
Zadetki iskanja

  • brême load; burden; (tovor) cargo, freight; charge; (teža) weight, charge; (trud) trouble; figurativno encumbrance

    davčna brêmena taxespl
    javna brêmena public charges
    v brême (koga, komu) against someone's account, to someone's debit
    natovorjen, obložen z brêmenom saddled with a burden
    olajšati brême to ease the burden
    biti komu v brême to be a burden to someone, to be a drag on someone
    stroški gredo v moje brême the expenses are to be charged to my account
    padel je občini v brême he became a charge on the parish
    zapisati znesek komu v brême to debit someone's account (with)
  • hrbét back

    za mojim hrbétom behind my back
    za hrbétom (figurativno) in the rear
    hrbét roke (stola) back of a hand (of a chair)
    hrbét knjige spine of a book
    cestni hrbét camber
    gorski hrbét ridge, spine, arête
    imeti koga na hrbétu (figurativno) to have someone on one's back
    imeti sovražnika za hrbétom to have the enemy in the rear
    volkovi so mu bili za hrbétom the wolves were at his back
    ležati na hrbétu to lie on one's back, to lie supine
    naložiti komu breme na hrbét to lay a burden on someone's back
    obrniti se na hrbét to turn over on one's back
    obrniti komu hrbét (figurativno) to turn one's back on someone, to give someone the cold shoulder, to cut someone
    pasti na hrbét to fall on one's back
    pisati na hrbét lista, dopisnice to write on the back (ali on the other side) of a leaf, of a postcard
    obrekovati, opravljati koga za hrbétom to backbite
    pokazati hrbét (zbežati) to turn tail; to run away (sovražniku from the enemy)
    storil je to za mojim hrbétom he did it behind my back
    (u)kriviti, upogniti hrbét (od starosti) to stoop (from old age), figurativno (klečeplaziti) to cringe, to fawn
    zasaditi komu meč v hrbét to stab someone in the back
    zavarovati si hrbét vojska to secure one's rear
    bogu za hrbétom figurativno (daleč od sveta) at the back of beyond
  • láhek (po teži) light, weightless; lightweight; (netežaven) easy, not difficult

    láhka atletika (light) athletics pl, games pl, track and field sports
    láhki atlet athlete
    láhko breme light burden
    láhka hrana light food
    láhek korak light tread, soft steps pl
    láhka cigara (tobak) mild cigar (tobacco)
    láhka konjenica light cavalry
    láhka poškodba, rana light (ali flesh) wound
    láhka roka light hand
    láhka križarka light cruiser
    láhko spanje light sleep
    láhko noč! good night!
    láhek slog easy (ali fluent) style
    láhka teža (pri boksu) lightweight
    láhka zmaga (figurativno) walkover
    láhko vino light wine
    bodi mu láhka zemlja! may the earth rest light on him!, may he rest in peace!
    to je otročje láhko it is as easy as pie
    načrt je otročje láhak the plan is foolproof
    sedaj láhkó greš! you may go now!
    láhka ženska (figurativno) fickle woman
    z láhkim srcem with a light heart
  • naprtíti to burden (ali to saddle, to load) (komu kaj someone with something); to impose a burden (komu on someone), to impute something to someone; to charge someone with something

    naprtíti komu neprijetno nalogo to charge someone with an unpleasant task
    naprtíti tatvino nedolžnemu človeku pogovorno to pin a theft on an innocent person
    naprtíti si kaj to saddle oneself with something
    naprtíti si breme to take upon oneself a burden
    naprtíti komu odgovornost to saddle someone with responsibility
    naprtíti si odgovornost to saddle oneself with responsibility
  • ráma rame shoulder; anatomija humerus

    (stati) z rámo ob rámi (to stand) shoulder to shoulder
    izpah ráme dislocation of the shoulder
    širokih rámen broadshouldered, square-built
    vatirana rámena padded shoulders pl
    dvigniti koga na rámena to lift someone shoulder-high
    imeti široka rámena to have a broad back
    dati puško (poševno) na ráme vojska to slope arms
    nositi puško na rámi to carry one's rifle at the slope
    nositi otroka na rámah to carry a child piggyback (ali pickaback)
    nositi koga na rámenih to carry someone shoulder-high
    naprtiti si na rámena (dolg, skrb) to take upon one's shoulders, to shoulder
    potrepljati po rámi to tap on the shoulder
    sneti komu breme z rámen to disburden someone
    skomigniti z rámeni to shrug one's shoulders
    teči z rámo ob rami to run neck and neck
    vzeti na rámo to shoulder
    puško na rámo! vojska shoulder arms!
  • težàk -žka, -o (teža) heavy; (masa) ponderous, weighty; (breme) weighty; figurativno leaden; (naloga) toilsome; (naporen) hard, difficult, arduous, trying, exhausting; (kazen) severe; (napaka) grave; (vino) heady

    težki časi hard times pl
    težko breme heavy burden
    težko delo hard work
    težki delavec manual labourer, heavy worker (ali labourer)
    težka atletika heavy athletics pl
    težka artilerija heavy artillery, heavy guns pl
    težka hoja heavy tread
    težka izbira hard choice
    težka jed indigestible food
    težàk, -žka, -o vojaški invalid severely disabled ex-serviceman
    težàk, -žka, -o boj hard struggle
    težàk, -žka, -o bombnik heavy bomber
    težka industrija heavy industry
    težka kovina heavy metal
    težke izgube heavy losses pl
    težka naloga hard task
    težka napaka gross mistake, blunder
    težka križarka heavy cruiser
    težka svila heavy silk
    težàk, -žka, -o udarec hard blow
    težki nemiri serious rioting
    težka nesreča serious accident
    težka skrb grievous worries, arhaično care
    težka oborožitev heavy armament
    težàk, -žka, -o porod difficult birth
    10 funtov težka ščuka a ten-pound pike
    s težkim srcem with a heavy heart
    težka voda kemija heavy water
    težko je zame (figurativno) it's hard on me
    glava mi je težka my head feels heavy
    on je težàk, -žka, -o (= tehta) 120 funtov he scales 120 pounds
    ona je težka, težko je z njo (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
  • težíti to weigh heavily on, to be heavy; to press down, to press hard

    težíti k čemu to tend to (ali towards), to veer (ali to trend) towards; to aim at
    težíti za čim to long for something, to crave for something, to strive for something, after something
    to breme mi teži ramena this burden weighs heavily on my shoulders
    ta odgovornost me začenja težíti this responsibility is beginning to get me down (ali to be too much for me)
    ta dolg me teží this debt weighs heavily on me
    to mu teži srcé that rankles in his mind
    njegov zločin mu teži vest his crime weighs heavily (ali lies heavy) on his conscience
    teži jo skrb za bodočnost worry about her future is getting her down
    vsi naši napori težijo k istemu cilju all our efforts are directed to the same goal
    on teží za bogastvom he craves wealth
  • vnésti to enter (v in); to record

    vnésti (vknjižiti) komu v dobro (v breme) to enter to someone's credit (debit)
    vnesèn entered, recorded
Število zadetkov: 8