
Zadetki iskanja

  • bórba fight; fighting; struggle; strife; contest; (tekmovanje) competition

    po ostri bórbi after sharp fighting
    bórba moža proti možu hand-to-hand fighting
    bórba na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle
    bórba na nož skin-game, fight to the finish
    bórba za obstanek, za življenje struggle for life (ali for existence)
    surova bórba a rough-and-tumble
    volilna bórba election campaign
    vroča bórba a ding-dong fight
    izločiti iz bórbe to put someone out of action; to knock someone out
    pasti v bórbi to be killed in action
    začeti bórbo to start a fight
  • eksisténca existence; being; life

    bedna eksisténca a wretched existence
    borba za eksisténca struggle for existence
    najti eksisténco to find one's livelihood
  • komentár comment, commentary

    današnji komentár v Borbi comment in today's Borba
  • móž man, pl men

    velik (visok) móž a tall man, (figurativno) a great man; (soprog) husband
    kot en móž (enoglasno) as one man
    móž proti móžu (bližinski) hand-tohand
    borba móža proti móžu hand-to-hand struggle
    slamnati móž (figura, statist) man of straw, dummy
    divji móž wild man of the woods
    povodni móž water sprite
    do zadnjega móža (= vsi) to the last man, (all) to a man
    padli so (v boju) do zadnjega móža they perished to a man
    pravi móž na pravem mestu the right man in the right job (ali place)
    vsi možje brez izjeme every man jack
    priti, naleteti na pravega móža to come to the right man
    biti le pol móža (figurativno) to be only a half man
    izkazati se za móža to play the man, (ne se ustrašiti) to stand up to it like a man
    dvigniti se kot en móž to rise like one man
    pokaži, da si móž! show yourself a man!, show us what you're made of!
    govorita kot móž móžu! let us have a man-to-man talk!
    biti móž beseda to keep one's word, to be a man of one's word
    on je móž beseda he is a man of his word
    ladja se je potopila z vsemi móžmí na krovu the ship went down (ali sank) with all hands
    móž jo tepe, kadar je pijan her husband (ali man) beats her when he is drunk
  • oblást (uradna) authority, (sodna) jurisdiction; (moč) power, might; the powers that be; (absolutna) absolutism, despotism; (najvišja) sovereignty; (gospostvo) dominion, rule, sway

    na oblásti in power
    ki ima oblást put in charge (of), set in authority
    civilna in vojaška oblást civil and military authorities
    državna oblást state authority
    neomejena oblást absolute power
    posvetna oblást secular arm
    tuja oblást alien rule
    zakonodajna oblást legislative power
    borba za oblást struggle for power
    oblást nad samim seboj self-possession
    prevzem oblásti assumption (ali seizure) of power
    prisvojitev oblásti usurpation of power
    pohlep po oblásti greed for power
    biti na oblásti to be in power
    biti v oblásti koga to be in someone's power
    vsa oblást je v rokah ljudstva all power is vested in the people (izvira iz oblásti all power derives from the people)
    imeti oblást to be in authority, to carry authority
    imeti v oblásti to have command of, to be master of
    ne imeti oblásti to be without authority
    imeti se v oblásti to have self-control, to be master of oneself, to be in control (ali command) of one's feelings
    to ni v moji oblásti that's beyond my power
    ni v moji oblásti, da... it is not in my power to...
    imeti koga v oblásti to have someone in one's power
    izgubil je oblást nad seboj he lost his self-control
    ivajati oblást nad to exercise (ali to wield) power (ali authority) over
    polastiti se oblásti to seize power
    prevzeti oblást to assume (ali to take over) power
    priti na oblást to come to power
    priti pod pristojnost sodne oblásti to come under the jurisdiction (of)
  • pést fist

    polna pést a handful, a fistful
    stisnjena pést clenched (ali closed) fist
    na lastno pést (figurativno) on one's own account, on one's own
    udarec s pestjo punch, žargon fourpenny one
    pravica, pravo pésti club law, fist law
    boriti, tepsti se s péstjó to brawl, to have a punch-up (ali fistfight)
    groziti s péstjó to shake one's fist at someone
    imeti koga v pésti (figurativno) to have someone in the hollow of one's hand
    udariti po mizi s péstjó to bring one's fist down heavily on the table
    v pést se smejati to laugh inwardly, to laugh up one's sleeve
    dobil sem ga v pést (figurativno) I have got him into my clutches
    iti (naprej) na lastno pést to go (ahead) on one's own
    bíti, udariti s péstjó to punch, to strike with one's fist, to fist
    udariti koga s péstjo to give someone a punch
    borba, pretep s péstmi punch-up, fistfight, humoristično bout of fisticuffs
    stisniti pésti to clench one's fists
  • podobočástje worship of images; iconolatry

    borba proti podobočástju iconomachy
  • življênje life; living; existence; being; subsistence

    brez življênja lifeless; inanimate, inactive
    v cvetu življênja in the prime of life
    za vse življênje for life, for one's lifetime
    v vsakdanjem življênju in everyday life
    v vsem mojem življênju in all my born days
    (skozi) vse moje življênje all my life (ali lifetime)
    pasje življênje dog's life
    vojaško življênje army (ali military) life
    enolično življênje humdrum existence
    sit življênja sick of life, pogovorno fed up, žargon browned off
    posmrtno življênje afterlife
    golo življênje bare existence
    bedno življênje wretched life
    dolgo življênje longevity
    družbeno življênje social life
    razvratno življênje dissolute (ali depraved) life, dissipation
    udobno življênje easy life
    borba za življênje struggle for life
    način življênja way (ali manner) of life, ways pl, conduct
    aktivno življênje active (ali busy) life
    brezdelno življênje idle life
    denar ali življênje! stand and deliver!
    boj na življênje in smrt life-and-death struggle, mortal combat
    le enkrat v življênju only once in a lifetime
    takšno je (pač) življênje! such is life!
    dokler je življênje, je upanje while there is life, there is hope
    življênje ni samo zabava, ni praznik life is not all beer and skittles
    dati (svoje) življênje za domovino to lay down one's life for one's country
    imeti žilavo življênje to have nine lives
    imeti komaj dovolj za življênje to have barely enough to live on
    gre za življênje ali smrt it is a matter of life and death
    gre za moje življênje my life is at stake
    izgubiti življênje to lose one's life
    deset oseb je izgubilo življênje ten persons lost their lives
    ostati pri življênju to remain alive, to survive, to keep body and soul together
    nihati, viseti med življênjem in smrtjo to be hovering between life and death
    njeno življênje visi na nitki her life is hanging on a thread
    rešiti si življênje to save one's life
    ne poznaš še dosti življênja you haven't yet seen much of life
    podariti sovražniku življênje to spare an enemy, to spare an enemy's life
    prositi za (svoje) življênje to beg for one's life
    obuditi koga k življênju to revive someone
    staviti na kocko svoje življênje to take one's life in one's hands
    enako vzeti dobro in slabo v življênju to take the rough with the smooth
    spremeniti svoje življênje to change one's way of living
    poklicati kaj v življênje (figurativno) to start something, to initiate something, to call something into being
    stopiti v življênje to come into being, to enter the world
    streči komu po življênju to make an attempt on someone's life, to seek someone's life
    tvegati svoje življênje to risk one's life, to dice with death
    umakniti se izjavnega življênja to withdraw from (ali to give up) public life
    uspeti v življênju to make one's way in the world, to rise in the world
    vzeti si življênje (napraviti samomor) to take one's own life
    življênje si je vzel he made away with himself, he committed suicide, he took his own life
    zaslužiti ravno za (golo) življênje to earn just enough to live on, to earn a bare living, to make just enough to get by (ali to rub along)
    imam dovolj do konca (svojega) življênja I have enough to last me for life
    ne zasluži dovolj za življênje he doesn't make enough to keep body and soul together
    začeti novo življênje to start a new life, (figurativno) to turn over a new leaf
    živeti dvojno življênje to lead a double life
    živeti enolično življênje to lead a humdrum existence
    zagreniti komu življênje to embitter someone's life
    živeti žalostno življênje to live a miserable life
    živeti veseljaško, uživaško, razburljivo življênje (žargon, figurativno) to burn the candle at both ends
    žrtvovati svoje življênje to sacrifice one's life
Število zadetkov: 8