
Zadetki iskanja

  • bežáti to flee; to run away, to fly; to take to flight, to make one's escape

    bežáti pred (izogibati se) to avoid, to shun, (knjižno) to flee from
    kako čas beži! how time flies!
    bežal je, kar so ga noge nesle he ran as fast as his legs could carry him
    sovražnik je bežal v popolnem neredu the enemy was fleeing in a panic
    Beži(te) (pojdite no!) be off with you!
  • pravíca right; justice; equity; title (do, na, za to), claim (do to)

    po pravíci rightly, justly, with (good) reason, in justice, in equity
    po pravíci ali po krivici rightly or wrongly
    vse pravíce pridržane all rights reserved
    osnovne človeške pravíce basic human rights pl
    domovinska pravíca right of domicile (ali of citizenship)
    glasovalna pravíca right to vote
    literarna pravíca copyright
    lastninska pravíca right of possession, ownership, proprietorship
    splošna volilna pravíca universal suffrage, franchise
    aktivna volilna pravíca right to vote, the elective franchise
    pasivna volilna pravíca eligibility
    pravíca pesti, sile club law
    pravíca preiskave right of search
    pravíca odpovedi right of notice
    pravíce in dolžnosti rights and duties
    bežati pred roko pravíce to flee from justice
    boriti se za pravíco to fight for justice
    pravíci je bilo zadoščeno justice was done
    sila je močnejša kot pravíca might makes right, might is (above) right
    imeti pravíco do... to have a right to..., to be entitled to...
    nimaš pravíce do tega you have no right (ali title) to it
    imam pravíco zvedeti vso resnico I have a right to know the full truth
    enake pravíce imeti to have equal rights
    krojiti pravíco to administer justice
    sam si krojiti pravíco to take the law into one's own hands
    kratiti komu njegove pravíce to encroach upon someone's rights
    da po pravíci povem, po pravíci rečeno to be quite frank; honestly speaing
    odreči se svojim pravícam to waive one's rights
    pridobiti si pravíco (do) to acquire the right (to)
    priti do svoje pravíce to obtain justice
    storil sem to z vso pravíco I had a perfect right to do it, I was entitled to do it
    uveljaviti svoje pravíce to prove one's rights
    s kakšno pravíco vstopate? what right have you to enter
    vztrajati pri svojih pravícah, ne odstopiti od svojih pravic to stick up for (ali to hold out for) one's rights
    imeti pravíco na svoji strani to be in the right; to have right on one's side
  • zájec zoologija hare; ZDA (kunec) rabbit; figurativno (bojazljivec) coward

    zájec samec male hare, ZDA buck rabbit
    zájec za sezuvanje bootjack
    boječ, plah kot zájec chickenhearted
    lov na zájce hare hunt, hare hunting
    teči, bežati kot zájec to run like a hare
    ploditi se, množiti se kot zájci (kunci) to breed like rabbits
    v tem grmu tiči zájec (figurativno, tu je težava ipd.) there's the rub, that is the crux of the matter, there lies the difficulty, that's where the shoe pinches
Število zadetkov: 3