bríga care; trouble; worries pl; (zaskrbljenost) concern, anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, apprehension
bríga za (kaj) care for (something)
moreča bríga zastarelo carking care
to je moja bríga I shall see to it
to ni moja bríga this is no business of mine, this is no concern of mine
to mi je deveta bríga I don't care about it at all
bodi brez bríge! don't worry; never you fear; be easy on that score
dajati, povzročati bríge to cause anxiety (ali uneasiness)
imeti na brígi to take care of, to attend (ali to see) to
Zadetki iskanja
- a but; however
A-dur A major
a-mol A minor
a tako (= razumem) I see
a zdaj but now
a kljub vsemu temu but for all that
a kaj šele... much less, let alone
on lahko to stori, a vem, da ne bo he can do it, but I know he will not
a kaj je z njo? what about her?
a kaj zato (= ne briga me) so what? (I don't care)
oni tako pravijo, a jaz tega ne verjamem they say so, but I don't believe it
kdor reče a, mora reči tudi b in for a penny, in for a pound - brígati to concern; to regard
kaj me to briga? what is that to me?
to te nič ne briga! it is none of your business!
to Vas nič ne briga! that is not your concern!
on me nič ne briga he is no concern of mine
stvar nikogar ne briga the matter is no one's business
to me nič ne briga that is no business of mine, that doesn't concern me
brígati se to care (za for, about); to concern oneself (with, about); to bother about; (skrbeti za) to attend to, to see to
brigaj se za svoje zadeve (stvari)! mind your own business!, go about your business!
ne briga se za politiko he doesn't concern himself with politics
ne brigajte se za govorice ljudi! don't trouble about what people say - már
biti már za to care for, to like
már mi je! a lot I care!
ni mi már I don't care
kaj ti je to már? what's that to you?
to ti ni nič már! (te nič ne briga) that's no business of yours (ali none of your business)!
prav nič (figo) mi je már! I don't care a pin (ali rap, damn, straw, cent, brass farthing, feather, whoop)!, žargon I don't give a damn (ali VB tinker's cuss, ZDA tinker's damn)!
már ti je! a lot you care! - podóben resembling, similar, alike, like
podóben kot jajce jajcu as like as two peas
na podóben način likewise, in like manner
podóbni trikotniki similar triangles pl
bolj podóben bogu kot človeku more like to god than man
podóbna sta si they are cast in the same mould
biti podóben to be alike, to look like, to resemble, to bear a likeness (ali resemblance) (komu to someone)
podóbna vsota a similar sum, a like amount
biti komu zelo podóben to bear (ali to have) a strong resemblance to someone
fant je podóben očetu the boy takes after his father
podóben ti je kot jajce jajcu he is the dead spit and image of you
niti najmanj si nista podóbna there is not the slightest resemblance between them
to mu ni prav nič podóbno that is very unlike him
to je (čisto) njemu podóbno that is just like him
portret je čisto podóben originalu (osebi) the portrait is a speaking likeness
in (ali) podóbno and (or) suchlike, and (or) the like
briga se le za (mar so mu le) karte, biljard in podóbno he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike
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Število zadetkov: 5