
Zadetki iskanja

  • čutíti to feel; to sense; to have the sensation; to be aware of

    čutíti se to feel
    čutíti bolečino to feel a pain
    čutíti mraz to feel cold
    ničesar ne čutíti to be insensible (ali unfeeling ali insusceptible ali apathetic)
    čutíti se užaljenega to feel hurt
    sonce se čuti the sun makes itself felt
    čutim, da to ni res, a ne morem tega dokazati I feel that it is not true but cannot prove it
  • avêrzija aversion, dislike; distaste; antipathy; repugnance; loathing

    za to imam posebno avêrzijo it is my pet aversion
    čutiti avêrzijo do koga to have a dislike for someone
  • elemént element (tudi figurativno); kemija element; (sestavina) constituent, component, element; figurativno element, substance, matter

    eleménti pl elements pl, rudiments pl
    nov dokazilen elemént a new item of evidence
    elemént uspeha a factor of succcess
    (ne) biti, (ne) čutiti se v svojem eleméntu to be, to feel in one's element (out of one's element ali like a fish out of water)
    ogenj je bil eden od štirih eleméntov fire was one of the four elements
    (ne) biti v svojem eleméntu to be (ill) at ease
  • gnús nausea, disgust, loathing; aversion; repugnance (do, za to, against); abomination; abhorrence

    ki izzove gnús revolting
    gnús do življenja disgust with life, weltschmerz
    čutiti, imeti gnús do česa to hold something in abhorrence
    navdajati koga z gnúsom to nauseate someone
    to me navdaja z gnúsom that makes me feel sick
  • odpór resistance; opposition; dislike; disinclination

    iz odpóra do in opposition to
    gnezdo odpóra pocket of resistance
    pasivni odpór passive resistance
    splošni ljudski odpór total national defence
    čutiti odpór do česa to dislike something
    takoj začutiti odpór do koga to take an instant dislike to someone
    nuditi komu odpór to offer resistance to someone, to withstand someone
    iti po liniji manjšega odpóra to take the line of least resistance
    nisem naletel na nikak odpór I met no resistance
    naleteti na odpór to meet with (ali to encounter) opposition
    naleteli smo na močan odpór we met with vigorous resistance
    premagati odpór to overcome resistance
    ki ne nudi (nobenega) odpóra resistless
    načelo najmanjšega odpóra principle of least resistance
  • olájšati to relieve, to alleviate, to mitigate; medicina to palliate; (nalogo) to facilitate; to lighten, to allay; to make easy; (bolečine) to soothe, to ease

    čutiti se olajšanega to feel relieved
    olájšati si srcé to unburden oneself, to get something off one's chest
    olajšali so me za (= ukradli so mi) denarnico I was relieved of my purse
  • potípati to feel; to touch; to handle

    potípati komu žilo to feel someone's pulse
    blagó je čutiti gladko, če ga potiplješ the material is smooth to the touch
    potípati se po žepu to grope in one's pocket
  • prezír disdain, disregard, disrespect; contempt, scorn, spurn, slight

    čutiti prezír do, za to feel contempt for
    s prezírom odkloniti ponudbo to spurn an offer
  • razžáljen offended, insulted, outraged, affronted, injured, hurt; mortified

    biti razžáljen to take offence (at)
    čutiti se razžáljenega to feel hurt
  • simpatíja liking, inclination, fancy for, sympathy, affinity (to, for)

    simpatíje in antipatije likes pl and dislikes pl
    iz simpatíje do in sympathy with
    iz simpatíje out of sympathy
    čutiti, imeti simpatíje do, za... to have a liking for...
    ki vzbuja simpatíjo sympathetic
  • sovráštvo hatred (do, proti of, against, towards); enmity; pesniško, literatura hate

    vreden sovráštva hateful
    biti v sovráštvu z to be at daggers drawn with
    čutiti sovráštvo do koga to hate someone
    poln sovráštva filled with hatred
    gojiti sovráštvo do koga to bear malice towards someone, to entertain hatred for someone
    netiti sovráštvo do koga to be fuel to someone's hatred
    živé v (medsebojnem) sovráštvu they live on bad terms, they are at daggers drawn
    nakopati si sovráštvo to incur someone's hatred, to draw upon oneself someone's hatred
    iz sovráštva do because of (ali out of) (one's) hatred for (ali of)
  • stíska distress; need; pinch, scrape; straits pl; emergency; figurativno hot water

    v stíski za denar pogovorno strapped for cash, short of the ready, broke, stony-broke
    denarna stíska straitened circumstances pl
    v hudi stíski with one's back to the wall
    v stíski in an emergency, in a scrape
    biti v stíski to be in need, to be in a tough spot
    ona je v hudi stíski she is in great distress
    je v hudi stíski za denar he is hard pressed for money
    v stíski smo s časom we are pressed for time
    izvleči se iz stíske to get out of a scrape
    spraviti koga v stísko to put someone in a tight spot
    v hudi stíski so (pogovorno) they are hard up (ali in a tight spot); they are in hot water
    čutiti stísko to feel the pinch
    priti v stísko to get into a scrape
    pomagati prijatelju iz stíske (figurativno) to help a lame dog over a stile
    v stíski spoznaš prijatelja a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • stúd disgust; distaste; loathing, abhorrence; horror; nausaea

    s stúdom with loathing
    stúd zbujajoč abhorrent
    imeti, (ob)čutiti stúd ob to be (ali to feel) disgusted at
    imeti stúd za kaj to loathe something
    povzročiti komu stúd to disgust someone
Število zadetkov: 13