
Zadetki iskanja

  • čúti (slišati) to hear; (bedeti) to be awake, to stay awake, to stay (ali to sit) up

    čúti pri bolniku to sit up with a sick person
    čúti pozno v noč to sit up late
  • čutíti to feel; to sense; to have the sensation; to be aware of

    čutíti se to feel
    čutíti bolečino to feel a pain
    čutíti mraz to feel cold
    ničesar ne čutíti to be insensible (ali unfeeling ali insusceptible ali apathetic)
    čutíti se užaljenega to feel hurt
    sonce se čuti the sun makes itself felt
    čutim, da to ni res, a ne morem tega dokazati I feel that it is not true but cannot prove it
  • junák hero

    junák dneva hero of the day (ali of the hour)
    Neznani junák Unknown Soldier
    grob Neznanega junáka Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
    boriti se kot junák to fight like a hero
    napraviti junáka iz koga to make someone (into) a hero, to venerate someone as a hero
    umreti kot junák to die a hero
    doma se vsakdo čuti junáka every cock crows on his dunghill
  • napét strained; stretched; tense; figurativno exciting; taut

    napéti odnosi strained relations pl
    napét lok a bent bow
    napéto ozračje tense atmosphere
    napéto sodobno življenje the strain of modern life
    napéti živci taut nerves pl
    napéta igra tense game
    v napéti pozornosti with rapt attention
    prenapét overstrained, highly strung, overwrought
    vsi čuti so mu bili skrajno napéti all his senses were strained to the utmost
    zgodba je napéto zanimiva it's a thrilling yarn
    napéti odnosi strained relations pl
  • uspávati to lull, to lull to sleep; (s petjem) to sing to sleep; to put (ali to send) to sleep; to hypnotize; to rock (a baby) to sleep

    uspávati koga, da se čuti varnega to lull someone into a false sense of security
    ne dajte se uspávati od njegovih lepih besed, obljub! don't let yourself be taken in by his fine words!
  • várati to deceive; to cheat; to delude; to dupe; to impose (upon); to trick; to swindle

    naši čuti nas često varajo our senses often lead us astray
    ta žena vara svojega moža this woman is unfaithful to her husband
    várati se (motiti se) to be mistaken
    varaš se you are mistaken
    várati se v kom to be deceived in someone
    várati se to deceive oneself, to delude oneself
    pustiti se várati to be a dupe (od koga of someone)
Število zadetkov: 6