štíri four
po štíri in štíri four by four
po vseh štírih on hands and knees
med štírimi očmi in private, confidentially, (med nama) between ourselves, between you and me, this is for your private ear
ura še ni štíri it isn't four (o'clock) yet
biti štíri leta star to be four (years old)
jesti za štíri to eat like a wolf
piti za štíri to drink like a fish
delati za štíri to work like a nigger
lesti po vseh štíriih to creep (ali to go) on all fours
upirati se z vsemi štírimi to oppose with might and main
Zadetki iskanja
- dva dve two
po dva, po dve in pairs, by twos
stran dve page two
dve in pet je sedem two and five make (ali are) seven
tako gotovo, kot je dve in dve štiri as sure as eggs is eggs
to me je stalo dva funta in dva penija this cost me two pound, twopence
ura je ravnokar odbila dve the clock has just struck two
pred dvema dnevoma two days ago
ne najdeš dveh takih, kot je on! you won't find anybody to match him!
otrok še ni dve leti star the child is not two yet
iti po dva in dva (v parih) to go in pairs (ali two by two)
hoditi v gručah po dva in tri to walk in twos and threes
za prepir sta potrebna dva it takes two to make a quarrel - dvákrat twice; two times
dvákrat dva je štiri twice two is four
dvákrat toliko twice as much
on je dvákrat starejši od mene he is twice my age
on je dvákrat bogatejši od tebe he is twice as rich as you
danes sem ga dvákrat videl I have seen him twice today
ne si pustiti dvákrat reči česa not to need to be told a thing twice
dvákrat boljši twice as good
dvákrat (dobro) kaj premisliti to think twice about something
dvákrat (ponovno) povedan twice-told - koló wheel
na kolesih on wheels
brez koles wheelless; (bicikel) cycle, bicycle, machine, pogovorno bike
dirkalno koló racing bicycle, racer
gonilno koló driving-wheel
mlinsko koló mill wheel
motorno koló motorcycle, pogovorno motor bike
turno koló roadster
črpalno koló (za vodo) waterwheel
koló ladje na kolesa paddle-wheel
koló obroč (otroška igrača) hoop
mučilno koló zgodovina the wheel (mediaeval instrument of torture)
gumasto koló tyre, ZDA tire
ladja na kolesa wheel-boat, paddle-steamer
zob kolesa cog (of a wheel)
zamašno koló flywheel
voz na dve kolesi, na štiri kolesa a two-wheeled, a four-wheeled carriage
sprednje, zadnje koló front wheel, back wheel
rezervno, nadomestno koló spare wheel
zobato koló cogwheel, toothed wheel, geared wheel
vilice kolesa wheel-fork
delati, vrteti kolesa šport to turn cartwheels
on je pêto koló pri vozu (figurativno) he is not worth his salt, he is quite useless, he is a useless individual
napraviti koló (o pavu) to spread out its tail
priti pod kolesa (figurativno) to go to the dogs
mučiti koga na kolesu zgodovina to break someone on the wheel
vrteti kolesa (pri parterni telovadbi) to turn somersaults (ali cartwheels)
peljati se s kolesom to ride a bicycle
voziti koló enoročno to ride a bike one-handed
voziti koló to ride a cycle, to cycle, to bike, to pedal
treti žrtev na kolesu zgodovina to break a victim on the wheel - kríž cross; (razpelo) crucifix; (pri kartah) club (s pl); anatomija loins pl, the small of the back; (živalski) croup; (konjski) crupper; (goveji) rump; figurativno affliction, grief, sorrow, tribulation
Rdeči kríž Red Cross
kljukasti kríž swastika, hooked cross
grški (latinski, Andrejev) kríž Greek (Latin, St. Andrew's) cross
malteški kríž Maltese cross
Južni kríž astronomija the Southern Cross
vrtljiv kríž (pri vhodu itd.) turnstile
trganje, bolečine v krížu medicina lumbago
snemanje s kríža religija descent from the cross, deposition
kríž me boli my back aches
imeti že štiri kríže (= 40 let) za seboj to be on the wrong side of forty
še ne imeti štirih krížev za seboj to be on the right side of forty
kríž napraviti (pokrižati se) to cross oneself, to make the sign of the cross
vsak mora nositi svoj kríž (figurativno) everyone must bear his own cross
napraviti kríž čez kaj (figurativno) to give something up as lost
prebresti vse kríže in težave to come through all the troubles and tribulations
hrabro prenašati svoje kríže to bear one's tribulations bravely
pribiti na kríž to nail to the cross
umreti na krížu to die on the cross - molíti (molím) to stretch
molíti vse štiri od sebe to stretch one's arms and legs
vem, kam pes taco molí (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows - nebó (vidno) sky; firmament; pesniško welkin; (v ustih) palate
na nebu in the sky
nebó nad prestolom, nebó pri procesiji baldachin, canopy
visok do neba skyhigh, very high
iz vedrega neba out of the blue, out of a clear sky
pod milim nebom under the open sky, in the open air
med nebom in zemljo between heaven and earth
kot strela z jasnega neba like a bolt from the blue, all of a sudden
proti nebu skyward(s)
do neba segajoč reaching up to the sky, touching the sky
bitka pod nebom air battle
modro nebó blue sky
oblačno nebó cloudy sky, overcast sky
do neba vpijoč crying to heaven
štiri strani neba the four points of the compass
(dimna) pisava (reklama) na nebu aeronavtika skywriting; ZDA smoke-writing (sky advertising)
pisec (reklame) na nebu skywriter
košček modrega neba a patch of blue sky
nebó je modro (oblačno) the sky is blue (cloudy, overcast)
dvigati se v nebó to rise to the skies
koga v nebó povzdigovati to praise someone to the skies, to laud to the skies, to extol
(kot) z neba pasti (figurativno) to come out of the blue, to drop from the skies
noben mojster ni z neba padel (figurativno) no one is born a master
v nebó vpijoča krivica a crime crying to heaven for vengeance
moder kot nebó sky blue, skylike
do neba (= čez vse mere) sky-high, to the sky (ali to the skies) - pomolíti (roko) to hold out; to hand; to reach forth (one's hand)
vse štiri od sebe pomolíti to sprawl, to lie spread-eagled
jezik pomolíti to put out one's tongue
pomolíti glavo skozi vrata to pop one's head round (ali in) the door - prestáva tehnika gear, transmission; (prevod) translation; gramatika inversion
avto ima štiri prestáve the car has four gears
menjati prestáve to change gear
bicikel s tremi prestávami a three-speed bicycle; (premestitev) transfer - spécies botanika, zoologija species
štiri osnovne aritmetične spécies matematika the four first rules of arithmetic - stó a (ali one) hundred
štiri stó four hundred
120 dni one hundred and twenty days
nekaj čez stó a hundred odd
okrog stó about a hundred
5 od stó five per cent
stó let star človek a centenarian
tek na stó metrov hundred metres, hundred metres' sprint (ali race)
stodvajset (120) a great hundred, a long hundred
staviti 1:100 to bet one to hundred - véter wind, (hud) storm, gale, (šibak) breeze
véter od zadaj following wind, tail wind
brez vétra windless
kot véter hitro like the wind
proti vétru in the wind's eye, in the teeth of the wind
na vse štiri vétrove to the four winds
z vseh vétrov (figurativno) from the four corners of the earth
nasproten véter contrary wind
ugoden véter favourable (ali fair) wind
močan véter strong (ali high) wind
nestanoviten véter shifting (ali squally) wind
véter od zadaj aeronavtika tail wind
ladja brez vétra becalmed ship
sunek vétra blast
udarec vétra squall, blast, gust
proti vétru, proti smeri vétra pristati aeronavtika to land upwind
severni (vzhodni) véter north wind (east wind)
vétru izpostavljeno mesto windy place
razpršeni na vse (štiri) vetrove scattered to the four winds
vetrovi medicina wind, flatulence, flatulency
biti zaščiten pred vét om to be sheltered from the wind
vét brije, ostro, mrzlo the wind blows cold
vét brije čez planjavo the wind sweeps over the plain
govoriti v vét (figurativno = zaman) to speak (ali to preach) to the winds, to talk in vain, to waste one's breath
od kod piha vét? where (ali what direction) is the wind from?
vét piha s severa the wind is in the north
vét močno piha the wind is blowing hard
pihal je močan vét there was a high wind
vét mi je odpihnil klobuk the wind blew my hat off
vidim, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I see how the land lies
vem, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I know how (ali which way) the wind blows
zapihal je drug vét (figurativno) the wind has turned
kakor vét piha (figurativno) as the wind blows
priti z vseh vétrov (vseh strani sveta) to come from the four corners of the earth
ostati brez vétra (ladja) to be becalmed
jadrati, pluti z vétrom v hrbtu to sail before the wind
jadrati, pluti, kakor véter potegne (figurativno, obračati svoj plašč po vetru) to shift (ali to veer) with the wind
véter potegne (nastane, se dvigne) the wind rises
véter se je polegel the wind has fallen (ali has abated, has dropped, has died down)
obračati plašč po vétru (figurativno) to be a turncoat, to switch sides
ugotoviti, kako véter piha to find out how the wind blows (ali lies)
spuščati vétrove medicina to break wind
imeti vétrove medicina to be troubled with wind
otroka napenjajo vétrovi medicina the baby has (ali pogovorno baby's got) wind
vzeti komu véter iz jader (figurativno) to take the wind out of someone's sails
kdor véter seje, vihar žanje who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind
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Število zadetkov: 12