
Zadetki iskanja

  • livár founder; caster; furnace-man

    livár železa iron founder
  • želézo iron

    kovano želézo wrought iron
    lito želézo cast iron
    mehko želézo soft iron
    staro želézo scrap iron
    surovo želézo pig iron, crude cast iron
    valjano želézo rolled iron
    zarjavelo želézo rusty iron
    ležišče želéza iron deposits pl
    rudnik želéza iron mine
    profilno želézo section iron
    dati med staro želézo (figurativno) to consign to the scrap heap
    okovati z želézom to iron
    imeti dvoje želéz v ognju (figurativno) to have two strings to one's bow
    imeti več želéz v ognju to have several strings to one's bow, to have several irons in the fire
    ima preveč želéz v ognju (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
    kuj želézo, dokler je vroče! strike while the iron is hot!, make hay while the sun shines!
    kujmo želézo dokler je vroče! let us strike while the iron is hot!, let us make hay while the sun shines!
    vreči med staro želézo to throw away as useless, to scrap
Število zadetkov: 2