brénkati to thrum; (na gosli) to fiddle; to strum; to twang (po, na on)
brénkati po klavirju to strum a piano
brénkati po strunah to sweep (ali to touch) the strings
Zadetki iskanja
- lók geometrija arc; (obok) arch; (zavoj) curve, bend, turn; (orožje, violinski) bow
napeti lók to bend (ali to draw) the bow
(pre)napenjati lók (figurativno) to push things to extremes
strelec z lókom archer, bowman, pl -men
streljanje z lókom archery
sprožiti lók to discharge a bow, to shoot an arrow
brenkati z lókom to twang
doba uporabe lóka in puščice (strelice) age of the bow and arrow
on preveč napenja lók (figurativno) he claims too much, he aims too high, he has ideas over his station
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Število zadetkov: 2