
Zadetki iskanja

  • brúhati to vomit; to be sick, to throw up; to disgorge; to spew (up); žargon to puke; (o vulkanu) to erupt

    za brúhati mi je my gorge is rising
    brúhati kri to spit blood
    brúhati lavo to emit streams of lava
    brúhati ogenj to vomit fire
    brúhati oblake dima to emit clouds of smoke
  • brúhniti ➞ bruhati

    brúhniti v jok to burst into tears
    brúhniti v smeh to burst out laughing
  • dáviti to strangle; to choke; to throttle

    dáviti se to choke, (bruhati) to retch
Število zadetkov: 3