
Zadetki iskanja

  • žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief

    veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
    v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
    na mojo žálost to my sorrow
    na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
    biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning
  • ganiti

    1. to move; to touch; to affect; to impress; to strike; (zbuditi pomilovanje) to arouse pity

    to me ne gane that makes no impression on me
    Vaša obzirnost me gane I am highly appreciative of your tactfulness
    zelo me je (to) ganilo it has touched me deeply
    njene besede so me ganile do solz her words moved me to tears
    njegova žalost me je do srca ganila his grief touched me to the heart

    2. (premakniti) to move, to stir

    s prstom ni ganil zame he did not lift (ali raise) a finger for me
    ganiti se (z mesta) to move, to stir, to budge
  • glódati (o miši itd.) to gnaw; to nibble; (kost) to pick; (črv) to eat into

    kes in žalost ga glodata remorse and sorrow are preying upon him
    zavist ga gloda he is consumed with jealousy
    glódati se (o osebi) to fret, to chafe
    glódati se od zaskrbljenosti to eat one's heart out with anxiety
  • odrážati (odsevati) to reflect

    odrážati se to be reflected
    knjiga odraža ideje stoletja the book mirrors the ideas of the century
    njegova globoka žalost se odraža v njegovi glasbi his grief is reflected in his music
  • potláčiti to oppress; to repress; to depress; to suppress; to press down; (zatreti) to subdue; to stifle; to crush; (čustva) to restrain, to quell; (z nasiljem) to ride rough-shod over

    potláčiti upor to crush a revolt
    potláčiti svojo žalost to stifle one's grief
    ki se more potláčiti suppressible
    potláčiti svoja čustva to restrain one's feelings
    potláčiti govorice to stifle rumours
  • zrcáliti to mirror; to reflect

    zrcáliti se to be mirrored (v in), to be reflected (v in)
    v tej knjigi se zrcalijo ideje našega stoletja this book reflects the ideas of our century
    njegova žalost se zrcali v glasbi, ki jo je tedaj komponiral his grief is reflected in the music he wrote at that time
  • žál

    1. (medmet) alas; what a pity!

    2. prislov unfortunately, regretfully

    žál jutri ne morem priti I am sorry I shall not be able to come tomorrow
    nič žalega mu nisem storil I have done him no harm
    on ne bi muhi storil nič žalega he wouldn't hurt a fly
    ni mi žál nobenega truda I don't mind (taking) any amount of trouble
    žál ne morem ustreči tvoji želji I am sorry I cannot comply with your request
    žál (na žalost) ne moremo tega napraviti unfortunately that can't be done
    žál moram reči I regret (ali I am sorry) to say
    žál vidim, da... I am sorry to see that...
    žál moram iti I am afraid I have to go
    žál mi je zanj I am sorry for him, I pity him
    žál beseda offensive word
    žál ne I am afraid not
Število zadetkov: 7