
Zadetki iskanja

  • študírati to study

    on študira pravo he is studying for the bar, he is reading law
    študírati vlogo to study a part
    študiran človek an educated man
  • jús law

    študirati jús to read (ali to study) law, to go in for the law
  • právo law, jurisprudence, science of law

    doktor práva Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
    študent práva law student
    avtorsko právo copyright
    cerkveno, kanonsko právo church law, canon law
    civilno právo civil law
    državno právo public law
    mednarodno právo international law
    menično právo law dealing with bills of exchange
    pisano právo statute law
    trgovsko právo commercial law
    právo pestí, močnejšega (figurativno) club law
    študirati právo to read law; to study law; to read for the law, to read for the Bar
  • prêdmet object; subject; subject matter; thing; (téma) theme; (razgovora) subject, topic

    k prêdmetu! (= stvari, poziv predsednika) keep to the point (ali the subject)!
    prêdmet na razstavi (eksponat) exhibit
    prêdmet v razpravljanju, razpravi subject under discussion
    učni prêdmet subject (ali branch) of instruction
    obvezen (neobvezen, dodaten) (učni) prêdmet compulsory (optional, additional) subject
    študijski stranski prêdmet subsidiary subject, ZDA minor
    študirati kot stranski prêdmet ZDA to minor
    študijski prvi, glavni prêdmet main subject, ZDA major
    študirati nekaj kot glavni prêdmet ZDA to major in something
    oddaljiti se od prêdmeta to stray (too far) from the subject
    ne se oddaljiti od prêdmeta to keep to the point
    skakati z enega prêdmeta na drugega to skip from one subject to another
    to se ne tiče prêdmeta that is irrelevant
    prêdmet posmeha subject (ali butt) of ridicule
    neznani leteči prêdmet unidentified flying object (ufo)
  • príden diligent, industrious; hardworking; active

    prídno študirati to study hard
    prídnega k delu priganjati (figurativno) to flog a willing horse
  • učíti (koga) to teach, to instruct, to give instruction (to), to give lessons (to); to train

    učíti se to learn, (študirati) to study, (guliti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, (pogovorno) to bone up on; (vajenec) to serve one's apprenticeship
    učíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to commit to memory, to memorize
    zopet se učíti to relearn, (pogovorno) to brush up
    marljivo se učíti to study hard, to be a diligent student
    učíti se brati (branja) to learn to read
    on se zelo dobro uči he is quick to learn, he is a quick learner
    učíti se za izpit to get up (ali to brush up, pogovorno to bone up on) a subject for an examination
    učíti se pisanja to learn how to write
    moj brat se uči mizarstva my brother is learning joinery (ali is training to be a joiner)
  • univêrza university; VB pogovorno (nekdaj) varsity

    ljudska univêrza (university) extension college, (university) extramural department, adult education institute
    delavska univêrza workers' university
    sprejemni izpit na univêrzi university entrance examination
    študent univêrze university student
    iti (na študij) na univêrzo to go up to (the) university
    on gre na univêrzo he is going up (to university) (ali to college)
    zapustiti univêrzo to go down (from university)
    biti, študirati na univêrzi to be at (the) university
Število zadetkov: 7