argumént argument (za, proti for, against)
močan argumént a forceful ali powerful argument
prepričljiv argumént a convincing ali cogent argument
končen, neovrgljiv argumént a conclusive, irrefutable argument
navesti nespodbiten argumént to clinch an argument
podpreti argumént to buttress up an argument
Zadetki iskanja
- utemeljítev argument, argumentation; reason, proof, reasoning; (ustanovitev) establishment, foundation
- prótiargumént counterargument, contrary argument, argument to the contrary
- dokáz proof; (a piece of) evidence; demonstration; token
nasproten dokáz (protidokaz) proof to the contrary
zgovoren dokáz eloquent proof
živ dokáz living proof
jasen, nedvoumen dokáz positive proof
v dokáz in proof of; as evidence of
prepričljiv dokáz conclusive evidence
dokáz na podlagi dokumentov documentary evidence
kot dokáz (znak) najinega prijateljstva as a token of our friendship
dokázi niso zadostni the proofs are not sufficient
(do)prinesti dokáz o čem to bear witness to something
navesti nepobiten dokáz to clinch an argument
nuditi dokáze to prove, to adduce proofs
veljati kot dokáz pravo to be valid evidence
zaradi pomanjkanja dokázov for lack of evidence
oprostiti koga zaradi pomanjkljivih dokázov to give someone the benefit of the doubt - izgôvor pronunciation, articulation, accent; (opravičilo) excuse, (pretveza) pretext, plea, pogovorno get-out, let-out
kot izgôvor (za, da...) on (ali under) the pretext (of, that...)
slab izgôvor a poor excuse
prazen (puhel) izgôvor a shallow argument, a lame excuse
imeti tuj izgôvor (izgovarjavo) to have a foreign accent
za to ni nobenega izgôvora it admits of no excuse - izvíti to wrench (from), to wrest from
(s silo) sem mu izvil nož iz roke I wrenched the knife from his hand
izvíti se iz to disengage oneself from
iz trte izvit dokaz a far-fetched argument
izvíti si roko to sprain one's wrist, to dislocate one's arm
spretno se izvíti iz zadrege to get oneself out of a predicament very neatly - nepobíten incontestable; irrefutable; incontrovertible
nepobíten dokaz a sledgehammer argument - prepírati se to quarrel; to have a row (s kom with someone); to dispute (o on, about); to wrangle; to have words (s kom with someone); to squabble (s kom o čem with someone about something); (pričkati se) to bicker
prepírati se s kom za kaj to contend with someone for something
prepírati se za prazen nič to argue about trifles
o tem se ne bomo prepirali that admits of no argument - prepričljív persuasive; conclusive, cogent; convincing
prepričljív argument cogent argument
prepričljívo prislov convincingly - téhten weighty; cogent; (utemeljen) well-founded
téhten argument a substantial argument
téhten razlog a weighty (ali cogent) reason
téhten vzrok good reason, convincing motive
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Število zadetkov: 10