
Zadetki iskanja

  • begún

    vojaški begún deserter
  • kómaj scarcely; hardly

    kómaj..., že... (ko...) no sooner... than
    kómaj kaj scarcely anything
    kómaj kdaj hardly ever
    kómaj kdo hardly anyone
    kómaj 20 let je star he is only just (ali scarcely) twenty
    kómaj ga poznam I scarcely know him
    kómaj (da) si upam I hardly dare
    kómaj je ušel (za las je ušel) he had a narrow escape, he had a narrow squeak
    to moreš kómaj (skoraj ne moreš) pričakovati you can hardly expect that
    kómaj je mogel govoriti he was hardly able to speak
    kómaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes
    kómaj še, da je bil vljuden he was barely polite
    kómaj smo (še) ujeli vlak we only just caught the train
    imam kómaj še dovolj volne, da spletem par nogavic I have only just enough wool left to knit a pair of socks
    kómaj je spregovoril, ko... he had scarcely spoken when...
    kómaj sem začel brati, že je stopil oče v sobo no sooner had I begun to read than my father entered the room
  • snémanje taking down, reaching down; (s kljuke) unhooking; fotografija taking photographs (ali snapshots, pogovorno snaps), film shooting, filming

    začne se snémanje filma shooting has begun, they have started to shoot (the film)
    snémanje filma je v teku they are (now) shooting (the film)
    snémanje s križa religija the Deposition (ali Descent) from the Cross
  • začétek beginning; start; commencement; outset; origin; (pisma) opening

    v začétku at (ali in) the beginning, initially, first, at the outset
    od vsega začétka, od samega začétka from the very beginning, from the start
    od začétka do konca from beginning to end, from start to finish, from first to last
    za začétek for the present, to begin with
    začétek in konec (figurativno) alpha and omega
    dober začétek v življenju a good start in life
    skromen začétek (figurativno) the thin end of the wedge
    slab začétek, slab konec a bad beginning makes a bad ending
    dober začétek je že pol zmage a good start (ali beginning) is half the battle, well begun is half done
    to je začétek konca it is the beginning of the end
    vsak začétek je težak the beginning is always hard, it is always hard to make a start
    dober začétek je že pol opravljenega dela (figurativno) a good lather is half the shave
Število zadetkov: 4