
Zadetki iskanja

  • žívec nerve

    slušni (vidni, vonjalni) žívec auditory (optic, olfactory) nerve
    napeti žívci strained nerves
    občutljivi žívci delicate (ali excitable) nerves
    razrvani žívci disordered nerves
    ki gre na žívce (razburljiv) nerve-racking, nerve-wracking
    na koncu z žívci (figurativno) under a strain
    imeti napete žívce to have one's nerves on edge, to be strung up
    biti prenapetih žívcev to suffer from nerves
    imeti zelo občutljive žívce to be highly strung
    iti komu na žívce to get on someone's nerves
    ona mi gre na žívce she gets on my nerves, she wears me down
    imeti močne žívce to have steady nerves
    žívci so mu odpovedali his nerves snapped
    on trpi na žívcih he has trouble with his nerves, he is suffering from a nervous complaint
    izgubiti žívce to lose one's nerve
    denar je žívec vojne money is the sinews of war
    človek železnih žívcev a man with iron nerves (ali with nerves of steel)
  • motóričen

    motórični živec motor nerve
  • simpátičen (oseba) likable, likeable, agreeable, pleasant, nice; prepossessing; winning, attractive, engaging, congenial

    simpátično vedenje winning ways pl
    takoj mi je bil (postal) simpátičen I took to him at once, I found him an attractive person from the word go
    ona mi ni simpátična I don't care much for her, I don't feel interested in her
    simpátični živec (simpatikus) sympathetic nerve
  • slúšen

    slúšni aparat hearing aid, apparatus for the deaf
    slúšni živec auditory nerve
  • zóben dental; tooth(-); of a tooth

    zóbna bolezen disease of the teeth
    zóbni cement dental cement
    zóbna fistula dental fistula
    zóbna dlesna, zóbne dlesne gum, gingiva, pl -vae
    vnetje dlesen gingivitis
    čir na dlesni gumboil
    zóbni kamen tartar (on teeth), odontolith
    zóbna kirurgija dental surgery
    zóbna krona crown, jacket
    zóbna korenina root of a tooth
    zóbna krvavitev bleeding of the gums
    zóbne klešče dental forceps pl
    zóbna klinika dental clinic, dental hospital
    zóbna jamica (alveola) tooth socket, alveolus
    zóbna gniloba caries, tooth decay
    zóbna nega dental care, care of one's teeth
    zóbna obloga dental plaque
    zóbno plombiranje stopping, filling
    zóbni prašek tooth powder
    zóbna krema, pasta dentifrice; tooth paste
    zóbna proteza denture
    zóbna ščetka toothbrush
    zóbna sklenina dental enamel
    zóbna voda dental lotion, mouthwash
    zóbna pulpa dental pulp
    zóbno tkivo dental tissue
    zóbna vrzel gap between teeth
    zóbno zdravljenje dental treatment
    zóbna vrtalka dental machine
    zóbno zrcalo dental mirror
    zóbni živec dental nerve
Število zadetkov: 5