
Zadetki iskanja

  • brátranec cousin

    pravi brátranec cousin german, first cousin
    brátranec v drugem kolenu second cousin
    brátranec v tretjem kolenu cousin twice removed
  • drúg(i) -a, -o second; other, another

    drúgi dan v mesecu the second
    drúgi (naslednji) dan next day
    drúgi najboljši second best
    2. november 2nd November (beri: the second of November), November 2nd (beri: November the second)
    drúgi razred second class
    Karl II Charles II (beri: Charles the Second)
    nihče drúg (kot on) nobody else (but he, pogovorno him)
    vsak drúgi one in two
    vsak drúgi dan every second (ali other) day
    eden za drúgim one by one, one after the other, one after another
    drúga dva the other two, the two others
    na drúgi strani (figurativno) on the other hand
    drúgi pot (drugič enkrat) some other time
    drúgi po velikosti second biggest, second largest
    eden drúgega one another, each other, mutually
    eden in drugi both (of them)
    bratranec (sestrična) v 2. kolenu second cousin
    drugi (ostali) the other
    kabina 2. razreda second-class cabin
    nihče drúg kot no (ali none) other than, nobody else but
    eno z drúgim one with the other
    nič drúgega nothing else
    biti drúgi, zavzeti drúgo mesto to take second place
    to je nekaj čisto drúgega that is an entirely different matter, it makes all the difference, žargon that's another kettle of fish; this is quite another thing
    imeti informacije iz drúge (posredne) roke to have second-hand information
    za sedaj se ne da napraviti nič drúgega for the present nothing else can be done
    biti drúgega mnenja to differ in opinion, to dissent
    to pero je slabo, vzemi drúgo! this is a poor pen, take another!
    vzeto eno z drúgim (= poprek) taken both together
    napila sta si eden drúgemu they drank each other's health
    pomagala sta si eden drúgemu they helped each other
    igrati drúgo violino to play second fiddle
    on je drúgi Cezar he is another (ali a second) Caesar
    eden ali drúgi od nas bo to gotovo naredil one or other of us is sure to do it
    postati drúgega mnenja to change one's mind
    potovati v 2. razredu to travel second-class
    stanovati v 2. nadstropju to live on the second floor (ZDA third floor)
    med drúgim (= zlasti pa), ne moreš mu zaupati for one thing, he is not to be trusted
    nad vsem drúgim želim... above all else (ali pogovorno more than anything else) I want...
    ne delaj drúgim tega, česar ne maraš, da bi to oni delali tebi never do to others what you would not have them do to you
    spoznal sem, da niso nič drúgega kot tatovi I realised they were nothing but a bunch of crooks
  • koléno anatomija knee; (reke, ceste, poti) bend; tehnika angle; vojska salient; (rod, poreklo) descent, origin, generation, stock, lineage, family, race, birth, house

    do kolen knee-deep, knee-high
    do kolen globoko v knee-deep in
    klečé na kolénih on bended knees
    bratranec v prvem (drugem) kolénu cousin once (twice) removed
    hlače do kolén kneebreeches pl
    nogavice do kolén knee-length stockings pl
    pregibanje koléna genuflection
    vnetje koléna gonitis
    zaščitni ovoj za koléno kneecap, kneepad, knee-guard
    šibak v kolénih weak-kneed
    biti na kolénih to be on one's knees
    odrgniti si koléna to graze (ali to skin) one's knees
    na kolénih prositi za kaj to beg for something on one's bended knees
    prositi koga na kolénih to implore (ali to supplicate) someone on bended knee
    iti, spustiti se, pasti na koléna to go down (ali to fall) on one's knees (pred kom before someone)
    ne pride mu niti do kolén (figurativno) he can't hold a candle to him, pogovorno he's not a patch on him
    spraviti koga na koléna to force someone to his knees; to bring someone (down) to his knees
    po kolénih se udariti to slap one's knees
    upogniti koléno to bend the knee
    koléna se mu tresejo (figurativno) he shakes in his shoes
    zlomiti kaj na (svojih) kolénih to break something on one's knees
    suniti s kolénom to knee
  • njegóv his, (pri neživih stvareh) its

    njegóv klobuk (njegóva knjiga) his hat (his book)
    neki njegóv prijatelj a friend of his
    ta njegóva knjiga this book of his
    njegóv pravi bratranec his own cousin
    tu ni nič njegóvega there is nothing of his here
Število zadetkov: 4