
Zadetki iskanja

  • abortírati to procure an abortion; to abort, to miscarry
  • akadémik (član akademije) academician; fellow of an academy; (visokošolec) university student, undergraduate, university graduate

    redni (dopisni, zunanji) akadémik regular (corresponding, nonresident) member of an academy
  • aludírati to allude (na to); to make an allusion (na to)
  • amnestírati to amnesty; to grant an amnesty (koga to someone)

    biti amnestiran to be amnestied
  • anestezírati to anaesthetize; to give (ali to administer) an anaesthetic
  • ankéten connected with an inquiry; of an inquiry

    ankétna pola questionnaire
  • apelírati to appeal (na to), to make an appeal

    apeliram na Vašo plemenitost I make an appeal to your generosity
  • arhimandrít archimandrite; abbot ali superior of an Orthodox monastery
  • bábji of (ali belonging to) an old woman; oldwomanish; like a(n old) woman

    bábje leto Indian (arhaično St. Luke's ali St. Martin's) summer; gossamer; fine days in autumn
    bábje pšeno sleet
    bábje čenče trash, old wives' tale, nonsensical talk
    bábje čenče! stuff and nonsense!
  • belják white of an egg; glair

    namazati z beljákom to brush with white of egg
    z beljákom namazan brushed with white of egg, glazed
  • brezbóžnež -nik atheist; an impious (ali a godless ali an ungodly) person; unbeliever, disbeliever
  • brezímnež brezímnik an anonymous person
  • carovánje rule (ali reign) of an emperor
  • carováti to rule (to reign) as an emperor
  • cesárski imperial; (starorimski) imperatorial; of an emperor, belonging to an emperor

    cesárska krona imperial crown
    Njeg. cesársko Veličanstvo His Imperial Majesty
    cesársk rez medicina caesarean (ZDA cesarean) section (ali operation)
  • cíkati (namigovati) to hint (na at); to allude, to make an allusion (na to)

    ne vem, na kaj cikate I don't know what you're getting (ali driving) at
    vino cika the wine tastes sour
  • čudák a queer (ali eccentric) person; an odd fellow (ali character); a queer fish; an original; oddity; fog(e)y; žargon a queer (ali rum) customer

    star čudák an old codger
    biti čudák to have a bee in one's bonnet, to be a queer fish (ali a queer bird)
    ti si čudák! you are a one!
  • delováti to act; to operate; to work; to do; to be in operation; to take an active part in, to function; (stroj) to play, to run, to work

    ne delováti (stroj ipd.) to be out of order; (vplivati) to influence
    nazaj delováti to be retroactive
    delováti na (imeti učinek) to act upon, to take effect, to tell; (prizadeti) to affect
    uspeš no delováti to be efficient, to be efficacious
    dvigalo ne deluje the lift is out of order
    stroj deluje the machine is working (ali running)
    to zdravilo ni delovalo this medicine has had no effect (ali did not work)
    to zdravilo deluje pomirjevalno this medicine has a soothing effect
  • desetíca matematika ten; the number ten, the figure ten; (novec) ZDA dime; zgodovina an Austrian coin worth ten kreuzers
  • dogotovíti to finish; to bring to an end; to complete
Število zadetkov: 906