
Zadetki iskanja

  • eksaltácija exaltation

    eksaltácija sv. križa religija veneration of the Cross
  • Frančíšek Francis

    sv. Frančíšek religija St. Francis
  • Gral

    sv. Gral religija the Holy Grail
  • králj king (tudi pri šahu, kartah)

    králj živali (= lev) king of beasts
    sveti trije králji religija Three Kings, Three Wise Men; Three Magi
    sv. trije králji (praznik) Twelfth Day, Epiphany, feast of the Epiphany, (večer) twelfth Night
    kolač na dan sv. treh králjev twelfth-cake
    igrati králja to king it, to act the king
    izvoliti za králja to elect a king, to elect someone king
    umor, morilec králja regicide
    králj Jurij King George
  • Miklávž Nicholas; religija

    sv. Miklávž Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas
    Miklávžev večer St. Nicholas' Eve (5th December)
  • nikóli never

    skoraj nikóli hardly ever
    ob sv. Nikoli (figurativno) when pigs fly; when two Sundays come together; on the Greek Calends; on latter Lammas
    bolje pozno kot nikóli better late than never
  • réšnji religija

    sv. réšnje telo (praznik) the feast of Corpus Christi
  • stolíca chair; stool; medicina motion, stool

    profesorska stolíca (na univerzi) chair, professorship; lectureship
    stolíca za narodno zgodovino chair of National History
    sv. stolíca the Holy See
    že 3 dni nima stolíce medicina he has not had a motion for 3 days
    iti na stolíco medicina to have a motion
  • svét -a, -o holy; sacred; (svetnik) saint

    svét, -a, -oa aliansa zgodovina Holy Alliance
    svét, -a, -oo pismo (biblija) the Bible, the Scriptures pl, the Book, the Good Book, Holy Writ
    svét, -a, -oa dežela the Holy Land
    svét, -a, -oi oče (papež) the Holy Father
    svét, -a, -oo olje religija chrism, holy oil
    svét, -a, -oa trojica religija the Holy Trinity
    Vsi Sveti religija, 1. november All Saints' Day, All Hallows' Day, Allhallows, Hallowmas
    svét, -a, -oi večer religija Christmas Eve
    sv. Vida ples (vidovica) medicina Saint Vitus's dance
    najsvetejše religija figurativno holy of holies
    proglašen za svét, -a, -oega religija canonized
    moja svét, -a, -oa dolžnost je, da to storim it's my sacred (ali my bounden) duty to do it
  • tríje three

    ob treh at 3 o'clock
    sv. Trije kralji religija (praznik) (the feast of) the Epiphany, Twelfth Night
    sv. trije kralji the Three Wise Men, the Three Kings, the Magi
  • trojíca three persons pl

    sv. Trojica religija Holy Trinity
  • zgódba story; tale

    zgódbe pl za otroke tales pl (ali stories pl) for children
    zgódba o Carusu the Caruso story
    smešna, zabavna zgódba funny story
    spolzka zgódba risqué story
    toda to je (že) druga zgódba but that is another story
    kup zgódb pripovedujejo o njem there are lots of stories told about him
    vedno ista zgódba always the same old story
    zgódbe sv. pisma religija Holy Scripture, Bible
    njegova zgódba je bila zelo žalostna his was a very sad story
    zgódbe ni bilo ne konca ne kraja, zgódba se je vlekla brez konca in kraja the story dragged on
Število zadetkov: 12