žêlja desire, wish; request; (hrepenenje) longing, yearning, craving, hankering, yen; (pohlep) cupidity, avidity, greed, greediness; (čestitka) congratulation
na žêljo trgovina if desired, on request
po žêlji as (ali if) requested, according to one's wish
na izrecno žêljo at the express wish (of)
dobre (slabe) žêlje pl good (bad) wishes pl
na splošno žêljo by general request
na žêljo g. X-a at the request (ali by desire) of Mr. X.
po moji žêlji in accordance with my wishes
moja srčna žêlja my heartfelt wish
pobožna žêlja (figurativno) pious hope (ali wish)
vroča žêlja ardent desire
to je moja edina žêlja it is the only thing I wish for, it is my only wish
naj bo po vaši žêlji! let it be as you wish!
izraziti žêljo to express one's desire
to so pobožne žêlje (figurativno, pogovorno) that's a piece of wishful thinking
od (dobrih) žêlja še nihče ni bil sit if wishes were horses beggars might ride
imeti žêljo to entertain a wish
vse je šlo (se je izšlo) po mojih žêljah everything turned out the way I wanted
to je bila le moja pobožna žêlja (figurativno) that was only my wishful thinking
uganiti žêlje koga to anticipate someone's wishes
ne morem ustreči tvoji žêlji I cannot comply with your wish
treba je znati brzdati svoje žêlje one must learn to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
izpolniti žêljo to satisfy a desire
Zadetki iskanja
- cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration
brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
za ta cílj to this end
mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
imeti za cílj to aim at
ima visok cílj he is aiming high
doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
postaviti cílj to set an aim
postaviti si za cílj to aim at
vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
zadeti cílj to hit the mark
zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end - izrécen izréčen express; explicit; strict, formal
moja izrécna želja my express wish
izrecno prislov expressly, strongly
na izrécno zahtevo at the express demand - izvršíti to execute; to perform, to carry out (ali through), to carry into effect; to accomplish, to fulfil; to achieve; to make up; to effect, to effectuate, to bring about, to consummate; to contrive; to complete
dobesedno izvršíti to fulfil to the letter
izvršíti plačilo to effect payment
izvršíti ukaz koga to comply with someone's order
izvršíti se to occur; to take place; to take effect; (želja, upanje, namera) to come true; to be fulfilled - mísel thought; idea
v míslih in mind, in one's thoughts
bogat z míslimi rich (ali fertile) in ideas
istih mísli like-minded, of the same mind
zatopljen v mísli engrossed (ali sunk, lost in thought)
vodilna mísel chief (ali principal) idea
že sama mísel na to the mere thought of it, merely thinking of it
prenos mísli thought-transference
branje mísli thoughtreading
svoboda mísli freedom of thought, free thought
črne mísli mi rojé po glavi I am in the doldrums
njegovo ime mi ne pride na mísel his name has slipped my memory
često vas imam v míslih you are often in my thoughts
kako si prišel na to mísel? what put such an idea into your head?
njegova edina mísel je, kako priti do denarja his sole thought is to make money
priti komu na mísel to be remembered by someone, to come (back) to mind, to be in someone's thoughts
nikoli mi ni to prišlo na mísel it never entered my head (ali my mind)
na mísel mi pride it occurs to me, it comes into (ali it crosses) my mind, I discover (da... that)
imeti samó eno mísel to have but one thing in mind (ali one thought)
tolar bi dal, da bi (zdajle) vedel za tvoje mísli! (figurativno)a penny for your thoughts!, a penny for them!
v glavo mi je šinila mísel, da... it suddenly occurred to me, the thought struck me that...
ne morem slediti tvoji mísli I don't follow you, I don't get your drift, I don't see what you're driving at
v míslih te vidim I can see you in my mind (ali in my mind's eye)
ni mu prišlo na mísel, da bi plačal svoj dolg he had no thought of paying his debt
brati, uganiti mísli koga to read someone's thoughts
želja je rodila mísel the wish is father to the thought
zaupati komu svoje mísli to open one's mind to someone
ne morem se znebiti, (otresti) te mísli I cannot banish (dismiss) this thought from my mind, I cannot get rid of this idea
kolikor glav, toliko mísli many men, many minds
še na mísel mi ne pride, da bi to storil I would not dream of doing it - pobóžen pious, devout, religious, godly; (pretirano) bigoted
na videz pobóžen sanctimonious
zelo pobóžen človek devotee
to je pobóžna želja that's a piece of wishful thinking
pobóžno prislov piously, devoutly
pobóžno poslušati (figurativno) to listen with rapt attention - popásti1 (zgrabiti) to seize, to grasp; to attack, to assail, to assault
popadla ga je želja, da... he suddenly felt the urge to..., arhaično he was smitten with the desire to... - sìt sated, satiated; fed; figurativno (naveličan) fed up with, sick of, tired of, weary of
sìt življenja weary of life, tired of life
do grla sem sìt I'm fed up to the teeth (with)
najesti se do sìtega to appease one's hunger, to eat one's fill of...
do sìtega sem se nagledal I have seen enough, pogovorno I've had an eyeful
sìt sem ga (figurativno) I can't stand the fellow any longer
sìt sem tega I've had enough of it, I'm fed up with it
sìt je vsega he's fed up with everything
sìt sem tega dela I'm sick of this work
sìt sem čakanja I am tired of waiting
čez glavo sem sìt I'm fed up to the back teeth (with)
do sìtega se je najedel češenj he has eaten his fill of cherries
ljudstvo je bilo sìto vojne the people were sick of war
ne more biti volk sìt in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
od dobrih (lepih) želja še nihče ni bil sìt if wishes were horses beggars might ride - sláva glory, fame, illustriousness; (ugled) renown, repute, reputation, popularity
na vrhuncu sláve at the height of one's glory
željan sláve eager for glory, ambitious
želja po slávi thirst for glory, love of fame
ovenčan s slávo covered with glory
doseči slávo to achieve (ali to win) fame
sláva mu! all honour to him! (ali to his memory!) - sŕčen of the heart, heart(-); -hearted; hearty, cordial, heartfelt; medicina cardiac; brave, bold, courageous, intrepid, fearless; stouthearted
sŕčna kap medicina heart attack
sŕčni mir composure, tranquillity of mind
sŕčni zastoj heart failure
sŕčna želja heart's desire, ardent desire
sŕčna zadeva love affair, affair of the heart
sŕčne pozdrave! cordial greetings!, all the best!, best wishes!
sŕčno vas pozdravlja (v pismu) Yours sincerely, Yours very truly
sŕčna nevroza cardiac neurosis
sŕčna kri pesniško heart's blood
sŕčna napaka medicina cardiac defect, heart disease
sŕčna zaklopka (cardiac) valve
sŕčna bol heartache
sŕčni krč angina pectoris
sŕčna dama (pri kartah) queen of hearts - svobôda freedom; liberty; (neodvisnost) independence
svobôda govora in združevanja freedom of speech and assembly
svobôda govora freedom of speech
svobôda tiska freedom of the press
svobôda vestí liberty of consience
svobôda morij freedom of the seas
osebna svobôda individual liberty
pesniška svobôda poetic licence
politična svobôda political liberty
boj, vojna za svobôdo struggle for liberty
želja (žeja) po svobôdi desire (thirst) for liberty (ali independence)
verska svobôda religious freedom
državljanska svobôda civil liberty
svobôda opredelitve freedom of choice
boriti se za svobôdo to fight for freedom
biti na svobôdi (prostosti) to be at liberty, to be at large
izpustiti na svobôdo to set at liberty, to set free
dobiti, doseči svobôdo to gain, to obtain liberty (ali freedom)
izpustiti na svobôdo (prostost) proti kavciji to release on bail
biti na svobôdi proti kavciji to be out on bail
boriti se za svobôdo misli to struggle (ali to fight) for freedom of thought
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Število zadetkov: 11