
Zadetki iskanja

  • bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious

    zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
    bogáta izbira a wide selection
    bogáta pojedina a rich feast
    bogáta rima rich rhyme
    bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
    bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
    z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
    bogát z živino rich in cattle
    bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
    biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
    biti bogát z to be rich in
    postati bogát to become rich
  • gnáti to drive; to move; to run; to work; (pogon) to impel, to propel; (stroje) to set going, to keep going (ali in motion)

    gnáti si k srcu to take to heart
    gnáti živino na pašo to take cattle to pasture, to put cattle on grass, to graze cattle
    žene me k njej (figurativno) I am longing to see her
    gnáti se (hiteti) to hurry, to make haste, to hasten
    predaleč kaj gnáti to push something too far
    gnáti se za bogastvom to scramble for wealth
  • napájati (ljudi) to give someone a drink, (v veliki količini) to ply someone with drinks; to supply (fuel, gas, electricity, water)

    dolino napaja široka reka a wide river supplies the valley with water
    letalo se napaja pred poletom the aircraf is fuelled before takeoff
    jedrska elektrarna bo napajala celotno mestno omrežje a nuclear power station will feed the whole city grid
    napájati živino to water cattle
    napájati se figurativno to drink from, to draw from, to absorb, to imbibe
  • napojíti to water; to give (someone something) to drink

    napojíti konja, živino to water the horse, the cattle
    napojíti goste to ply one's guests with drinks; (opijaniti) to fuddle, to make drunk
    napojèn (z vodo, zemlja) waterlogged
  • páša1 pasture; pasturage; pasturing; pasture land; grassland; herbage

    duševna páša food for thought, mental pabulum
    občinska páša common pastureland, common
    primeren za pášo fit for pasture
    on pase ovce na občinski páši (pašniku) he pastures his sheep on the common
    voditi živino na pášo to pasture
  • prezímiti prezimováti to spend (ali to pass) the winter; to winter; (živali, v spanju) to hibernate

    prezímiti, prezimováti koga to winter someone
    prezímiti, prezimováti živino s krmo to winter one's stock on hay
  • stája (tamar) fold, pen

    stája za živino cattle pen; (konjska) stable; stall
    ovčja stája sheepfold, pen
  • tŕg (v mestu) square, (zaokrožen) circus; (mestece) borough, market town; (živilski) market, market place

    Nelsonov tŕg (v Londonu) Trafalgar Square
    enoten jugoslovanski tŕg united Yugoslav market
    Evropski skupni tŕg European Common Market
    na prostem tŕgu on the free market
    ribji tŕg fish market
    mrtev tŕg (figurativno) dull market
    živahen tŕg active (ali lively) market
    denarni tŕg money market
    domači tŕg home market
    položaj na tŕgu state of the market
    kupec, kupovalka na tŕgu ZDA marketer
    prodajalec, -lka na tŕgu marketeer
    žitni tŕg corn market
    tŕg za živino cattle market
    tŕg za seno hay market
    iti na tŕg to go to market
    plasirati, postaviti na tŕg to place, to put on the market
    priti na tŕg (biti naprodaj) to come on to the market
    vreči artikel na tŕg to put an article on the market
    dati na tŕg, hoditi na tŕg, kupovati na tŕgu to market
    tŕg je bil dobro založen z zelenjavo the market was well supplied with vegetables
  • trgóvec merchant, tradesman, dealer; shopkeeper

    trgóvci pl dealers pl; merchants pl, tradespeople, wholesalers pl, commercial world
    veliki trgóvci the big dealers, people in big business, big businessmen
    mali trgóvci small tradespeople
    trgóvec na debelo wholesale dealer, wholesaler, merchant
    trgóvec na drobno retailer, retail dealer, shopkeeper, ZDA storekeeper
    komisijski trgóvec commission agent, commission merchant
    trgóvec z belim blagom (figurativno) white-slaver
    trgóvec s konji horse dealer, VB (zlasti nepošten) coper
    trgóvec z lesom timber merchant
    trgóvec s pisalnimi potrebščinami stationer
    trgóvec s pohištvom furniture dealer
    trgóvec z ribami fishmonger
    trgóvec s sadjem fruiterer
    trgóvec s špecerijskim blagom grocer
    trgóvec z vinom na debelo wine merchant
    trgóvec z zelenjavo greengrocer
    trgóvec z žitom corn merchant, corn chandler
    trgóvec z živino cattle dealer
  • zgoníti

    zgoníti živino skupaj to herd cattle together
  • zíma winter, wintertime

    blaga, mila zíma mild winter
    huda, ostra zíma hard (ali severe) winter
    sredi zíme, v najhujši zími in the depth of winter
    zíma brez snega green winter
    starka Zima Old Man Winter
    zíma je pred vrati winter is upon us
    krmiti živino čez zímo s senom to winter one's stock on hay
    prespati zímo to hibernate
    preživeti zímo to winter
    pripraviti za porabo v zími ZDA to winterize
  • zmôči (zmorem) to be able (kaj napraviti to do something); to manage; to afford; (premagati) to overcome, to overpower

    naša polja ne zmorejo (dati) dovolj krme za našo živino our fields do not yield enough fodder for our cattle
    tega ne zmorem (si ne morem privoščiti) I cannot afford it
    lotiti se naloge, ki je ne zmoremo (figurativno) to bite off more than one can chew
    kolikor zmorem to the best of my ability
  • živína cattle, livestock; figurativno brute

    klavna živína fat stock, beef cattle
    plemenska živína breeding cattle
    rogata živína horned cattle
    tovorna živína beast of burden, pack animal
    vprežna živína draught animals
    reja živíne stockbreeding, cattle breeding, cattle rearing, cattle raising
    rejec živíne stockbreeder, stock farmer, cattleman, stockman
    gonjač živíne drover, cattleman
    tat živíne cattle thief, rustler
    hrana, krma za živíno feed, fodder, cattle food
    hlev za živíno cowshed, cattle shed, VB (redko) byre
    trgovec z živíno cattle dealer, stockdealer
    staja za živíno cattle pen
    delati kot črna živína to work like a Trojan, to work one's fingers to the bone
    on je »visoka živín« (figurativno) žargon he is a big shot (ali big noise, big wheel, big gun, big chief, big cheese, bigwig); he is somebody (ali a personage, a personality, a VIP); (v vojski) he is a brass hat
Število zadetkov: 13