
Zadetki iskanja

  • à at

    brisače à 4.000 SIT towels at 4,000 tolars apiece
    znamka à 100 SIT a 100-tolar stamp
  • blátiti to sully; figurativno to libel; to throw mud at someone; to blemish

    blátiti koga figurativno to drag someone's name through the mud
  • blízu near; nearly; near (ali close) at hand; close to; (približno) about, approximately, close upon

    blízu hiše near the house
    čisto blízu close by
    blízu in daleč far and near
    ni ga blízu (figurativno) he holds (ali keeps) aloof
    ne iti blízu to stand off, to keep one's distance
    priti blízu to come (ali to draw) near, to approach
  • centrálen central; centrical; centred at; head; main

    Centralni Komité Central Executive Committee
    centrálna kurjava central heating
    centrálna pošta central post office
  • cíljati to aim at, to take (one's) aim, to level at
  • délati to work, to be at work; to do; to make; to manufacture; (biti zaposlen) to be employed (funkcionirati) to function

    težko délati to toil, to labour
    délati za koga to work for someone
    kaj delaš (sedajle)? what are you doing (now)?
    délati v akordu to be a pieceworker, to do piecework
    nimam kaj délati I have no work to do
    délati kot črna živina to work like a nigger (ali like a slave)
    delati na čem to work on something, to be busy with something, to be engaged on something
    délati po navodilih to act (ali to proceed) according to instructions (ali as instructed), to follow the instructions
    on dela le za svojo korist he looks only after his own interests
    prekomerno délati to overwork someone
    délati napake to make mistakes
    délati krivico komu to do wrong to someone
    délati za vsakdanji kruh to work for one's daily bread
    on dela na svojo roko figurativno he is not authorized to act; pogovorno he's acting off his own bat
    dela po svoji mili volji he has his own way, he pleases himself
    površno délati to botch, to bungle
    délati kot mravlja a to be busy as a bee
    délati sitnosti to cause trouble
    délati težave to make difficulties
    stroj dela the machine is working (ali running)
    stroj ne dela (je brez dela) the machine is idle, (je pokvarjen) the machine is out of order
    trdo délati to work hard, to labour, to toil, to drudge
    pri kom si dajete délati obleke? who is your tailor?
    dan se dela it is dawn, it is daybreak, day is dawning
    délati se (pretvarjati se) to pretend, to make pretence, to feign
    dela se bolnega he pretends to be ill
    dela se neumnega he plays the fool
    dela se gluhega he pretends he is deaf
    délati se norca iz koga to make fun of someone, to make a fool of someone
    dela se bogatega he pretends to be rich, he makes believe he is rich
    delal sem se jeznega I pretended to be angry
    delal se je, kot da ničesar ne vidi he pretended to see nothing
    kdor ne dela, naj ne jé arhaično no mill, no meal
  • desétkrat at ten times

    desétkraten tenfold
  • dezoríentíran disorientated; figurativno perplexed, bewildered, puzzled, at a loss, at sea
  • disponírati to dispose (z of); to have at one's disposal; to arrange, to do

    disponirajte z menoj, kakor hočete if I can be of any service I am completely at your disposal
    biti dobro disponiran to be in good humour
    prosto disponírati s svojo lastnino to be free to dispose of one's property
  • domá at home; in

    je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
    je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
    ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
    domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
    držati se domá to keep to the house
    on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
    on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
    domá je najlepše there's no place like home
    počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
    bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
    biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
    nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
    ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home
  • domáč home (-); homely; domestic; homelike; local, national; (ukročen) domesticated, tame; familiar; (neprisiljen) at one's ease, unceremonious, free and easy; (prvoten) aboriginal, native, indigenous; home-grown

    domáč kruh home-made bread
    domáča hrana household fare
    domáča halja dressing gown
    domáče moštvo šport home team
    domáča obrt home manufacture, home (ali cottage) industry
    domáče platno homespun linen, home-made cloth
    domáča zabava family party
    domáče zdravilo domestic remedy, (univerzalno) nostrum
    domáča žival domestic animal
    za domáčo uporabo for home use
    po domáče informally, without ceremony
    domáčega se napraviti to make oneself at home
    kar po domáče! make yourself (quite) at home
  • dotakníti se to touch; to come in contact with; (omeniti) to mention slightly, to hint at, to refer to, to allude to, to touch upon; (oplaziti) to brush (in passing)

    lahko dotakníti se to dab, to tap
    ne dotikaj se mojih papirjev! don't touch my papers!
    ne dotikaj se me! don't touch me!, don't lay a finger (ali a hand) on me!, hands off!
    najbolje je, da se tega ne dotikaš better leave it alone
    njihova hiša se dotika naše their house abuts on ours
  • dražíti2 to raise the price (kaj of something), to make (something) dearer; (na dražbi) to auction, to bid for at an auction

    dražíti se to become dearer, to rise in price
    vse se draží prices are going up all round
  • drúgič secondly; in the second place; for the (oziroma a) second time; (še enkrat) once more; again; (enkrat drúgič, drugikrat) at some other time, (at) another time, at other times
  • duhovít witty; quick-witted; (v odgovoru) clever at repartee, never lost for an answer; ingenious

    duhovíta rešitev an ingenious solution
    ta knjiga je pisana zelo duhovíto this book is very wittily written
    dajati duhovíte opazke to wisecrack
  • duhovítost wit, wittiness; (z odgovorom) quickwittedness, cleverness at repartee; ingenuity
  • éksati to drink off at a draught; to drain at a gulp
  • frondírati (zabavljati) to carp at; to nag at; to rail against
  • hkráti at the same time; at one time; simultaneously

    dva hkráti two at a time
  • hospitácija attendance at lectures as an occasional student
Število zadetkov: 884