
Zadetki iskanja

  • bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious

    zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
    bogáta izbira a wide selection
    bogáta pojedina a rich feast
    bogáta rima rich rhyme
    bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
    bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
    z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
    bogát z živino rich in cattle
    bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
    biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
    biti bogát z to be rich in
    postati bogát to become rich
  • alkohól alcohol; liquor

    denaturirani alkohól methylated alcohol
    absolutni alkohól absolute alcohol
    bogat z alkohólom rich in alcohol
    suženj alkohóla a slave to drink
    tihotapec alkohóla bootlegger
    tihotapljenje alkohóla bootlegging
    zastrupljanje z alkohólom alcoholic poisoning
    vzdržati se alkohóla to abstain from alcohol
    ne pijem alkohóla I don't touch alcohol; I don't drink; I'm a teetotaller
  • bajè allegedly; supposedly; reputedly; (as) they say

    bajè, da... it is said that...
    on je bajè bogat he is said (ali supposed) to be rich
    bajè je on to naredil he is said to have done it
    on je bajè rekel... he has reportedly said
  • domíšljati si to imagine, to fancy; (biti domišljav) to overween, to flatter oneself (da... that...), to pique oneself (na on)

    domíšljati si, da... to have the conceit to...
    domišlja si, da je bogat he imagines himself to be rich
  • kákor like, as; (za primernikom) than

    kákor da as if, as though
    tako... kákor as... as
    ne tako... kákor not so... as
    ni tako star kákor jaz he is not so old as I
    kákor hitro as soon as
    kákor običajno as usual
    kákor po maslu (figurativno) without a hitch, like clockwork, swimmingly
    človek kákor on... a man like him
    moj brat, kákor jaz sam... my brother like myself...
    kákor ti drago as you like
    stori, kákor ti drago! do as you please!
    kákor se vzame! that (ali it) depends!
    kákor lahkó vidite as you can see
    govorim ti kákor prijatelj I speak to you as a friend
    tekel je kákor veter he was running like the wind
    umrl je, kákor je živel he died as he had lived
    ni bogat, kákor ljudje mislijo he is not as rich as people think
    vstal je, kákor da bi hotel oditi he got up as if (he wanted) to go
    kákor ga imam (zelo) rada, ljubiti ga ne bi mogla nikoli much as I like him, I could never be in love with him
    kákor oče, tako sin like father, like son
    kákor si boš postiljal tako boš spal you have made your own bed, so lie in it
    kákor boste sejali, tako boste želi as you sow, so will you reap ➞ kòt!
  • kólikorkóli no matter how much (oziroma how many); any quantity (number, amount)

    kólikorkóli je bogat, vendar... rich as he is, still...
  • komparácija comparison; parallel; retorika simile

    njegov slog je bogat s komparácijami his style is rich in simile and metaphor
  • medtém in the meantime; meanwhile; in the interval; ZDA betweentimes

    medtém se je zgodilo mnogo stvari many things have happened in between, much water has flown under the bridge
    kje boš ti medtém where will you be meanwhile
    medtém ko while, whilst
    medtém ko delam while I work
    njegov brat je bogat, medtém ko je on reven his brother is rich while he is poor
  • mísel thought; idea

    v míslih in mind, in one's thoughts
    bogat z míslimi rich (ali fertile) in ideas
    istih mísli like-minded, of the same mind
    zatopljen v mísli engrossed (ali sunk, lost in thought)
    vodilna mísel chief (ali principal) idea
    že sama mísel na to the mere thought of it, merely thinking of it
    prenos mísli thought-transference
    branje mísli thoughtreading
    svoboda mísli freedom of thought, free thought
    črne mísli mi rojé po glavi I am in the doldrums
    njegovo ime mi ne pride na mísel his name has slipped my memory
    često vas imam v míslih you are often in my thoughts
    kako si prišel na to mísel? what put such an idea into your head?
    njegova edina mísel je, kako priti do denarja his sole thought is to make money
    priti komu na mísel to be remembered by someone, to come (back) to mind, to be in someone's thoughts
    nikoli mi ni to prišlo na mísel it never entered my head (ali my mind)
    na mísel mi pride it occurs to me, it comes into (ali it crosses) my mind, I discover (da... that)
    imeti samó eno mísel to have but one thing in mind (ali one thought)
    tolar bi dal, da bi (zdajle) vedel za tvoje mísli! (figurativno)a penny for your thoughts!, a penny for them!
    v glavo mi je šinila mísel, da... it suddenly occurred to me, the thought struck me that...
    ne morem slediti tvoji mísli I don't follow you, I don't get your drift, I don't see what you're driving at
    v míslih te vidim I can see you in my mind (ali in my mind's eye)
    ni mu prišlo na mísel, da bi plačal svoj dolg he had no thought of paying his debt
    brati, uganiti mísli koga to read someone's thoughts
    želja je rodila mísel the wish is father to the thought
    zaupati komu svoje mísli to open one's mind to someone
    ne morem se znebiti, (otresti) te mísli I cannot banish (dismiss) this thought from my mind, I cannot get rid of this idea
    kolikor glav, toliko mísli many men, many minds
    še na mísel mi ne pride, da bi to storil I would not dream of doing it
  • mísliti to think (na of, o about); to believe; (premišljevati) to cogitate (o upon) to reflect (o upon), to meditate

    logično mísliti to reason (o about, on); (natančno, skrbno pretehtati) to deliberate; (meniti, domnevati) to mean, to suppose; ZDA to guess, to reckon; (biti mnenja) to be of the opinion; (predstavljati si) to imagine, to fancy, to conceive, to envisage, to realize; (upoštevati) to consider, to contemplate; (nameravati) to intend, ZDA to figure
    mislim da I think so, I suppose so, I should think so
    mislim da ne I don't think so
    mislim, da imate prav I dare say you are right
    ne morem si mísliti, da... I cannot imagine that...
    na to ni mísliti it's not to be thought of; that is out of the question
    to mi da mísliti this sets me thinking, this gives me food for thought, this makes me ponder
    kaj misliš o tem? what is your opinion about it?, what's your idea?
    povem, kar mislim I speak my mind
    mislim si svoje I have my own idea (ali ideas)
    mislili bomo na to we shall think of it, we shall not forget it
    na kaj (na koga) misliš? what (whom) are you thinking of?
    ni mísliti, da... it is not to be supposed that...
    ona dobro misli (hoče, namerava) she means well, her intentions are good
    ne misli več na to! don't give it another thought!, forget about it!
    oni dobro mislijo o tebi they think well of you, they have a good opinion of you
    nemogoče si je mísliti, da... it is unthinkable that...
    kaj misliš storiti? what do you intend to do?
    kaj pa misliš! what are you thinking of?
    misli name! remember me!
    to sem si mislil I thought so, I thought as much
    tega si ne bi mislil od tebe I wouldn't have expected that from you, I am surprised at you
    mísliti pri sebi to think to oneself
    to si lahko mislim I can well imagine (that)
    on misli le nase he only thinks of himself (ali pogovorno number one)
    človek bi mislil, da... anyone (ali one) would think that...
    mislim, da ne bo prišel I do not think he will come
    jaz mislim drugače I don't agree, I beg to differ
    kdo pa mislite, da sem jaz? who (ali arhaično whom) do you take me for?
    mislite si, kar hočete! you may think what you like!
    kdo bi si bil to mislil! who would have thought it!
    o njem mislijo, da je bogat he is thought (ali supposed) to be rich
    takó se splošno misli that is the current opinion
    mislim, da je stara 30 let I imagine (ali I guess) she is (ali must be) thirty
    mísliti s svojo glavo to do some indepenedent thinking
    še v sanjah ne mislim nothing is further from my mind
    javnost misli the public feeling is...
    ne mislim nič hudega I mean no harm
    menda ne misliš, da... you don't suppose that...?
    ne bi si bil mislil, da so tako pošteni I would not have credited them with so much honesty
    tega ne misliš zares (resno)? you don't mean it?, surely you can't be serious?
    mislimo vse najbolje o tvojem prijatelju we hold your friend in the highest esteem
    ona misli le na svojo zabavo she thinks of nothing but her own pleasure
    takó jaz ne mislim that's not my way of thinking
    glasno mísliti to think aloud, to think out loud
  • neznánski (silen, ogromen ipd.) enormous; uncommon

    neznánsko bogat enormously (ali žargon stinking) rich
  • plén prey; booty; loot; plunder, plunderage; spoils pl, arhaično rapine

    postati (biti) lahek plén to become (to be) easy prey (ali fair game) for
    bogat plén rich booty
    lovski plén game, quarry
    vojni plén booty, spoils pl of war
    razdeliti si plén to divide the spoils
  • postáti1 (postanem) to become; to get; (sčasoma) to grow (up, out of); to rise; (nenadoma) to turn, to turn out, to prove

    postáti bogat to become (ali to grow) rich
    postáti hud, jezen to get angry
    postáti lačen (reven, star) to get hungry (poor, old)
    postáti mlajši to grow younger
    postáti običajen to become common
    postáti slabši to grow worse, to worsen
    postáti zdravnik to become a doctor
    mraz (pozno, temno) postaja it is getting cold (late, dark)
    postal je bled he went (ali turned, grew) pale
    Napoleon je postal cesar Napoleon became emperor
    postal je katolik he has turned Catholic
    kaj hoče on postáti? what is he going to be?
    kaj je postal (on) (kaj je z njim)? what has become of him?, what ever became of him?
  • préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather

    préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
    malo préj a while ago
    čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
    čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
    préj kot ne as likely as not
    vse préj kot anything but
    dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
    préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
    X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
    préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
    toliko préj all the sooner
    on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
    moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
    préj kot odideš before your departure
    ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
    nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
    jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than...
  • réka river

    réka Temza the River Thames
    réka Hudson ZDA Hudson River
    struga réke Save the bed of the River Sava
    brez rék riverless
    bogat z rékami rich in rivers
    ležeč ob réki riparian
    izvir réke river head
    ustje réke river mouth
    po réki navzdol downriver, downstream
    po réki navzgor upriver, upstream
    gornji tok (z izvirom) réke the headwaters of a river
    velika réka large river, waterway
    promet na réki river traffic
    mreža rék river system
    réke lave rivers pl of lava
    réka ognja, krvi river (ali stream) of fire, of blood
    v rékah dreti v... to stream into...
    iti čez réko to cross the river
    réka izvira v... the river rises in...
    veslati po réki navzgor (navzdol) to row upstream, upriver (downstream, downriver)
  • repertoár repertoire, ZDA repertory

    imeti bogat repertoár to have a rich repertoire (ali a large selection of plays)
  • ríba fish

    Ribe astronomija Pisces pl (s konstr. v sg), the Fishes
    ríbi podoben fishlike
    ríba pilot pilot fish
    ríba roparica predatory fish
    leteča ríba flying fish
    morska ríba sea fish, salt-water fish
    sladkovodna ríba freshwater fish
    koš(ara) za ríbe fish basket, creel
    prodajalec, -lka ríb fishmonger
    trgovec z ríbami fish merchant
    nož za rezanje ríbe fish slice
    gojitev ríb fish farming, pisciculture
    nasoljena ríba salt fish
    jata ríb shoal, school
    zdrav kot ríba sound as a bell, fit as a fiddle, in the pink, in fine fettle
    zdrav je kot ríba he is as fit as a fiddle
    loviti ríbe to fish, s trnkom to angle, s podvodno puško to spearfish
    poloviti vse ríbe v ribniku to fish out a pond
    počutiti se kot ríba na suhem (kopnem) to feel like a fish out of water
    molčati kot ríba to be as mute as a fish
    počutil sem se kot ríba v vodi I was fit as a fiddle
    bogat z ríbami abounding in fish
    male ríbe (figurativno) small fry, ZDA pogovorno small potatoes pl
  • še still; yet, as yet

    še ne not yet
    še vedno still
    še nikoli never yet
    še enkrat once more
    še več still more
    še danes this very day
    še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
    še nocoj this very night
    še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
    še isti dan on the very same day
    še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
    še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
    še ta teden before this week is over
    še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
    še včeraj only yesterday
    še zadnjega maja as late as last May
    še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
    še leta 1960 as late as 1960
    še lani only last year
    še boljši better still
    še močneje kot even stronger than...
    še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
    še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
    še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
    samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
    komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
    še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
    (samo) še trenutek just a moment
    še nikoli never yet
    še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
    imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
    imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
    še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
    daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
    danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
    dokler je še čas while there is still time
    on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
    tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
    počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
    daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
    treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
    to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
    še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
    še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
    lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
    poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
    kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
    lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
    še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
    ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
    ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
    naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
    še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
    kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
    še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
    še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
    dokler je še živel while he was still alive
    nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished
  • takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner

    takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
    takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
    prav takó likewise
    točno takó! just so!, quite so!
    zakaj takó? why so?
    kaj takega! of all things!
    ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
    ne takó kot not so... as
    takó da... so that...
    takó velik kot... as big as...
    takó malo? as little as that?
    takó imenovan so-called
    takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
    kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
    in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
    nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
    takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
    takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
    je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
    takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    če je to takó if that be the case
    takó je na svetu so goes it
    bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
    takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
    stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
    takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
    takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
    nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
    zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
    dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
    kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
  • zadôsti enough; sufficiently

    zadôsti sem ga videl I've seen enough of him
    zadôsti je bogat, da živi brez dela he is rich enough to live without taking a job
    ni zadôsti močan za svoje delo he is not strong enough for his job (ali for that job of his)
Število zadetkov: 20