
Zadetki iskanja

  • blísk lightning; ash; (strele) flash (of lightning)

    cikcakast blísk forked lightning
    kot blísk hitro like lightning, with lightning speed
    kot blísk like (greased) lightning
    kot blísk se razširiti to spread like wildfire
    iti kot blísk to go like lightning
    novica se je razširila v taborišču kot blísk the news ran through the camp like wildfire
  • gròm thunder; thunderclap; a clap of thunder

    brez gròma thunderless
    blisk z gròmom thunderbolt
    gròm se valí (the) thunder rolls
    gròm in blisk thunder and lightning
  • híter quick; fast; swift; speedy, rapid; prompt, expeditious, express; (konj, tekač) pesniško fleet; fastmoving, alert

    kot blisk híter quick as lightning
    na hítro roko hastily, quickly, (nemarno) carelessly
    hítri marš forced march
  • nágel quick, swift, speedy, rapid, hasty; prompt; fast, rash; sudden

    nágla jeza sudden anger
    on je nágle jeze he has a hot temper, he is swift to anger
    nágli sod martial law
    po náglem sodu according to martial law
    nágla smrt sudden death
    bil je zelo nagel v svoji odločitvi he was very hasty in his decision
    náglo prislov swift, quick
    náglo odgovoriti to answer promptly
    kot blisk náglo (as) quick as lightning
    na náglo narejen most hastily constructed bridge
    (pre)nágla odločitev a rash decision
  • novíca news pl (s konstr. v sg); an item of news; (a piece of) intelligence

    novíce pl (vesti) arhaično tidings pl
    kratke novíce news in brief
    najnovejše, zadnje novíce the latest news
    stara novíca stale news
    raznašalec novíc paperboy, newsboy
    slaba novíca se hitro izvé bad news travels fast
    če ni novíc, je vse v redu no news is good news
    povedati komu (slabo) novíco to break the news to someone
    postopoma (počasi, obzirno) povedati neprijetne novíce to break the bad news gradually, pogovorno to break it gently
    novíca se je širila kot blisk the news spread like wildfire
  • pretŕgati to tear, to tear apart (ali asunder)

    pretŕgati na dvoje to tear in two
    pretŕgati čez pol to tear in half; to break; to rend
    pretŕgati molk to break (the) silence
    pretŕgati diplomatske stike to break off diplomatic relations
    blisk pretrga temo lightning rends the darkness
    pretŕgati študij to break off ali to interrupt one's studies
    pretŕgati se (izčrpati se) to break down, to collapse; to tear
    ta nit se ne bo pretrgala this thread will not break (ali snap)
  • véder serene; cloudless; clear; (vesel) cheerful, merry

    kot blisk z védrega neba like a bolt from the blue
    védra starost serene old age
    védro vreme serene (ali fair) weather
    véder dan bright day
    pod védrim nebom (taborjenje, prenočevanje) in bivouac, (v šotoru) under canvas
Število zadetkov: 7