angléški English, (uradno) British, (v sestavljenkah) Anglo-
angléška bolezen rickets pl (s konstr. v sg), rachitis
angléški obliž sticking plaster
angléške ekspedicijske čete zgodovina the British Expeditionary Force (krajšava: B.E.F.)
angléška izdelava, angléšk proizvod British made
angléški ključ adjustable spanner, monkey wrench
angléška jezikovna posebnost anglicism, ZDA briticism
angléški valček English waltz, slow waltz, valeta
govoriti angléško to speak English
po angléško in the English way; anglice
Zadetki iskanja
- kakó how; in what way
kakó to? how so?
kakó lepó! how beautiful!
kakó daleč? how far?
kakó to, da... how comes it that..., how come that...
kakó vraga... how the deuce..., how the devil..., how the dickens...?
kakó, prosim? I beg your pardon, pogovorno pardon?; what was that?, what did you say?
kakó se počutiš? how do you feel?
kakó stara je? how old is she?
kakó dolgo ste že v Ljubljani? how long have you been in Ljubljana?
kakó je z vstopnicami? what about the tickets?
kakó lepo jutro! what a lovely morning!
kakó sem vesel, da te vidim! how pleased I am to see you!
kakó je nesrečna! how unhappy she is!
kakó mu je ime? what is his name?
kakó imenujete to (rečete temu) po angleško (v angleščini)? what do you call this in English?
kakó to, da si še vedno tu? how is it you're still here?
ne razumem, kakó je to možno I do not understand how this can be
nihče ne ve kakó mu je uspelo no one knows how he has done
kakó vendar... how on earth...
pa še kakó! and how
Se lahko poslužim vašega telefona? - Kako, da ne! May I use your telephone? - Why, yes! of course! - kraljéstvo kingdom; realm
angleško kraljéstvo the kingdom (ali the realm) of England
Združeno kraljéstvo (Vel. Britanija in sev. Irska) the United Kingdom
kraljéstvo sanj the realm of dreams - lahkóta facility; easiness; ease
z lahkóto with ease
z lahkóto govoriti angleško to speak English fluently - ne (kot samostoina nikalnica) no; nay; (navadno pri glagolu) not (npr. nisem I am not)
ne malo not a little
nikakor ne not at all, by no means
gotovo ne! certainly not
še ne not yet
ne več no more, (časovno) no longer
jaz tudi ne (strinjajoč se z nikalnim stavkom) (that goes for) me too!
ne manj kot... no less than...
ne samó... temveč tudi... not only... but also...
kaj ne? isn't it?
mislim, da ne I think not
ne... ne... neither... nor...
če ne if not, unless
če ne vidim pisma, ne verjamem unless I see (ali if I don't see) the letter I shall not believe it
ne da bi jaz vedel not that I know of
odgovoriti da ali ne to answer yea or nay
ne, kaj takega! well I never
reči, odgovoriti ne to answer in the negative, to decline, to refuse
ne morem, da ne bi (rekel) I must (say), I can't help (saying)
Je oče bolan? - Upam, da ne. I Father ill? - I hope not.
on ne govori angleško, jaz tudi ne he does not speak English, nor do I - ôkno window
izložbeno ôkno shopwindow, display window
ôkno na krila casement window
strešno ôkno dormer window; garret window
ôkno na palubi skylight
poslikano ôkno stained-glass window
vzdižno (angleško, na smuk) ôkno sash window
slepo ôkno blind window
ôkno gleda na ulico the window looks out on (to) the street
s tega ôkna je lep razgled there is a fine view from this window, this window commands a fine view
gledati skoz ôkno to look out of the window
odpreti (zapreti) ôkno to open (to shut, to close) the window
zadajšnje ôkno v avtu rear window - slabó prislov badly, ill, unwell; weakly, poorly
slabó hranjen undernourished
slabó mi je I feel sick
z njim je slabó he is badly off (ali hard up), things go very ill with him
slabó govorim angleško I can't speak English very well, my English is rather weak
on je slabó plačan he is underpaid
posli gredó slabó business is bad
slabó govoriti o kom to speak ill of someone
slabó se je izkazal, obnesel he cut a poor (ali sorry) figure
slabó se je končalo it turned out badly, pogovorno it came unstuck
slabó se počutim I feel unwell
slabó mi je postalo ob tem pogledu I felt sick at the sight (of it)
on slabó sliši he is hard of hearing
ona slabó vidi she has poor sight
moj brat se slabó uči my brother is a poor scholar
slabó se obnášati, se vesti to behave badly
slabó ravnati s kom to ill-treat someone - tekóč running; flowing; fluent; streaming; current; liquid
tekóča (rutinska) dela routine work
tekóče leto current year
tekóči mesec current month
tekóča pravda pending suit
tekóči izdatki current expenses pl, ZDA operating costs pl
tekóči račun current account
tekóči posli, tekóče zadeve current business, pending affairs pl
tekóča številka serial number, consecutive number
tekóči trak conveyor belt
tekóča voda running water
v tekóčem letu during the current year
biti na tekóčem to be up-to-date
nisem na tekóčem (pogovorno) I am not in the swim
biti stalno na tekóčem to be constantly well-informed, to be well up (with things)
držati koga na tekóčem to keep someone posted (o on), to keep someone up-to-date (with the news)
ostati na tekóčem to keep up with, to keep oneself well-informed
tekóče govoriti angleško to speak English fluently
ne biti več na tekóčem o, gledé to be out of touch, to be out of the swim regarding - túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition
ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
túdi tu here too
túdi ne nor, neither
lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too - znáti to know
znáti na pamet to know by heart
dobro znáti kaj to be A1 at something
ne znam angleško I cannot speak English, I do not know English
znate francosko? do you know French?
znaš igrati šah? can you play chess?
on misli, da vse zna he thinks he knows everything
on zna brati grško he can read Greek
znaš dobro današnjo lekcijo? do you know your lesson for today well?
tega si ne znam razložiti I don't know what to make of it (ali of this)
zelo dobro znáti lekcijo to have the lesson at one's fingertips
ona zna vsaj (najmanj) 5 jezikov she knows at least five languages
znáti (spoznati se na) svoj posel to know one's own business, (žargon) to know one's onions, (pogovorno) to know the ropes, to know what's what
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Število zadetkov: 10