žêna (zakonska, soproga) wife, pl wives, humoristično better half; (soproga) spouse, mate, consort; (ženska) woman, pl women
brez žêne wifeless
poročena žêna married woman
moja bodoča žêna my wife-tobe
ločena žêna divorced woman, divorcee
kraljeva žêna queen consort
zakonita žêna lawful wedded wife
nezakonita žêna mistress
žêne pl women, wives; (lepi spol) the fair sex, womankind
moja žêna my wife, (bolj formalno) Mrs. X., pogovorno my old lady, my old woman, the missis (ali missus), (londonsko narečje) my old dutch
svetska žêna woman of the world
žêna s preteklostjo woman with a past
mož nezveste žêne (rogonosec) cuckold
biti komu dobra žêna to make someone a good wife
dati za žêno to give in marriage
žêna drži moža pod copato the husband is henpecked
ločiti se od žêne to divorce one's wife
vzeti za žêno to marry, to take in marriage
Zadetki iskanja
- žálik žêna mitologija nymph
- bívši former; late; past; ex-
bívša žena ex-wife
bívši mož ex-husband, pogovorno ex
bívši minister former minister
bívši ministrski predsednik former (ali late) prime minister
bívši guverner former (ali late ali ex-) governor - bodóč future; coming; next
v bodóče in the future, in times to come, for the future; henceforth; from this time on; hereafter, henceforward
moj bodóči mož, moja bodóča žena my intended
njen bodóči mož her future husband, her intended, her husband to-be
njegova bodóča žena his wife-to-be
bodóči župan the mayor elect - bóljši better; superior
daleč bóljši better by far
njegova bóljša polovica polovica (= žena) humoristično his better half
sprememba na bóljše a change for the better
on je na bóljšem he is better off
on je videl bóljše dneve (figurativno) he has seen better days, ZDA pogovorno he is a has-been
bóljšega ni mogel storiti kot... he could not do better than...
ima se za nekaj bóljšega he thinks himself superior
ker ni nič bóljšega for want of something better
zdravje je bóljše kot bogastvo health is better than wealth - grísti to bite; (izjedati) to fret; (o kislini) to corrode; (o vesti) to prick, to sting; (peči, boleti) to smart; to worry
grize (žalostí) me I grieve
žena ga grize his wife leads him a cat and dog life
grísti se figurativno to grieve, to fret; to worry; to eat one's heart out
grísti se med seboj to torment one another, to lead a cat and dog life, to nag one another - iskáti to look for, to search for; to seek, to try to find
iščem besedo v slovarju I am looking a word up (ali looking up a word) in the dictionary
iščem izhod I am looking for a (ali the) way out
povsod sem iskal pomoč arhaično I have sought help on every hand, pogovorno I've tried everywhere
rastline vedno iščejo sonce plants always turn towards the sun
moja žena išče pomočnico my wife is on the lookout for a servant
trgovec išče sposobnega pomočnika shopkeeper seeks capable assistant (ZDA clerk)
iskáti vodo, rudo z bajalico to dowse, to search for water with a divining rod
saj je iskal to (hotel tako)! he was asking for it!
tu nimaš kaj iskáti! you have no business here!
vsepovsod iskáti to search high and low (for something); (v oglasih)
iščem, iščemo, išče se... wanted... - krepósten virtuous; moral; chaste
krepóstna žena a virtuous woman, a woman of virtue - modéren modern; up-to-date; (moda) fashionable, stylish, new-fashioned
modérni časi modern times pl
modérna hiša an up-to-date house
modérna šola (the) modern school
modérna žena (the) new woman
dolga krila so spet postala modérna long skirts have come back into fashion - nasadíti to plant, (vrt) to lay out; to cultivate; to set out; (sekiro) to helve; (metlo) to furnish with a handle; (kokoš) to set a hen
nasadíti na kol to impale
žena mu je nasadila roge his wife has cuckolded him - pástor protestant clergyman; parson; minister; pastor; rector
pástorjeva žena parson's wife - pék baker
pékova žena baker's wife - pòdkrálj viceroy
čast, služba pòdkrálja viceroyship, viceroyalty
pòdkráljeva žena viceroy's wife, vicereine - polovíca half, pl halves; moiety
na polovíco by halves
polovíca zneska half the amount
boljša polovíca (figurativno, žena) one's better half
za polovíco dražji half as dear again
za polovíco predolg too long by half
za polovíco preveč too much by half
polovíca od njih je bilo ranjenih half of them were wounded
izgubil je več kot polovíco svojega premoženja he lost more than half his fortune
dobiti že polovíco, opraviti že pol dela (figurativno) to win half the battle
za polovíco zmanjšati takso to halve the tax
zrezati na polovíce to cut in half - várati to deceive; to cheat; to delude; to dupe; to impose (upon); to trick; to swindle
naši čuti nas često varajo our senses often lead us astray
ta žena vara svojega moža this woman is unfaithful to her husband
várati se (motiti se) to be mistaken
varaš se you are mistaken
várati se v kom to be deceived in someone
várati se to deceive oneself, to delude oneself
pustiti se várati to be a dupe (od koga of someone) - vikár cerkveno (anglikanski) vicar; (kurat) curate
apostolski vikár vicar apostolic
žena anglikanskega vikárja arhaično vicaress
vikárski vicarial - zbudíti to wake, to wake up; to waken, figurativno to awaken; to rouse (from sleep), figurativno to arouse
žena me je zbudila ob šestih my wife woke me up at 6 o'clock
hrup ga je zbudil the noise woke him up
slika je zbudila žalostne spomine the picture awoke sad memories
zbudíti k življenju pesniško to awaken to life
zbudíti se to wake (up), to awake, to be roused, to be awakened
navadno se zbudim zgodaj I usually wake up early
zbudíti koga iz letargije, apatije to arouse someone from (his) lethargy, apathy, to shake someone out of (his) lethargy, apathy - zgléden exemplary; model
zgléden oče (soprog) model father (husband)
zglédna žena model wife
zglédno vedenje model behaviour
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Število zadetkov: 18