
Zadetki iskanja

  • biljárd billiards pl (s konstr. v sg); (s 15 rdečimi in 6 raznobarvnimi kroglami) VB snooker; (s 15 numeriranimi kroglami) ZDA pool

    igrati biljárd to play (at) billiards
    igrati partijo biljárda to have a game of billiards
  • míza table

    čajna míza tea table
    delovna míza worktable
    míza za kartanje card table
    nočna míza nightstand, bedside table
    okrogla míza round table
    pisalna míza writing desk, writing table
    toaletna míza dressing table, dresser
    jedilna míza dinner table
    raztezna míza extending table, pull-out table
    prodajna míza counter
    operacijska míza operating table
    raztegljiva míza sliding table, telescope table
    míza za biljard billiard table, snooker table
    zložljiva míza folding table
    kuhinjska míza kitchen table
    krilo za podaljšanje míze table-leaf, map
    sosed pri mízi neighbour at table
    užitki pri mízi (jedi) the pleasures pl of the table
    od míze in postelje pravo from bed and board
    ločitev od míze in postelje pravo divorce, judicial separation
    biti pri mízi (obedu) to be at the table
    pogrniti mízo to lay (ali to set) the table, to lay the cloth
    pospraviti mízo to clear the table, to take the things off the table
    sesti k mízi to sit down to table
    sesti na čelo míze to take the head of the table
    streči pri mízi to wait at (ali on) table
    udariti po mízi to pound the table
  • podóben resembling, similar, alike, like

    podóben kot jajce jajcu as like as two peas
    na podóben način likewise, in like manner
    podóbni trikotniki similar triangles pl
    bolj podóben bogu kot človeku more like to god than man
    podóbna sta si they are cast in the same mould
    biti podóben to be alike, to look like, to resemble, to bear a likeness (ali resemblance) (komu to someone)
    podóbna vsota a similar sum, a like amount
    biti komu zelo podóben to bear (ali to have) a strong resemblance to someone
    fant je podóben očetu the boy takes after his father
    podóben ti je kot jajce jajcu he is the dead spit and image of you
    niti najmanj si nista podóbna there is not the slightest resemblance between them
    to mu ni prav nič podóbno that is very unlike him
    to je (čisto) njemu podóbno that is just like him
    portret je čisto podóben originalu (osebi) the portrait is a speaking likeness
    in (ali) podóbno and (or) suchlike, and (or) the like
    briga se le za (mar so mu le) karte, biljard in podóbno he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike
Število zadetkov: 3