à at
brisače à 4.000 SIT towels at 4,000 tolars apiece
znamka à 100 SIT a 100-tolar stamp
Zadetki iskanja
- izpŕva at first; in the beginning; at the start; (prvotno) originally, initially; at (ali from) the outset
- kraj2 (poleg) at, beside, by, by the side of; close to, close by; hard by
kraj mene at my side, next to me
hodila je kraj njega she walked by his side - na on, upon; at; in; up, upward; to; over
na cesti on the road
na ulici in the street, ZDA on the street
na deželi in the country
na dvorišču in the courtyard
na desni, na levi on the right, on the left
na desno, na levo to the right, to the left
na kredit, na up on credit
na mojo čast on my honour, honestly
na primer for instance, for example
na morju at sea
na nebu in the sky
na sliki in the picture
na soncu in the sun
na polju in the field
na travniku in the meadow
na (živilskem) trgu at the market-place
na postaji at the station
na mizi on (ali upon) the table
na svetu in the world
na razstavi at the exposition
na minuto a minute, to the minute
na mestu (takoj) on the spot, at once
na moji strani on my side
na obeh straneh on both sides
na ta način in this manner
na najlepši način in the finest manner
na povelje to order
na zemljevidu on the map
na moje priporočilo on (ali upon) my recommendation
na moje presenečenje to my surprise (ali astonishment)
na moj račun at my expense
na moje veliko obžalovanje to my deep regret
na svojo škodo to one's detriment (ali cost ali disadvantage)
na mojo škodo to my cost
na temelju on the grounds of, by virtue of
na mojo sramoto to my disgrace
na srečo fortunately
na slepo blindly, at random, gropingly
na vsak način at any rate, by all means
na noben način on no account
na vrat na nos head over heels, headlong
na svidenje! goodbye!, ZDA goodby!, au revoir!, so long!, see you again!
na prvi pogled at first sight, at first glance
na mojo prošnjo at my request
na vaše priporočilo on the strength of your recommendation
na potovanju in travelling
na stotine by hundreds
dvakrat na dan twice a day
X tolarjev na dan X tolars a day
en četrt na pet a quarter past four
tri četrt na pet a quarter to five
na moje stroške at my expense
vpliv na... influence over (ali on)...
X SIT na uro X tolars per hour
biti na lovu to be out hunting
na tebi je, da rečeš... it is up to you (to say)...
biti na obisku pri kom to stay with someone
biti hud na koga to have a grudge against someone
biti gluh na obe ušesi to be deaf in both ears
na luči mi je (stoji) he is (stands) in my light
kdo je zdaj na vrsti? whose turn is it now?
jaz sem na vrsti it is my turn
ljubosumen je na svojo ženo he is jealous of his wife
slep je na eno oko he is blind in one eye
hrom je na eno nogo he is lame in one leg
moje okno gleda na dvorišče my window looks out on to the backyard
igrati na flavto to play the flute
imeti kaj črno na belem to have something in black and white
imaš velik vpliv nanj you have a great influence over (ali on) him
biti ves dan na nogah to be busy (ali pogovorno on the go) all day long
iti na pošto to go to the post office
iti komu na roko (figurativno) to oblige someone, to help someone, to lend someone a helping hand
osvojiti na juriš trdnjavo to take a fortress by storm
(s)plezati na drevo to climb (up) a tree
motiti se na vsej črti to be mistaken all along the line
verjeti komu na besedo to take someone's word for it
zidati na pesek to build on sand
želim sobo na ulico I want a room overlooking the street
iti na lov to go out hunting
iti na potovanje to go abroad - o (predlog) of; about; on; at, upon; in
o pravem času in time, at the right time
o božiču at Christmas
o dejavnosti Inštituta za... about (ali on) the activities of the Institute for...
nimam informacij o tem I have no information on this point
govoriti o vojni to speak (ali to talk) about the war
govorili smo o njem we were talking about him
kaj misliš o tem? what do you think of that?
pisati o revoluciji to write about the revolution
kaj veš o njih? what do you know about them?
pripovedovati, povedati o čem to tell of something
predavanje o čem a lecture on something
govoriti o nekem predmetu to talk on a subject - ob at; by, along, on
ob treh at 3 o'clock
sestati se ob šestih to meet at six (o'clock)
ob sobotah on Saturdays
ob prvi priliki at the first opportunity
ob letu in a year, in a year's time, a year from today, a year today
ob takih okoliščinah under such circumstances
ob ves (svoj) denar sem I have lost all my money
ob vse so ga spravili he has lost everything (ali his all)
pri tem sem ob mojih 10 funtov I am ten pounds out of pocket over it
on je ob pamet he is out of his mind, he is not in his senses
si ob pamet? are you out of your senses?
hoditi gor in dol ob hiši to walk up and down by (ali outside) the house
to se samo ob sebi razume this is a matter of course
živeti ob kruhu in vodi to live on bread and water - po after; on, upon; at, by; over; through; according to
po abecednem redu in alphabetical order
po božiču after Christmas
po tej ceni at this price
po 10 tolarjev kos at ten tolars each
po dolžini lengthwise
po dva by twos, two by two, two at a time
po vsej Evropi all over Europe
(samó) po imenu (only) in name
po kopnem in po morju by land and sea
po mestu about (ali through) the town
po vsem mestu all over the town
kot po maslu (figurativno) like clockwork
po kakovosti by quality
po malem little by little, by degrees
po mojem mnenju in my opinion, to my mind
po meri by measure
po modi after the fashion
po naravi from nature
po naročilu by order
narejen po naročilu made to order
po naključju by accident, by chance
po nesreči unfortunately, as ill luck would have it
po možnosti if possible
odvetnik po poklicu lawyer by profession
po navodilu as instructed
po pravilu by rule
po petkrat five times running
po pravici by rights, of right
po mojem računu by my reckoning
po poslu, po poslih on business, on an errand
po rojstvu by birth
imenovan po stricu named after his uncle
po sobi about the room
po vsem svetu all over the world, all the world over
po njegovi smrti after his death
po ulici along the street
po uvidevnosti at discretion
po vodi by water
po tem vzorcu following (ali on, after) this pattern
po vrednosti in value
enak po velikosti equal in size
po deset ur nepretrgoma ten hours at a stretch
po vsem after all
po angleškem zakonu under (the) English law
po zraku by air
po spominu from memory
po planu according to the plan (ali scheme)
po vrsti in order, one after another, every one in his turn
po vaši želji according to your wish
takoj po moji vrnitvi immediately upon my return
po prejemu tega pisma on receipt of this letter
po meni je I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
če bi bilo po tebi, bi se svet podrl if you had your way, the world would go to ruin
če vam je po volji if you choose, if you care
to ni po mojem okusu that is not to my taste
dobivati časopis po pošti to receive one's newspaper by post
igrati po posluhu to play by ear
po starosti sta enaka they are the same age
iti po vodo to fetch water, to go for water
šel je ponj (po njega) he went to fetch him
peti po notah to read music, to sight-read
poslati po zdravnika to send for the doctor
poslali so po zdravnika the doctor has been (oziroma was) sent for
pridi pome (po mene)! come and fetch me!
potoval sem po vsej Afriki I travelled all over Africa
priseči po krivem to perjure oneself, to commit perjury
prišel sem k tebi po nasvet I have come to you for advice
risati po naravi to draw from nature (ali life)
sklepati po čem to infer from
soditi po zunanjosti to judge by appearances
po vsem, kar sem slišal... from all I heard...
sprehajati se po palubi to walk (ali to pace) the deck
sprehajati se, hoditi po soncu (dežju) to walk in the sun (in the rain)
udaril me je po glavi (ustih) he hit me on the head (he struck me in the mouth)
voditi koga po mestu to show someone round the town - poglédati to look at (ali upon); to have a look at; to cast a glance at, to glance, to cast an eye at, pogovorno to take a peep (ali gander, shufti) at
debelo poglédati to open one's eyes wide, to make big eyes at, to stare (ali to gaze) in astonishment, to be all eyes
bežno poglédati to glance at
proč poglédati to look the other way
poglédati okoli sebe to look around
mrko poglédati to frown at
grdó poglédati to give someone a dirty look, to dart ugly looks at (ali upon)
kvišku poglédati to lift up one's eyes
stran poglédati to look the other way
dobro kaj poglédati to take a good look at
skrivaj koga poglédati to steal a look at someone
preteče poglédati to look black
v obraz koga poglédati to look someone full in the face
poglej! look!, behold!, lo!, lo and behold!
lahkó pogledate! you may have (ali take) a look!
morate bliže, bolj od blizu pogledati! you must get a closer look!
poglédati se (sebe) to look at oneself
pogledala sta se they looked at each other
pogledali so se they looked at one another - pri at, by, beside; in; with
tik pri close to (by), (blizu) near, at hand, about
pri nas in our house, at our place
pri meni (v žepu) on me, about me
pri bogu! by the Lord!
pri kozarcu vina over a glass of wine
pri prvi priložnosti at the first oportunity
pri dobrem zdravju in good health
pri tem vremenu in this weather
pri mojem stricu (doma) at my uncle's
pri peku at the baker's
pri roki at hand; (na pismu)
pri Brown c/o Brown
pri sveči by candle-light
pri moji časti upon my honour
pri večerji at dinner
pri delu at work
pri kom? with whom?, in whose house?
pri moji duši upon my soul
pri oknu at (ali near) the window
pri tej priložnosti on this occasion
pri kaminu by the fireplace
pri mojem prihodu (moji vrnitvi) on my arrival (return)
pri ugodnem vremenu if the weather permits
pri vsem tem... for all that, notwithstanding
zelo priljubljen pri very popular with
bitka pri Verdunu the battle of Verdun
to je navada pri Italijanih it is a habit with (ali among) the Italians
pri vsem svojem bogastvu ni srečen despite all his riches he is not happy
mati je pri dobrem zdravju Mother is in good health
ne vem, pri čem sem I don't know what the matter is
on ni pri pravi pameti he is not in his right senses
imaš kaj denarja pri sebi? have you any money on you?
nimam drobiža pri sebi I have no change on me
naročiti pri to order from
ostal bo pet dni pri nas he will stay five days with us
deset dni smo preživeli pri njih we spent ten days with them
pri kom služiš? in whose service are you?
pri kom stanujete? where (ali with whom) are you staying?
spati pri odprtem oknu to sleep with the window open
pri kom se učite nemščine? with whom do you take German lessons?
utonil je pri kopanju he was drowned while bathing
vztrajati pri... to stick to... - V v (kje?) in, at; (kam?) into, to
v šoli (= v zgradbi) in the school, (pri pouku) at school
v šolo to school
v gledališču at the theatre
v 3. nadstopju on the third (3rd) floor, ZDA on the fourth (4th) floor
v Londonu (veliko mesto) in London
v Kamniku (malo mesto) at Kamnik
v London, v Francijo to London, to France
v mestu in town
v inozemstvu, v inozemstvo abroad
izgubljen v temi lost in the dark (ali darkness)
slab v angleščini weak in English
v torek on Tuesday
dvakrat v letu twice a year
v tistem času at that time
v starih časih in ancient times
v novejšem času in recent times
v mojih letih at my age
v pradobi in prehistoric times
v tem trenutku at this moment
v pravem času at the right moment, just in time
pozno v noč late into the night
v roku 10 dni within 10 days
v vojni in miru at war and at peace
v ta namen for this purpose
v imenu... in the name of...
v redu in order
biti v dobrih odnosih s kom to be on good terms with someone
hiša je bila v plamenih the house was on fire
biti v skrajni bedi to be in utter poverty
ste kdaj bili v Londonu? have you ever been to London?
biti v vojni to be at war
dospeti, prispeti v London to arrive in London
hoditi v šolo to go to school
pasti v vodo to fall into the water
ne morem mu tega vbiti v glavo I can't drive it into his head
vreči v koš za odpadke to throw into the wastepaper basket
vreči v zrak to throw into the air
zdrobiti v prah to pulverize, to reduce to dust
živeti v Sloveniji to live in Slovenia
to delo bom končal v roku treh mesecev (v treh mescih) I shall finish this job (ali work, task) within three months - zádaj zád behind; at (ali in) the rear; at the back
od zádaj, zád from behind, from the back
od zádaj, zád napasti sovražnika to attack the enemy from the rear (ali from behind) - blátiti to sully; figurativno to libel; to throw mud at someone; to blemish
blátiti koga figurativno to drag someone's name through the mud - blízu near; nearly; near (ali close) at hand; close to; (približno) about, approximately, close upon
blízu hiše near the house
čisto blízu close by
blízu in daleč far and near
ni ga blízu (figurativno) he holds (ali keeps) aloof
ne iti blízu to stand off, to keep one's distance
priti blízu to come (ali to draw) near, to approach - centrálen central; centrical; centred at; head; main
Centralni Komité Central Executive Committee
centrálna kurjava central heating
centrálna pošta central post office - cíljati to aim at, to take (one's) aim, to level at
- délati to work, to be at work; to do; to make; to manufacture; (biti zaposlen) to be employed (funkcionirati) to function
težko délati to toil, to labour
délati za koga to work for someone
kaj delaš (sedajle)? what are you doing (now)?
délati v akordu to be a pieceworker, to do piecework
nimam kaj délati I have no work to do
délati kot črna živina to work like a nigger (ali like a slave)
delati na čem to work on something, to be busy with something, to be engaged on something
délati po navodilih to act (ali to proceed) according to instructions (ali as instructed), to follow the instructions
on dela le za svojo korist he looks only after his own interests
prekomerno délati to overwork someone
délati napake to make mistakes
délati krivico komu to do wrong to someone
délati za vsakdanji kruh to work for one's daily bread
on dela na svojo roko figurativno he is not authorized to act; pogovorno he's acting off his own bat
dela po svoji mili volji he has his own way, he pleases himself
površno délati to botch, to bungle
délati kot mravlja a to be busy as a bee
délati sitnosti to cause trouble
délati težave to make difficulties
stroj dela the machine is working (ali running)
stroj ne dela (je brez dela) the machine is idle, (je pokvarjen) the machine is out of order
trdo délati to work hard, to labour, to toil, to drudge
pri kom si dajete délati obleke? who is your tailor?
dan se dela it is dawn, it is daybreak, day is dawning
délati se (pretvarjati se) to pretend, to make pretence, to feign
dela se bolnega he pretends to be ill
dela se neumnega he plays the fool
dela se gluhega he pretends he is deaf
délati se norca iz koga to make fun of someone, to make a fool of someone
dela se bogatega he pretends to be rich, he makes believe he is rich
delal sem se jeznega I pretended to be angry
delal se je, kot da ničesar ne vidi he pretended to see nothing
kdor ne dela, naj ne jé arhaično no mill, no meal - desétkrat at ten times
desétkraten tenfold - dezoríentíran disorientated; figurativno perplexed, bewildered, puzzled, at a loss, at sea
- disponírati to dispose (z of); to have at one's disposal; to arrange, to do
disponirajte z menoj, kakor hočete if I can be of any service I am completely at your disposal
biti dobro disponiran to be in good humour
prosto disponírati s svojo lastnino to be free to dispose of one's property - domá at home; in
je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
držati se domá to keep to the house
on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
domá je najlepše there's no place like home
počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home