
Zadetki iskanja

  • živéti to live, to be alive; to exist, to subsist; to be

    ali ona še živi? is she still alive?
    dolgo naj živi! long may he (oziroma she) live!
    živéti dvojno življenje to live a double life
    živéti od svojega kapitala to live off one's capital
    živéti v odmaknjenosti to lead a retired life
    živéti od zraka (figurativno) to live on air
    živéti po svojih načelih to live up to one's principles
    živéti od svoje plače, od svojih dohodkov to live on one's earnings, on one's income
    živéti od sadja to live on fruit
    živéti na tuj račun to sponge on others, (pogovorno) to free-load, biblija to eat the bread of idleness
    živéti preko svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live beyond one's means (ali income)
    živéti v mejah svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live within one's income
    živéti od slikanja to live by painting
    živéti kot ptiček na veji pogovorno to live the life of Riley, to have it made
    živéti razkošno to live the high life, to live in style
    živéti udobno to live comfortably, to keep a good table
    živéti kot zajec v detelji (figurativno, v obilju) to live in clover
    živéti iz rok v usta to live from hand to mouth, to be living a hand-to-mouth existence
    živéti sam zase to live by oneself, to keep to oneself
    živéti od pridelkov svojega vrta to subsist on the produce of one's garden
    živéti od dela svojih rok to live by the labour of one's hands
    živéti od svojega zaslužka to live on one's earnings
    brezskrbno živéti to lead a carefree existence
    tu se dobro živi! it is a good life here!
    bedno živéti to lead a miserable existence, to be just (ali barely) keeping body and soul together, to keep the wolf from the door
    dolgo živéti to live to (ali to reach) a great age, to live to be old
    sloni dolgo živijo elephants live a long time
    skromno živéti to live in a small way
    razkošno živijo they lead a life of luxury
    težkó živéti to manage to make a livelihood
    ne imeti od česa živéti not to have enough to live on
    rajši živimo na deželi kot v mestu we prefer living in the country to living in town
    z njim se ne da živéti (figurativno) there is no living with him, pogovorno he's impossible
    človek se uči, dokler živi live and learn!
    živéti in pustiti, dati živéti to live and let live
  • cigán (lastno ime) Gipsy, ZDA Gypsy, pl -ies; (občno ime) gipsy itd.; Romany; (madžarski) tzigane; (bohem) Bohemian; živeti$ kot cigán to live a gipsy life, to live the life of a gipsy, (redko) to gipsy

    klateški cigáni strolling gypsies pl
  • bêda misery; poverty; distress; (pomanjkanje) want, need, indigence; penury

    huda bêda squalor
    bêda, ki se ne da popisati misery that surpasses description
    pasti v bêdo to fall into poverty
    živeti v bêdi to live in dire want (ali in abject poverty), to suffer want, to be badly off, to be in dire straits (ali in straitened circumstances)
  • cigánski gipsy; gipsy-like; Bohemian; (madžarski cigánsk$) tzigane

    cigánska godba gipsy band
    cigánski orkester gipsy orchestra
    cigánski voz gipsy caravan (ali van ali wagon)
    cigánsko živeti to live like a gipsy, (redko) to gipsy
  • da (veznik) that (v predmetnih in osebkovih stavkih se često izpušča)

    z namenom, da bi (in order) that
    da ne bi lest, but
    da le, samó da (če le) provided (that)
    takó da so that, so as to + nedoločnik
    kakor da, kot da as though
    slišal sem, da je bolan I heard (that) he was ill
    mislim, da bo prišel I believe (that) he will come
    gotovo je, da je kriv it is certain (that) he is guilty
    res je, da ni bil tam it is true (that) he was not there
    recimo, da pride danes suppose (ali supposing) he comes today
    jémo, da bi mogli živeti we eat that we may live
    preberite to dvakrat, da ne pozabite! read it twice lest you forget it!
    ; ni še tako pozno, da naši sorodniki ne bi mogli še priti it is not too late for our relatives to come
    bila je tako prijazna, da mi je pisala pismo she was so kind as to write me a letter
    tu ni človeka, da ga jaz ne bi poznal po imenu there is no one here (whom) I could not name, there is no one here whose name I do not know
    nikoli ne pride, da si ne bi izposodil denarja od mene he never comes without borrowing money from me
    da on ni bil tako priseben, bi nas bilo razneslo vse na kosce but for his presence of mind, we might all have been blown to pieces
    nikoli ne dežuje, da ne bi lilo (= nesreča ne pride nikoli sama) it never rains but it pours
  • délo work; labour; (zaposlitev) employment, job; (enolično, naporno) grind; (snažilkino) charring, cleaning, ZDA chore; (garanje) drudgery; (težko) toil

    duševno délo brainwork, headwork
    délo ročno manual work, manual labour
    javna déla public works pl
    délo od kosa piecework
    naloženo délo task
    délo zunaj hiše outdoor work
    nočno délo night work, pogovorno nights pl
    običajno délo ordinary labour
    priložnostno délo odd job
    obvezno délo compulsory work
    kvalificirano délo skilled work
    pisarniško délo clerical work
    poljsko délo farm work, agricultural labour
    prisilno délo forced labour, penal servitude
    prostovoljno délo voluntary work
    pogodbeno délo contract work
    nestrokovno délo unskilled work
    ročno, fino délo fancywork
    žensko ročno délo needlework
    rutinsko, tekoče délo routine work
    mučno, dolgočasno délo drudgery, toiling and moiling
    površno délo bungled (ali botched) work
    brez déla (brezposeln) unemployed, jobless
    zmožen za délo able to work
    s trdim, težkim délom by working hard
    borza déla employment agency, labour exchange
    pravica do déla the right to work (ali to a job)
    program déla work programme
    ustavitev déla cessation of work
    področje déla sphere of activity (ali of action)
    nesposoben za délo unfit for work, not fit for work, incapacitated
    temeljna organizacija združenega déla basic organization of associated labour
    pri délu at work
    na délo! get to work!
    délo na črno žargon scab labour
    družbeno (fizično, minulo, proizvodno) délo social (physical, past, productive) work
    presežno (skupno) délo surplus labour (joint work)
    svobodna menjava déla free change of employment
    združeno (živo) délo associated (current) labour
    plačilo po délu payment linked to performance, payment by results
    pogoji za délo labour conditions
    biti pri délu to be at work
    vaša obleka je v délu your suit (ali dress, costume) is in hand, is being made (ali attended to)
    dati komu délo to give someone work, to give someone employment
    to je težko délo it is uphill work
    iti na délo to go to work
    iskati délo to look for a job
    vedno samó délo in nič oddiha all work and no play
    izogibati se déla to dodge work
    biti s srcem pri délu to put one's heart into one's work
    lotiti se déla to set to work, to get on with it, to get down to it, to start work, ZDA to get busy
    zopet se lotiti déla to resume work
    biti brez déla to be out of work
    imeti mnogo déla to have plenty to do, to have a lot of work on hand, to have a great deal of work to do
    imam drugega déla dovolj (figurativno) I've enough on my plate already, I have other fish to fry
    nastopiti délo to start work
    izvesti délo to get one's job (ali work) done, to carry out one's work
    je kar precéj déla, veste! it's quite a job, you know!
    odkazati komu neko délo to set someone a task
    posvetiti se svojemu délu to devote (ali to apply) oneself to one's work
    povzročiti komu mnogo déla to put someone to great inconvenience
    opravljati délo to do a job
    délo stoji, počiva work is at a standstill
    končati s svojim délom to get one's work done
    imel sem neko délo I had a job to do
    čisto se predati délu pogovorno to keep one's nose to the grindstone
    ustaviti délo to stop work, to strike (work), to go on strike, to walk out, to down tools
    vreči se na délo to put one's back into a job, to get down to it
    obsoditi na težko délo to sentence to hard labour
    ukvarjati se z literarnim délom to be engaged in literary pursuits
    rudarji so zapustili délo the miners have come out (on strike)
    dušiti se v délu to be swamped (ali overwhelmed) with work
    čez glavo imam déla I'm up to my ears (ali eyes, neck) in work
    pridnega k délu priganjati (figurativno) to spur a willing horse
    on se nikoli ne dotakne déla he never does a stroke of work
    tovarna je ustavila délo the factory has stopped work
    živeti od déla svojih rok to live by the sweat of one's palms
    brez déla ni jela you get nothing for nothing
    dober začetek je pol déla a good start is half the battle
    po délu, ne po besedah cenimo človeka actions speak louder than words
    po délu spoznaš človeka by their works you will know them
  • dežêla country; land; province

    na dežêli in the country
    na dežêlo to the country
    deveta dežêla fairyland, land of milk and honey, Cockaigne, wonderland, lotusland, land of plenty
    obljubljena dežêla the Promised Land
    dežêla podpisnica signatory country
    dežêla v razvoju developing country, underdeveloped country
    sveta dežêla the Holy Land
    hiša na dežêli country house, villa, (manjša) cottage, country home
    dežêla, v kateri se cedita med in mleko a land flowing with milk and honey
    življenje kot v deveti dežêli a life of idleness and luxury
    iti na dežêlo to go on a trip to the country
    tuje dežêle foreign countries
    preseliti se na dežêlo to move to the country
    iti v krtovo dežêlo (figurativno) to die
    živeti na dežêli to live in the country
  • dívji wild; rageful; ferocious; savage; (razposajen) boisterous

    dívji lovec poacher
    dívje pleme savage tribe
    dívja pokrajina savage scenery
    dívji zakon concubinage
    dívje živali wild beasts, (neukročene) savage beasts
    živeti v dívjem zakonu to live in sin, to live together (as man and wife) without benefit of clergy
  • do (nekako, okoli, skoraj) about, somehow, somewhat, in some way

    do sedem ur about seven hours; (časovno) till, until; (krajevno) as far as; up to
    od... do... from... till...; from... to...
    od treh do štirih from three to four
    do kdaj? when?, how long?
    do danes up to this day
    do sedaj so far, thus far
    do tedaj, do takrat till then, by that time
    do 5. aprila up to 5th April (beri: the fifth of April)
    do zdaj till (ali until) now, up to now, as yet, hitherto, so far
    do sedaj (zdaj) še ne not as yet
    do današnjega dne up to this day, to date, thus far
    do nedavnega until recently
    do nadaljnjega until further notice, for the present, pending further instructions, until further instructions
    (prav) do danes, do današnjega dne to this very day
    (prav) do zadnjega to the very last
    od petka do vključno nedelje from Friday to Sunday inclusive, ZDA from Friday through Sunday
    do treh (ne pozneje) by 3 o'clock
    (najpozneje) do by
    do konca tega tedna by the end of this week
    do božiča by Christmas
    od danes do jutri (kratkotrajten) short-lived, ephemeral, transient, provisional
    od leta do leta year in, year out
    živeti od danes do jutri to live from hand to mouth
    do roka dospelosti till due
    do vratu up to the neck
    do kolen up to the knees
    do temelja to the ground
    spremil te bom do pošte I'll see you as far as the post office
    ni mi do... I do not care for...
    ni mi do šal I am not in a joking mood
    plačal sem najemnino do 1. avgusta I have paid the rent up to 1st August (beri: the first of August)
    do zadnjega moža to the last man
  • dohódek income; (državni) revenue

    dohódki pl incomings pl
    državni dohódki public revenues
    dohódek od dela (od kapítala) earned (unearned) income
    celotni dohódek total income
    izvirni dohódek original revenue
    občinski dohódki local revenues pl
    osebni dohódek personal income
    presežni dohódek surplus revenue
    presežni proračunski dohódek budgetary surplus
    stranski dohódek supplemental income
    davek na dohódek income tax
    davek na presežek dohódka surtax, supertax
    dohódek od premoženja revenue from property
    presežek dohódka excess of income
    za življenje zadosten dohódek living wage, arhaično competence
    skupno ustvarjen dohódek jointly realized income
    dobivati dohódke od to derive revenues from
    živeti svojim dohódkom primerno (figurativno) to cut one's suit according to one's cloth
    razporejanje dohódka income distribution; distribution of income
  • enolíčen monotonous, dull, drab, humdrum; uniform; commonplace; matter-of-fact; (brez sprememb) invariable, steady

    enolíčno petje monotonous drone
    enolíčno življenje a drab (ali humdrum) life
    enolíčno (prislov) monotonously
    enolíčno živeti to live a treadmill existence
  • Fráncija France

    v Fránciji in France
    živeti kot bog v Fránciji to be living in clover, pogovorno to have it made
  • gospóski gentlemanly; lordly; noble; of rank, of quality, of distinction; zgodovina seigneurial, seigniorial; (obleka) stylish, fashionable, smart

    gospósko živeti to live in (grand) style
  • izobílje abundance, copiousness; plenty; profusion; affluence; richness, opulence; (preobilje) surfeit, glut; galore

    v izobílju in abundance, galore
    jedače in pijače v izobílju plenty to eat and drink
    živeti v izobílju to live in clover (ali in plenty ali in affluence)
  • kláteški vagrant; vagabond; strolling

    živeti kláteško življenje to live the life of a tramp; to live a vagabond life
    kláteški cigani strolling gypsies pl
  • korúza maize, ZDA corn; Indian corn

    pečena korúza parched corn
    ličkati korúzo to husk (ali to hull) corn
    vreči puško v korúzo (figurativno) to throw in the sponge (ali towel)
    živeti na korúzi (figurativno) to cohabit, to live in sin, arhaično to be married over the broomstick
  • krùh bread

    brez krùha breadless, (brez posla) unemployed
    črn krùh brown (ali black) bread
    domač krùh home-made (ali household) bread
    bel krùh white bread
    ječmenov krùh barley bread
    koruzen krùh ZDA corn pone
    ržen rye bread
    svež krùh fresh (ali new) bread
    star, suh krùh stale bread
    (ne)kvašen krùh (un)leavened bread
    vojaški krùh ration bread
    pražen krùh toast
    naš vsakdanji krùh our daily bread
    hlebec, štruca krùha loaf of bread
    kos, reženj krùha a piece, a slice of bread
    ob krùhu in vodi on bread and water
    krùh z maslom bread and butter
    ostanki krùha left-over bread
    pražilec za krùh toaster
    košarica za krùh breadbasket
    rezilni stroj za krùh bread slicer
    skorja krùha a crust of bread
    krùha in iger! bread and circuses!
    boj za vsakdanji krùh the struggle for life
    pomanjkanje krùha shortage (ali scarcity) of bread
    deliti s kom krùh to break bread with someone
    on ni vreden krùha, ki ga jé he is not worth his salt
    ni imel skorje krùha he had not a crust of bread to eat
    ostati brez krùha (figurativno) to be thrown out of work
    pritrgovati si krùh od ust to stint oneself
    odjesti komu krùh to take the bread out of someone's mouth
    jesti tuj krùh (figurativno) to serve other people, to be dependent on other people
    prišel je do krùha pogovorno he's got it made
    peči krùh to bake bread
    služiti si svoj krùh z... to get one's living by...
    sam si mora služiti krùh he has to earn his own living
    težko si služiti krùh to work hard for a living
    kako si služi svoj krùh? (figurativno) how does he earn (ali make, win) his bread (ali his living)?
    skregati se s svojim krùhom (figurativno) to quarrel with one's bread and butter, not to know which side one's bread is buttered on
    stati v vrsti za krùh to stand in a bread-line
    krùh je vzhajal the bread has risen
    živeti ob krùhu in vodi to be put on bread and water
  • lép -a, -o beautiful, fine; pretty, nice, handsome; sweet; (obraz) good-looking; pesniško beauteous; (vreme) fair, fine, favourable; (rast, stas) wellmade, well-proportioned, well-formed, wellshaped, shapely; (ljubek) lovely, graceful, charming

    lép, -a, -o kot slika as pretty as a picture
    lép, -a, -oo darilo (premoženje, kompliment) a handsome present (fortune, compliment)
    lép, -a, -oa godlja, zmeda a nice mess
    lép, -a, -oa pot good road
    lép, -a, -oi spol the fair sex
    lép, -a, -oa priložnost (znesek) a fair chance (amount)
    lép, -a, -oa vsota a round (ali respectable) sum
    lép, -a, -oe goré beautiful mountains pl
    lép, -a, -oo vreme fine weather
    lép, -a, -oe umetnosti fine (ali liberal) arts pl
    lép, -a, -o začetek a nice beginning
    lép, -a, -oe pozdrave tvoji sestri! best regards to your sister!
    lép, -a, -oega dne one fine day
    lép, -a, -oa pisava a fair hand
    imeti lép, -a, -oo pisavo to write a fair hand
    od lép, -a, -oih besed se ne da živeti fine words butter no parsnips
    lép, -a, -oo mnenje boste imeli o meni you will have a fine opinion of me, what are you going to think of me?
    barometer kaže "lepo" the barometer stands at fair
    to ni lepó od tebe that's not nice of you
    ta je pa lép, -a, -oa! a fine (ali story), this is!
    to je vse lép, -a, -oo, toda... that's all very well (ali fine), but...
    kar praviš, je vse prav lép, -a, -oo, toda... what you say is all very fine, but...
    to bi bilo še lepše! that would beat everything!, that would cap it all!
  • lóčen separated; severed; detached; (v zakonu) divorced

    lóčno prislov apart
    zakon je bil lóčen the marriage has been dissolved
    lóčeno živeti to live apart
    doklada za lóčeno življenje separation allowance
  • lórd lord, peer

    povišati (koga) v lórda to raise (someone) to the peerage
    vesti se, obnašati se kot lórd, igrati lórda to lord it, to act the lord
    živeti kot lórd to live like a lord
    lordstvo lordship