brúhniti ➞ bruhati
brúhniti v jok to burst into tears
brúhniti v smeh to burst out laughing
Zadetki iskanja
- jók crying; weep, weeping; wailing; shedding of tears
pol v jóku, pol v smehu half crying, half laughing
na jók mi gre I feel like crying (ali weeping), I feel I could cry (ali weep)
planiti, spustiti se v jók to burst into tears, pogovorno to turn on the waterworks
bruhniti v jók to burst into tears
spraviti koga v jók to reduce someone to tears, to make someone cry
na jók ji je šlo she felt close to tears - sméh laughter; laugh
salve sméha fits pl of laughter
prisiljen sméh strained laugh, forced laugh
homerski sméh Homeric laughter
hrupen sméh horselaugh, guffaw
sredi sméha amid laughter
ni mi do sméha I don't feel like laughing
sméh ga bo (že) minil he will laugh on the wrong side of his mouth
bušiti, bruhniti v sméh to burst out laughing
prasniti v sméh to break into a laugh
sméh me je posilil I was overcome by (a fit of) laughter
spraviti koga v sméh to make someone laugh
s sméhom izraziti prezir to laugh one's contempt
s sméhom se zahvaliti to laugh one's thanks
pokati od sméha to split one's sides laughing (ali with laughter), to be convulsed with laughter
skoraj počiti od sméha to laugh fit to burst, to be in stitches
spraviti družbo v sméh to set the company laughing
tuliti od sméha to roar with laughter
umirati, zvijati se od sméha to laugh one's head off
to ni za sméh this is no laughing matter
povzročiti (splošen) sméh to raise a laugh
v sméh me spravljaš you amuse me
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Število zadetkov: 3