
Zadetki iskanja

  • bolníški

    bolníški avto ambulance
    bolníška blagajna sick fund, health insurance
    bolníška hrana sick diet
    bolníška knjiga patients' book
    bolníški list medical record
    bolníška nega nursing
    bolníška nosilnica litter, stretcher
    bolníški nosilničar stretcher-bearer, ambulance man
    bolníški oddelek sick-ward
    bolníška oskrba assistance to the sick
    bolníška postelja sickbed
    priklenjen na bolníško posteljo confined to bed, bedridden
    bolníška soba sickroom, ward, infirmary, vojska sick bay
    bolníško spričevalo pogovorno doctor's note
    bolníški stol wheelchair, bath chair
    bolníška strežnica (sick) nurse
    bolníško zavarovanje health insurance
  • sklád

    1. (fond) fund, funds pl

    amortizacijski sklád sinking fund
    skupni sklád joint fund
    bolniški sklád sick fund
    obratovni sklád trading fund, working fund
    pokojninski sklád pension fund
    rezervni sklád reserve fund
    tekoči sklád mobile funds pl

    2. geologija stratum, pl -s, strata; layer

    lega skládov arrangement of strata

    3. (skladanica)

    sklád drv a stack (ali a pile) of firewood

    4. (skladnost) accordance, harmony

    v skládu z in compliance with, in accordance with
    biti v skládu z to harmonize with, to correspond to, to be consistent with
    skušali bomo spraviti vaše želje v sklád z našimi koristmi we shall try to reconcile your wishes with our interests
    to ni v skládu z mojim prepričanjem that is not in accordance with my beliefs
    spraviti v sklád z to harmonize, to reconcile, to bring into harmony with
    delati v skládu to act in conformity with
  • strežáj servant; footman, valet; attendant

    bolniški strežáj male nurse; (v vojaški bolnici) medical orderly
    hotelski strežáj bellboy
  • stréžnik attendant; minder (tudi stroja)

    bolniški stréžnik male nurse
  • vozíček handcart

    otroški vozíček perambulator, pram, baby carriage, push-chair, ZDA baby buggy
    bolniški vozíček invalid (ali bath) chair
    servirni vozíček trolley, dumb waiter, hostess cart
Število zadetkov: 5