četúdi although, though; arhaično albeit
četúdi si pozen though you're late
Zadetki iskanja
- pa and; but, however
pa četudi (al)though, even though
pa tudi (celó) če even if...
pa dobro well then
pa vendar (and) yet, still, nevertheless, but yet, for all that, notwithstanding
pa naj bo! then let it be!
kaj pa je? what is the matter (here)?
pa kaj zato (potem)? what of it?, so what?
moj oče pa moja mati my father and my mother
pa to je jasno! why, that is clear!
tako pravijo, pa jaz tega ne verjamem so they say, but I (myself) do not believe it
on lahkó to stori, pa vem, da ne bo he can do it, but I know he will not
prosili smo ga, on pa tega ni hotel storiti we asked him, but he would not do it
pa tudi če bi tako bilo... even so...
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Število zadetkov: 2