Zadetki iskanja
- čèš čèš da as if to say; as if; as though
- têmelj foundation; basis, pl bases; base; ground; groundwork
iz têmelja fundamentally, radically, thoroughly; from the very bottom
na têmelju on the grounds of, on the basis of, by reason of, in (ali by) virtue of, on the strength of
na têmelju, da... (= češ da) on the grounds that...
brez têmelja groundless
položiti têmelj to lay the foundation(s pl)
do têmelja pogoreti to be burned down to the ground
do têmelja porušiti to level with the ground, to raze, to rase
spodkopati têmelje države to undermine the foundations of the State - zmérjati to scold, to call (someone) names, to insult, to abuse; to swear (at someone), to inveigh (against someone); to bullyrag; to reproach (someone for something); to blackguard (someone)
zmerjal me je, češ da sem mu napoti he swore at me for getting in his way
začeti zmérjati to become abusive
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Število zadetkov: 3