želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for
zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
želéti si to long for, to yearn for
zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing
Zadetki iskanja
- dobrodôšlica welcome
želeti komu dobrodôšlico to welcome someone, to bid someone welcome - hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view
rajši hotéti to prefer
ne hotéti to be unwilling
hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
kaj hočete? what do you want?
kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
(sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same - iméti to have; pogovorno to have got; to possess, to be in possession of; to keep, to hold, to own
ne iméti not to have, to be in want of, to be short of, to lack, to be destitute of, to be devoid of
iméti dar za to have a gift for, to have a talent for
iméti glavno besedo to be the spokesman
iméti čas za to have time for
iméti govor to make a speech, to deliver an oration
iméti zadnjo besedo to have the last word (ali the final say)
iméti ime to bear a name
iméti nahod to have a cold
iméti nekaj denarja to have some money
iméti izbiro to have a choice
iméti napako to have a fault
iméti prav to be right
ne iméti prav to be wrong
iméti posla z to have dealings with
iméti prijatelja v kom to have a friend in someone
iméti koga za norca to regard someone as a fool
iméti potrpljenje to have patience, to be patient
iméti težave to have difficulties
iméti srečo to be lucky, to be in luck, (stalno) to have a run of good luck
ne iméti sreče to be unlucky, to be ill-fated, to be out of luck, to be down on one's luck, to strike a bad patch
iméti pri roki to have on hand, to have near at hand, to have handy
iméti usmiljenje z to take pity on, to pity, to commiserate with
iméti pravico do to be entitled to
iméti referendum to hold a referendum
iméti volitve to hold elections
iméti za posledico to entail
iméti v vidu to have in view
rad iméti to like, to be fond of
najrajši iméti to prefer above all
rajši iméti to prefer, to like better
sedaj imamo zimo it is winter now
imam nekaj denarja pri sebi I have some money on me
to nima nič na sebi it is of no consequence
kako se imaš? how are you getting on?, how are you?
dobro se imejte! have a good time!
ima me, da bi (šel) I have a good mind to (go)
imel je priti včeraj he was to come yesterday
hoteti kaj iméti (želeti) to desire, to wish, to want something
imam ga za poštenjaka I believe him to be an honest man
za koga me (pa) imate? whom (pogovorno who) do you take me for?
iméti koga na hrani in stanovanju to board and lodge someone
iméti obzir to be considerate
iméti na zalogi, v skladišču to have in store, in stock - nemogoč impossible; (neizvedljiv) unfeasible, impracticable; figurativno ungodly
ob taki nemogoči uri at such an ungodly hour
poskušati nekaj nemogočega (figurativno) to make bricks without straw, to weave a rope of sand
želeti si nekaj nemogočega, nemogoče to cry for the moon - sílno violently, extremely, mightily, powerfully; awfully
sílno zadolžen over head and ears in debt
sílno želeti to crave (after), to lust (after, for), to pine (after, for), to yearn (after), to hanker (after, for) - srcé heart; figurativno (jedro) pith, core, marrow
od srca from one's heart
brez srca heartless, cruel, hardhearted, unfeeling
v srcu at heart
na dnu mojega srca in my heart of hearts
z grenkobo v srcu with bitterness in one's heart
s težkim (lahkim) srcem (figurativno) with a heavy (light) heart
iz vsega srca with all my heart and soul
dobrega srca kindhearted
drag mojemu srcu dear to my heart
bolan na srcu (figurativno) heartsick
srcé trgajoč heartbreaking, heartrending
srcé Jezusovo religija Sacred Heart
rdeče srcé (lesna bolezen) false heartwood
napaka na srcu heart disease
razširjenje srca dilatation of the heart
sredstvo za krepitev srca cordial, heart stimulant, ZDA cardiac
zlato srcé (figurativno) a generous (ali a kind) heart
bítje srcá heartbeat
trdega srca hardhearted
bolan na srcu ill with a heart condition
srcé bije, močno tolče the heart pulsates, throbs
srcé me boli I am heartsick (ali heartsore), I am sick at heart, my heart aches, it grieves my heart
srcé mi močno bíje my heart is pounding (ali is thumping)
lahkó mi je pri srcu I am light at heart
biti bolan na srcu to be heartsick
to mi je na srcu this is close to my heart
to mi ni pri srcu (figurativno) it does not appeal to me
imeti nekaj na srcu (figurativno) to have something on one's mind
nimam srca, da bi to napravil I haven't got the heart to do it
ne jemlji si tega preveč k srcu! don't take it too hard!, don't worry about it!
to gre človeku do srca (figurativno)
to človeku trga srcé this is heartrending
srcé mi krvavi (mi je krvavelo) my heart is bleeding (bled)
kar ima na srcu, ima na jeziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
srcé mi ne da, da bi to storil I do it with a bad grace, I cannot bring myself to do it
to mi je zelo pri srcu I have set my heart upon it
odvaliti komu kamen od srca (figurativno) to take a load off someone's mind
kamen se mi je odvalil od srca I feel a weight off my mind, a weight has been lifted from my mind
on osvaja ženska srca he is a ladykiller
omehčati najtrše srcé to touch the stoniest of hearts
srcé mi je padlo v hlače (figurativno) my heart sank into my shoes, I got cold feet, my heart failed me
položiti komu kaj na srcé to lay something to someone's heart
pomilujem vas iz dna srca I pity you from the bottom of my heart
olajšati si srcé to unbosom oneself
srcé bi mi póčilo I would die of a broken heart
srcé mi poskakuje od veselja ob tem it makes my heart thrill
to prija mojemu srcu it does my heart good
pridobiti si srca vseh to win the hearts of all
k srcu mu je prirasla (figurativno) he became very fond of her
razveseliti komu srcé to warm the cockles of someone's heart
od srca se smejati to laugh heartily
kolikor ti (le) srcé poželi! to your heart's content!
srcé se mi stiska I feel pangs (anguish)
iti komu k srcu to go to someone's heart, to make someone's heart thrill
srcé se mi trga it breaks my heart, I find it heartrending
človeku se srcé trga (ob tem) it's heartbreaking (ali heartrending)
vzeti si kaj k srcu to take something to heart
preveč si je to vzel k srcu he took it too much to heart
zelo sem si k srcu vzel njegovo smrt I was deeply affected by his death, I found his death a terrible blow
to mi teži srcé it presses (ali weighs heavily) upon my mind
strl ji je srcé (figurativno) he broke her heart
srcé mu je poskočilo (figurativno) his heart leapt
srcé me je zabolelo I was heartstricken
od vsega srca želeti kaj to set one's heart on something - sréča (notranja) happiness, felicity; (muhasta) fortune; (slučajna) (good) luck, good fortune, lucky chance
veliko sréče! good luck!
na sréčo, k sréči fortunately, luckily, by a lucky chance
na slepo sréčo at random, at haphazard, at a venture, in a happygo-lucky way
vso sréčo! may good luck go with you!
najboljšo sréčo! the best of luck (to you)!
kolo sréče Fortune's wheel, the ups and downs of life
v sréči ali nesreči in weal or woe, for good or ill, come weal or woe
opoteča sréča chequered fortune
sprememba sréče (na slabše) change for the worse, reversal of fortune
(še) sréča, da... it's a piece of luck that...
prava sréča, da ste slučajno bili tam it's a blessing you happened to be there
vojna sréča contingencies pl of war
to (pa) je sréča! that's what I call good luck!
bila bi velika sréča, če... it would be a great slice of luck if...
to je pač moja sréča! (imam pač tako sréčo!) that's just my luck!
lahko govorimo o sréči we can consider ourselves lucky
sréča je hotela, da... as luck would have it...
imam sréčo I am in luck, I am lucky
nimam sréče I have no luck, I am out of luck
to se pravi imeti sréčo! that's what I call good luck!
imeti veliko sréčo to have much good luck
imeti več sréče kot pameti to be more lucky than wise
marsikdo ima več sréče kot pameti fortune favours fools
imeti nepričakovano sréčo (pogovorno) to strike oil
imeti vražjo sréčo to be dead lucky
imeti vedno sréčo pri kartanju to be always lucky at cards
imel sem sréčo I had a stroke of luck
iskati sréčo to seek fortune
če bo šlo vse po sréči if everything goes well
poskusiti sréčo to try one's luck, to take one's chance, to chance one's luck, (žargon) to chance it
to ti bo prineslo sréčo it will bring you good luck
poskusiti kaj na slepo sréča to have a go
napraviti kaj na slepo sréčo (pogovorno) to chance one's arm
dal sem si prerokovati sréčo I had my fortune told
vedeževati komu sréčo to tell someone his fortune
vsakemu se sréča enkrat nasmeje every dog has his (ali its) day
skaliti sréčo to mar someone's happiness
voščiti, želeti komu sréčo pri... to wish someone joy of...
pot do sréče je trnova arhaično no joy without annoy
kadar sem imel največ sréče, sem zaslužil X SIT in my heyday I earned X tolars
sréča me zapušča my fortunes are at a low ebb
zibati se v sréči to walk (ali to tread) on air
bogastvo samo nam še ne more nuditi sréče wealth alone cannot procure us happiness
vse mu gre po sréči (se mu obrne v sréčo) everything in the garden's lovely, arhaično all things conspire to make him happy
vsak je svoje sréče kovač every man is the architect of his fortune - zlò evil; ill; harm; mischief
delati zlò to do evil
izogibati se zlu to keep out of mischief
vzeti za zlò to take amiss, to take offence at, to take in bad part, to be offended at
ne jemljite mi tega za zlò! don't take it amiss!
iti po zlu to go to rack and ruin, to go to the dogs, to go to ruin
od dveh izberi manjše zlò! choose the lesser of two evils!
snovati zlò to mean mischief
moji posli gredo po zlu my business is going downhill
želeti komu zlò to bear malice to someone, to wish someone ill
to je potrebno zlò that is a necessary evil
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Število zadetkov: 9