Zadetki iskanja
- báhati se to boast (z of, about); to pride oneself (on, upon); to brag (of, about, with); to flaunt
- junáčiti to encourage; to embolden; to inspire courage, to put someone upon his mettle
junáčiti se to take heart, to pluck up courage, to screw up one's courage, to summon up one's courage, to show fight; (bahati se) to boast, to brag, to bluster, to swagger - postáviti to raise, to erect (spomenik, stavbo a monument, a building); to set (up); to put (up), to place, to stand
postáviti za (imenovati) to nominate, to appoint
postáviti cene to fix (ali to quote) prices
postáviti komisijo to set up a commission
postáviti si hišo to build a house
postáviti mrežo to set (ali to spread) a net
postáviti past (zasedo) to set a trap (an ambush)
postáviti zanko to lay a snare
postáviti v vrsto to range, to draw up
postáviti šotor to pitch a tent
postáviti termin to fix a time (ali date), to appoint a day (ali time)
kam bomo postavili klavir? here shall we put the piano?
pred vrata so mu postavili miličnika they have posted a policeman at (ali in front of) his door
postavil ga je za svojega dediča he has appointed him his heir
postavili so ga za predsednika they nominated him president
postáviti ob stran (odložiti) to shelve
postavimo (recimo), da ne pride suppose he doesn't come
postáviti na preizkušnjo to put to the test
postáviti se (namestiti se) to place oneself, to take up one's post (ali position)
postáviti se v bran, po robu to make one's stand, to make a stand (against), to stand at bay, to show fight
postáviti se z (bahati se z) to pride oneself on, to boast of
postáviti se v špalir to form a line, to line up
postáviti se na glavo to stand on one's head
tudi če se na glavo postaviš (figurativno) in spite of anything you may do
postáviti vse na glavo to leave everything topsy-turvy, to turn everything upside down
postáviti se komu ob stran to side with someone
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Število zadetkov: 3