carínsko področje customs territory
carínsko potrdilo customs warrant
carínska pregraja cus toms barrier
carínski predpisi customs regulations pl
carínska odprava customs clearance
carínski pregled customs examination
carínska prijava, deklaracija customs declaration
carínske pristojbine customs dues, customs duties
carínsko skladišče customs warehouse
carínska tarifa customs tariff
carínska unija customs union
carínski urad customs house, ZDA customhouse
carínski sistem customs system
carínski uradnik customs officer (ali official)
brez carínska cona duty-free zone
opraviti carínske formalnosti to effect customs clearance - céna price; cost; (vrednost) value; (kura) rate
za céno od at the price of
za nobeno céno (figurativno) not at any price, not for all the world, not for anything, not on any account, not for worlds
za vsako céno at any price (ali cost)
za smešno céno (figurativno) for a (mere) song
po lastni céni at cost price
po znižani céni at a reduced price
za polovično céno (at) half-price
po najnižjih cénh (žargon) at cutthroat prices
enotna (nizka, stalna, visoka, zadnja, maksimirana) céna single (low, firm ali stable, high, reserve, controlled) price
nabavna (prodajna, tovarniška, uradna) céna purchase (selling, factory ali ex works, official) price
polovična céna half (the) price
pretirana céna exorbitant (ali extravagant ali unreasonable ali fancy) price
zmerna céna moderate (reasonable, fair) price
brezobvezna céna provisional price
slepa céna cut price, ZDA cutrate price
tržna céna market (ali current) price
trdne céne (brez popusta) fixed prices (no discount allowed)
naraščajoče céne soaring prices
nedostopne, previsoke céne prohibitive prices
rastoče (padajoče) céne rising (falling) prices
najnižja céna the lowest price, floor price, bottom price, ZDA rock-bottom price
realne céne fair prices
dnevna céna current price
porast, dvig cen rise in prices; price increase (s), price rise (s)
padec cen fall in prices, (nenaden) price slump
znižanje cen reduction (ali cutting) of prices, price cuts
zvišanje cen rise in prices, price rise, increase in prices, price increase
kontrola cen price control
listek z označeno céno price mark, price-tag
céne se dvigajo prices are on the rise
zvišati, dvigniti céne to raise prices
pognati céne kvišku to push up prices, to inflate prices
določiti céne to fix prices
prodajati pod céno to sell for less than the market value, to undersell
céne padajo prices are falling ali dropping, (naglo) there is a price slump
pogajati se za céno to bargain
céne se gibljejo od... do... prices range from... to...
zahtevati previsoko céno od koga to overcharge someone
potisniti céne navzdol to force prices down
znižati céne to lower (ali to cut down ali to reduce) the prices
znižati céno za 20 penijev pri funtu to cut the price by 20 pence (20 p.) a lb.
sprostiti (odmrzniti) céne to unfreeze prices
navi(jati) céne to force up prices
znižati céne z intervencijo države to force down prices - ceremónija ceremony; figurativno formality
brez ceremonij without ceremony
kar brez ceremonij! let's drop the formalities!
delati ceremónije (figurativno) to stand on ceremony - cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration
brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
za ta cílj to this end
mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
imeti za cílj to aim at
ima visok cílj he is aiming high
doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
postaviti cílj to set an aim
postaviti si za cílj to aim at
vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
zadeti cílj to hit the mark
zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end - cvènk žargon dough; žargon bread; žargon (v severni Angliji) brass; (zaničljivo) pelf (denar), filthy lucre; money; (kovanec) coin
brez cvènka short of cash, short of the ready, broke, penniless
biti čisto brez cvènka to be dead broke - cvét flower; (sadnega drevja) blossom; figurativno (najboljše) the best (ali cream ali choicest)
brez cvétov flowerless
vinski cvét spirit of wine
žveplov cvét flowers pl of sulphur
v cvétu starosti in a hale and hearty old age
v cvétu življenja in the prime of life
cvét armade the flower of the army
padel je v boju v cvétu mladosti he fell in battle in the prime of his youth
pognati v cvét (seme) to run to seed - čék cheque, ZDA check
s čékom by cheque
bianko čék blank cheque
čék po odredbi cheque to order
čék na prinašalca cheque to bearer, bearer cheque
čék za X SIT a cheque for X tolars
imetnik čéka holder of a cheque
naslovnik čéka payee
prinašalec čéka bearer of a cheque
plačilo, plačevanje s čékom payment by cheque
turističen čék traveller's cheque
čék brez kritja, nepokrit čék uncovered cheque, pogovorno rubber cheque, bouncer
ponarejen čék forged cheque, žargon stumer
ponarejevalec čékov cheque forger
ponareditev čék forgery of a cheque
izdati, napisati čék to draw a cheque; to make out a cheque
indosirati čék to endorse a cheque
vnovčiti čék to cash a cheque
prekrižani čék crossed cheque