
Zadetki iskanja

  • pa and; but, however

    pa četudi (al)though, even though
    pa tudi (celó) če even if...
    pa dobro well then
    pa vendar (and) yet, still, nevertheless, but yet, for all that, notwithstanding
    pa naj bo! then let it be!
    kaj pa je? what is the matter (here)?
    pa kaj zato (potem)? what of it?, so what?
    moj oče pa moja mati my father and my mother
    pa to je jasno! why, that is clear!
    tako pravijo, pa jaz tega ne verjamem so they say, but I (myself) do not believe it
    on lahkó to stori, pa vem, da ne bo he can do it, but I know he will not
    prosili smo ga, on pa tega ni hotel storiti we asked him, but he would not do it
    pa tudi če bi tako bilo... even so...
  • ôče father; pogovorno papa, pa, governor, pater

    cerkveni ôčetje Fathers pl of the Church
    brez ôčeta fatherless
    krušni ôče foster father, fosterer
    stari ôče grandfather
    očetje (predniki) fathers pl, pesniško sires pl
    on je čisto kot ôče he is a chip off the old block
    vreči se po ôčetu to take after one's father
    on je izrezan ôče (figurativno) he is the very spit and image (ali spitting image, exact likeness) of his father
    kakor ôče, tako sin like father, like son
  • ámen amen

    in ámen, pa ámen amen that's that
    reči ámen k (odobriti) to say amen to
  • balansírati to balance; to poise (oneself)

    kaj pa balansiraš? why can't you decide?
  • bédast stupid, silly, foolish; simple, idiotic ZDA pogovorno dumb; soft-headed; dull; brainless; ridiculous

    nisem tako bédast! I know better!
    tako bédast pa nisem I am not such a fool
    bédast kot noč as stupid as a donkey, as thick as a plank
    bilo je bédasto od mene it was very stupid of me
    ta bédasti natakar that fool of a waiter
  • bóg God; the Lord; deity

    o bóg! dear me!
    moj bóg! good Heavens!, good Lord!
    daj bóg God grant!, would to God!; I wish to goodness!, I wish to God!
    bóg ne daj!, bóg obvaruj! God forbid!, zastarelo God forfend!; touch wood!
    bóg z Vami! God speed you!
    zbogom! goodbye, farewell!
    bógu podoben godlike
    vsemogočni bóg God Almighty
    bógu vdan devout, pious
    tako mi bóg pomagaj! so help me God!
    (bil je) prizor za bógove (it was) a sight for sore eyes
    to je kot od bóga poslano it's a godsend
    bóg (si ga) vedi God knows, I don't
    bogve arhaično God wot
    bogve zakaj goodness (ali God) knows why
    bogve, kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    če bóg da please God, God willing
    moj bóg, kaj pa delate? for God's sake, what are you doing?
    stati kot lipov bóg (figurativno) to stand like a graven image; to stand stock-still
    človek obrača, bóg pa obrne man proposes, God disposes; God commands, man obeys
    bóg je najprej sebi brado ustvaril charity begins at home
  • člôvek man, pl men; human being; fellow, individual, person

    člôvek (božji)! (vzklik nestrpnosti) man (alive)!
    čuden člôvek a queer (ali an odd) fellow
    nepomemben člôvek nonentity
    odrasel člôvek grown-up person, adult
    noben člôvek nobody, not a soul
    navaden, poprečen člôvek the man in the street, the average person
    vsak člôvek everybody, everyone
    poslovni člôvek man of business
    on je prijeten člôvek he is a pleasant fellow
    on je najboljši člôvek na svetu he is the best man alive; there is no better man alive (than he)
    člôvek za vsak posel, za vse jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-of-all-trades
    člôvek u podoben man-like; anthropoid
    kakšen člôvek pa je on? what kind of person is he?, what sort of fellow is he?
    on je tudi samó člôvek he is only human
    Vi ste člôvek, ki ga hočem, potrebujem you are the man I want
    kaj naj si člôvek misli o njem? what should one think of him?
    kaj drugega bi člôvek mogel reči v tem primeru? what else could a man say in this case?
    člôvek obrača, bog pa obrne man proposes, God disposes
    člôvek na slabem glasu a bad egg (ali hat, lot)
  • dóber good; benevolent; kind (do to)

    v dóbri veri in good faith
    tri dóbre metre a good three metres
    v dobrem in slabem arhaično in weal and woe
    v dobrem razpoloženju in good spirits
    dóbre pol ure a full half-hour
    preveč dobrega too much of a good thing
    dóbra gospodinja a thrifty housewife
    dóbra ura hoje a good hour's walk
    dóbra prodaja a ready sale
    dóber sluh a quick ear
    dóber spomin retentive memory
    dóbra volja good humour, good temper
    dóber vid keen (ali quick) sight
    dóbro znanje fair knowledge
    biti dóber hodec to be a good walker
    ta je pa dobra! that is too much of a good thing!, that's a good one!
    biti dóber v računanju to be good at figures
    reči dóbro besedo za koga to say a good word for someone
    držati s kom v dobrem in slabem to stick to someone through thick and thin
    bodi tako dóber in podaj mi ono sol! be so kind as to (ali be a dear and ali be good enough to) pass me that salt!
    konec dóber vse dobro all's well that ends well
    v vsaki stvari je nekaj dóbrega it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    dóbro blago se sámo hvali good wine needs no bush
  • drúg(i) -a, -o second; other, another

    drúgi dan v mesecu the second
    drúgi (naslednji) dan next day
    drúgi najboljši second best
    2. november 2nd November (beri: the second of November), November 2nd (beri: November the second)
    drúgi razred second class
    Karl II Charles II (beri: Charles the Second)
    nihče drúg (kot on) nobody else (but he, pogovorno him)
    vsak drúgi one in two
    vsak drúgi dan every second (ali other) day
    eden za drúgim one by one, one after the other, one after another
    drúga dva the other two, the two others
    na drúgi strani (figurativno) on the other hand
    drúgi pot (drugič enkrat) some other time
    drúgi po velikosti second biggest, second largest
    eden drúgega one another, each other, mutually
    eden in drugi both (of them)
    bratranec (sestrična) v 2. kolenu second cousin
    drugi (ostali) the other
    kabina 2. razreda second-class cabin
    nihče drúg kot no (ali none) other than, nobody else but
    eno z drúgim one with the other
    nič drúgega nothing else
    biti drúgi, zavzeti drúgo mesto to take second place
    to je nekaj čisto drúgega that is an entirely different matter, it makes all the difference, žargon that's another kettle of fish; this is quite another thing
    imeti informacije iz drúge (posredne) roke to have second-hand information
    za sedaj se ne da napraviti nič drúgega for the present nothing else can be done
    biti drúgega mnenja to differ in opinion, to dissent
    to pero je slabo, vzemi drúgo! this is a poor pen, take another!
    vzeto eno z drúgim (= poprek) taken both together
    napila sta si eden drúgemu they drank each other's health
    pomagala sta si eden drúgemu they helped each other
    igrati drúgo violino to play second fiddle
    on je drúgi Cezar he is another (ali a second) Caesar
    eden ali drúgi od nas bo to gotovo naredil one or other of us is sure to do it
    postati drúgega mnenja to change one's mind
    potovati v 2. razredu to travel second-class
    stanovati v 2. nadstropju to live on the second floor (ZDA third floor)
    med drúgim (= zlasti pa), ne moreš mu zaupati for one thing, he is not to be trusted
    nad vsem drúgim želim... above all else (ali pogovorno more than anything else) I want...
    ne delaj drúgim tega, česar ne maraš, da bi to oni delali tebi never do to others what you would not have them do to you
    spoznal sem, da niso nič drúgega kot tatovi I realised they were nothing but a bunch of crooks
  • fíga botanika fig; (pričeska) bun; contemptuous gesture made with thumb between index and middle fingers

    posušena fíga dried fig
    venec fíg a string of figs
    konjske fíge horse droppings, horse manure, horse dung, vulgarno horse turds
    fíga mož (figurativno) one who reneges, reneger, unreliable fellow; bastard
    biti fíga mož to go back on one's word; to break one's promise
    fígo držati figurativno to keep one's fingers crossed, to cross fingers (za srečo for luck)
    moramo fígo držati! touch wood!
    fígo pokazati komu to make a contemptuous gesture at someone, to cock a snook at someone
    to mi je fígo mar I don't care a damn about it, I don't give a hang (ali hoot) about it
    za vsako fígo jokati to whimper (ali to cry) at the slightest provocation (ali žargon for damn all)
    Figo, pa ne njegov obraz! His face my foot!
    fígo (= nič) ji bo to koristilo! (ironično) a lot of good that'll do her!
    fígo ti je mar! a lot you care!
  • govoríti to speak (o of, about, z to, with); to tell; (pogovarjati se) to talk (z with, to, o about, of, over); to converse; (kramljati) to chat

    glasno govoríti to talk loud, to speak in a loud voice
    tiho govoríti to speak softly (ali in a soft voice)
    govoríti angleški to speak English
    slabo govoríti angleški to speak poor (ali broken) English
    slabo govoríti o kom to speak ill of someone
    kar naprej govoríti to keep (on) talking
    odkrito, brez ovinkov govoríti to speak freely
    govoríti o tem in onem, o raznem to talk nineteen to the dozen
    uglajeno govoríti to be well-spoken
    govoríti stenam (figurativno) to talk (ali to be talking) to a brick wall
    govoríti o politiki to talk politics
    tekoče govoríti to speak fluently
    govoríti o čem drugem to change the subject
    govoríti resnico to speak the truth, to tell the truth
    govoríti brez priprave to speak extempore
    govoríti v veter (figurativno) to waste one's breath
    govoríti v imenu koga to be the spokesman of, to be the mouthpiece of
    govoríti v korist koga to speak on (ali ZDA in) someone's behalf
    govoríti polomljeno angleščino to speak broken English, to murder the English language
    govoríti neumnosti to talk nonsense
    šepetaje govoríti to speak in an undertone, to speak in a whisper
    govoríti skozi nos to speak with a nasal twang
    govoríti laži to tell lies (ali untruths)
    govoríti sam s seboj to soliloquize
    govoríti med štirimi očmi s kom to talk with someone in private
    govoríti na pamet to speak from memory, to say something by heart (ali by rote)
    obširno govoríti o to speak at length about (ali on), to descant, to expatiate on (ali upon)
    otročje govoríti to drivel
    govoríti kot papiga to parrot
    govoríti preučeno za koga to speak above someone's head
    govoríti tja v tri dni pogovorno to waffle, žargon to rabbit on
    tu se govori angleški (napis) English spoken here
    ko (ker) ravno govorimo o... since we are on the subject, since we happen to be talking about...
    da niti ne govorimo o... to say nothing of...
    ne govorimo več o tem!, nehajmo govoríti o tem! let us change (ali drop) the subject!
    mi ne »govorimo« (smo sprti ipd.) we are not on speaking terms
    o tem ni vredno govoríti it isn't worth speaking of
    ona ne govorita več med seboj (sta sprta) they are no longer on speaking terms
    govori! speak up!, speak out, out with it!
    on ne more (ne zna) nehati govoríti he can never stop talking, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
    (on) govori, kot da bi ga navil he has the gift of the gab, he talks nineteen to the dozen
    on malo govori he is a man of few words, (je boječ) he is tongue-tied
    z njim se da govoríti he is someone you can talk to
    z njim se ne da govoríti (figurativno) he will not listen to reason
    po vsem mestu se govori o njih they are the talk of the town
    govorilo se je o njegovi demisiji there have been rumours of his resignation
    vse mesto govori o tem it is the talk of the town
    govori se, da je zelo bogata she is said to be very rich
    o njem se mnogo govori he is much talked about
    to dejstvo govori zanj this fact tells in his favour
    dejstva govoré sama the facts speak for themselves
    to govori za in proti that cuts both ways
    dejanja govore glasneje kot besede actions speak louder than words
    vse govori za to, da... there is every reason to believe that...
    to govori proti that tells against it
    ne govorite z nikomer o tem! not a word to anyone about this!, keep this to yourself!
    začeti govoríti o nekem predmetu to broach a subject
    bi lahko govoril z Vami? could I have a word with you?
    bi lahko govoril z g. X? could I see Mr. X
    govorimo odkrito! let's speak frankly, let's lay (ali put) our cards on the table
    kjer se veliko govori, se malo naredi least said, soonest mended
    govoríti je srebro, molčati pa zlato the less said, the better
    prav tako bi lahko govoril stenam figurativno I might as well speak to a brick wall
    ti to meni govoriš! (= kot da jaz tega ne vem) you're telling me!
  • gráblje rake

    gramozne gráblje gravel rake
    senene gráblje hayrake
    železne gráblje iron rake
    gráblje ima, vil pa ne pogovorno with him it's all take and no give
  • hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view

    rajši hotéti to prefer
    ne hotéti to be unwilling
    hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
    kaj hočete? what do you want?
    kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
    on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
    kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
    naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
    hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
    naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
    kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
    ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
    sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
    hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
    s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
    imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
    hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
    kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
    hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
    dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
    kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
    hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
    hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
    hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
    kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
    hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
    hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
    (sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
    hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
    usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
    srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
    on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
    hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
    nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
    na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
    jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
    kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
    hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same
  • húd bad; evil; (čas, doba) hard; (rana) bad, (občutljiva) sore; (jezen) angry; ZDA sore, mad

    húda bolezen serious illness
    húda bolečina great pain
    húdi časi hard times pl
    húd kašelj a bad cough
    húd mraz a very severe frost
    húd veter sharp wind
    húda vročica (mrzlica) a virulent fever
    húda vročina intense heat
    húda ura thunderstorm
    nič húdega sluteč unsuspecting
    ta je pa že prehuda! this is outrageous!
    delati húdo kri figurativno to create ill-feeling
    nič húdega ti ne delam I do you no harm
    nič húdega ne mislim (nočem) I don't mean any harm
    nič húdega ni v tem there is no harm in it
    ne bom ti naredil nič húdega I shall not hurt you
    ona ima húd jezik she has a wicked (ali spiteful, malevolent) tongue
    nič húdega ne nameravati (misliti) to mean no harm
    nič húdega ne vidim v tem I don't see anything bad in it
    biti húd na koga to be angry with someone, to be cross with someone, to be furious (ali mad) with someone
    húd je name ZDA he is mad with me, VB he is angry with me
    v najhujšem primeru at the worst; in the worst case
    če pride do najhujšega if the worst comes to the worst
    če bi se zgodilo najhujše if it comes to the worst
    najhujše še pride the worst is yet to come
    húdo (prislov) badly
    toliko hujše! all the worse!; so much the worse
    vedno hujše worse and worse
    bodi pripravljen na najhujše! be prepared for the worst!
    húdo se motiš there you are greatly mistaken
    húdo mi je, da (ker) ne morem priti I feel sorry that I cannot come
    ni tako húdo, kot je videti (figurativno) his bark is worse than his bite
    húdo je z njim he is badly off, he is in a bad way, he is unwell
    húdo (trda) je za denar money is scarce
    saj ni tako húdo! it is not so bad (as you think)
    mnogo húdega prestati (figurativno) to go through hell, to have a rough time
  • hudíč devil; the devil, Satan; the Evil One; pogovorno old Harry, old Nick

    hudíča oh, bother!
    kaj, hudíča, si delal tam? what the mischief were you doing there?
    kam, hudíča, je pa šel? where on earth has he got to?
    kdo, hudíča, ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens ali on earth) told you that?
    hudíč ga je obsedel he has the devil in him
    risati hudíča bolj črnega, kot je to paint the devil blacker than he is
    hudíča klicati to talk of the devil
    v sili hudíč muhe žre figurativno beggars can't be choosers; drowning men clutch at straws; half a loaf is better than no bread
  • iméti to have; pogovorno to have got; to possess, to be in possession of; to keep, to hold, to own

    ne iméti not to have, to be in want of, to be short of, to lack, to be destitute of, to be devoid of
    iméti dar za to have a gift for, to have a talent for
    iméti glavno besedo to be the spokesman
    iméti čas za to have time for
    iméti govor to make a speech, to deliver an oration
    iméti zadnjo besedo to have the last word (ali the final say)
    iméti ime to bear a name
    iméti nahod to have a cold
    iméti nekaj denarja to have some money
    iméti izbiro to have a choice
    iméti napako to have a fault
    iméti prav to be right
    ne iméti prav to be wrong
    iméti posla z to have dealings with
    iméti prijatelja v kom to have a friend in someone
    iméti koga za norca to regard someone as a fool
    iméti potrpljenje to have patience, to be patient
    iméti težave to have difficulties
    iméti srečo to be lucky, to be in luck, (stalno) to have a run of good luck
    ne iméti sreče to be unlucky, to be ill-fated, to be out of luck, to be down on one's luck, to strike a bad patch
    iméti pri roki to have on hand, to have near at hand, to have handy
    iméti usmiljenje z to take pity on, to pity, to commiserate with
    iméti pravico do to be entitled to
    iméti referendum to hold a referendum
    iméti volitve to hold elections
    iméti za posledico to entail
    iméti v vidu to have in view
    rad iméti to like, to be fond of
    najrajši iméti to prefer above all
    rajši iméti to prefer, to like better
    sedaj imamo zimo it is winter now
    imam nekaj denarja pri sebi I have some money on me
    to nima nič na sebi it is of no consequence
    kako se imaš? how are you getting on?, how are you?
    dobro se imejte! have a good time!
    ima me, da bi (šel) I have a good mind to (go)
    imel je priti včeraj he was to come yesterday
    hoteti kaj iméti (želeti) to desire, to wish, to want something
    imam ga za poštenjaka I believe him to be an honest man
    za koga me (pa) imate? whom (pogovorno who) do you take me for?
    iméti koga na hrani in stanovanju to board and lodge someone
    iméti obzir to be considerate
    iméti na zalogi, v skladišču to have in store, in stock
  • íti to go; (peš) to walk, to go on foot; (stopati) to tread, to stride; (s težavo) to trudge; to stump; (ura) to go; (ladja) to be bound for; (vlak) to leave, to start

    íti dalje to go on, to advance, to proceed
    íti gor (dol) to go up (to go down)
    íti mimo to go (ali to pass) by
    íti nazaj to go back
    íti po kaj to go for (ali to fetch ali to go and fetch) something
    íti preko to cross
    íti proč to go away, to go off
    íti ven to go out
    íti stran to go off
    íti čez cesto to cross the street
    íti na lov to go hunting
    íti h komu to go up to someone, (obiskati ga) to call on someone
    íti komu naproti to go to meet someone
    pustiti koga íti to let someone go
    íti dobro v prodajo to be selling well
    íti hitreje to go faster, to push on
    íti skupaj to go together
    íti s kom to accompany someone
    íti s kolesom to cycle
    íti korakoma to go at footpace
    íti kot namazano, kot po maslu to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
    íti na deželo, na kmete to go off to the country
    íti med ljudi, med družbo to go into society
    íti na sprehod to go for a walk
    íti na kose, na koščke to go to pieces
    íti na potovanje to go on a journey
    íti h koncu, h kraju to be approaching the (ali its) end, (o stvari) to be coming to an end
    íti komu k srcu to go to one's heart
    íti kaki stvari do dna (figurativno) to get to the bottom of something
    íti spat to go to bed
    íti preko vseh ugovorov to override (ali to disregard ali to waive) all objections
    íti na bolje to improve
    íti na lim, na limanice to fall into a trap
    íti vase (figurativno) to retire within oneself
    iti komu s pota to make room for someone
    Kako ti gre? how are you getting on?, how are you?
    izvrstno mi gre I am A1, I'm fine
    kako ti gre v šoli? how are you getting on at school?
    za kaj (pa) gre? what's it all about?
    za to gre (v tem je stvar) that's the point
    kadar gre za... when it comes to...
    dobro mu gre he is doing well
    gre za moje življenje, za mojo čast my life, my honour is at stake
    gre za veliko vsoto a large sum is at stake
    gre za življenje ali smrt it's a matter of life and death
    gre v milijone that runs into millions
    posli gredo slabo business is slack (ali dull)
    tako ne bo šlo this won't do
    to ne bo šlo brez težav it won't be an easy job, it'll cost some trouble
    grem k frizerju I am going to the barber's (ali hairdresser's)
    če bi šlo po mojem if I had my way
    to gre malo predaleč that's going a bit too far
    drugače ne gre, ne bo šlo it won't work any other way, figurativno that can't be helped
    vse gre narobe everything is topsy-turvy
    z njim gre navzdol (h koncu) he is in a bad way
    ne morem iti preko tega I can't get over it
    naj gre, kot hoče! come what may!
    kam gre ta pot? where does this road (ali path) lead?
    to mi ne gre v glavo I cannot understand it, it's beyond me, I don't see any reason for it
    mati je šla nakupovat Mother has gone shopping
    proti šesti uri gre it's nearly six
    gre proti poldnevu it's getting on for noon
    zaloge gredo h kraju stocks are running short
    delo mu gre hitro izpod rok he is quick at his work
    4 v 15 gre 3-krat, in ostane 3 4 into 15 goes 3 times, and 3 over
    pojdi. pojdi, pretiravaš! come, come, you are exaggerating!
    lahko greste! (služabniku ipd.) that is all for the present
    če je šlo vse, naj gre še to! (figurativno) in for a penny, in for a pound!
    íti se to play
  • (da) yes

    pa já ne pozabi! be sure not to forget!
  • káj what

    káj še? what else?
    káj zdaj? what now?, how now?, well?
    káj ti je? káj je s teboj? what's the matter with you?
    káj mi mar! what do I care!
    káj šele let alone
    ah, káj! go on!, stuff and nonsense!
    káj ne poveš! you don't say!
    ne, káj takega! well, I never!
    torej káj? so what?
    je káj upanja? is there any hope?
    káj še, on (pa) že ne! not he!
    káj storiti? what can we do?, what's to be done?
    káj pomaga, káj koristi jokati? what is the use of crying?, it is no use crying
    káj se je tedaj, potem zgodilo? what happened then?
    imate káj novic? have you any news?
    na káj misliš? what are you thinking about, what's on your mind?
    povej mi, káj si slišal! tell me what you heard!
    káj ko bi tudi ti prišel? what if you came too?
    meso, kruh, vino in ne vem káj še vse meat, bread, wine, and what not
    ne morem si káj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help laughing
  • kakó how; in what way

    kakó to? how so?
    kakó lepó! how beautiful!
    kakó daleč? how far?
    kakó to, da... how comes it that..., how come that...
    kakó vraga... how the deuce..., how the devil..., how the dickens...?
    kakó, prosim? I beg your pardon, pogovorno pardon?; what was that?, what did you say?
    kakó se počutiš? how do you feel?
    kakó stara je? how old is she?
    kakó dolgo ste že v Ljubljani? how long have you been in Ljubljana?
    kakó je z vstopnicami? what about the tickets?
    kakó lepo jutro! what a lovely morning!
    kakó sem vesel, da te vidim! how pleased I am to see you!
    kakó je nesrečna! how unhappy she is!
    kakó mu je ime? what is his name?
    kakó imenujete to (rečete temu) po angleško (v angleščini)? what do you call this in English?
    kakó to, da si še vedno tu? how is it you're still here?
    ne razumem, kakó je to možno I do not understand how this can be
    nihče ne ve kakó mu je uspelo no one knows how he has done
    kakó vendar... how on earth...
    pa še kakó! and how
    Se lahko poslužim vašega telefona? - Kako, da ne! May I use your telephone? - Why, yes! of course!