
Zadetki iskanja

  • blížati se to approach; to come up, to come near, to draw near; to near

    delo se bliža koncu (zaključku) work is nearing completion
    božič se bliža Christmas is approaching, Christmas isn't far off
    zima se bliža winter is approaching
    bližali smo se mestu z juga we approached the town from the south
    predstava se je bližala kraju the performance was drawing to a close
  • kônec end; finish; termination; completion, conclusion, close; (iztek) expiration; (prenehanje) cessation; (razpust) break-up; (posledica) issue, result

    brez kônca endless
    na kôncu finally, in the end, at the end
    do kônca to the end, to the last
    do kônca 19. stol. up to the end of the 19th century
    proti kôncu towards the end
    do samega kônca (= do smrti) up to the bitter end, to the very end
    konec koncev finally, at long last, in the long run
    kônec tega meseca at the end of the present month
    kônec svetá the end of the world
    na drugem kônu at the far end
    biti pri, na kônu to be at an end
    z njim je kônec (izgubljen je) he is done for, it is all over (ali up) with him, arhaično he is undone
    imeti slab kônec to come to a bad end
    vsega je enkrat kônec there is an end to every thing
    njegovi nevednosti ni kônca there is no end to his ignorance
    bližati se kôncu to draw to an end (ali to a close)
    poslušaj me do kônca! hear me out!
    priti do kônca to come to an end
    privesti do kônca to bring to an end
    napraviti kônec s kom (pokončati ga) to make an end of someone
    imeti na kôncu jezika (figurativno) to have (something) on the tip of one's tongue
    temu boš moral napraviti kônec (pogovorno) you will have to put your foot down on that
    napraviti čemu kônec to put an end to something
    to pride konec koncev na isto it comes to the same thing in the end
    ni še videti kônca the end is not yet in sight
    začeti na napačnem kôncu pogovorno to get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    kônec dober, vse dobro all's well that ends well
Število zadetkov: 2