blážen blessed, blest, blissful, happy
biti ves blážen to be in the seventh heaven, to be in high spirits, pogovorno to be over the moon
to so bili bláženi časi those were the days
razglasiti za bláženega to beatify
razglašen za bláženega beatified
Zadetki iskanja
- búren stormy; windy; turbulent; squally, gusty; tempestuous; tumultuous
búrni časi stirring times pl
búrno ploskanje thunderous (ali frantic) applause - čás time; (doba) epoch; tide, (razdobje) period; space of time; (letni čas) season; (ura) hour; gramatika tense; (vmesni) interval, interim, meantime
božični čás Christmastime, Christmastide, arhaično yuletide
poletni (delovni) čás daylight saving time
konični čás (ure) rush hour, peak hours pl
prometno šibki čás offpeak (ali slack) hours pl
slabi, težki čási hard times pl
skrajni čás! high time!
prosti čás leisure; spare time
ves moj čás the whole of my time
s časom in the course of time, gradually
o pravem čásu in time; in the nick of time; in due course of time, ZDA on time
od čása do čása every now and then, from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while
čez nekaj čása some time afterwards
od tega čása since that time
v kratkem čásu in a short time
za kratek čás for a short time
pred čásom, predčasno prematurely
pred nekaj čása some time ago
že nekaj čása prej for some time past
že dolgo čása for a long time
že pred dolgo čása long ago, a long time ago; ZDA pogovorno way back
med tem čásom in the meantime, (in the) meanwhile
od tega čása naprej from this time onward, henceforth
od tistega čása dalje from that time forward
v istem čásu at the same time
nekaj čása (prislov) awhile, (samostalnik) a while
ob nepravem čásu at the wrong time, out of season
ob kateremkoli čásu, ob vsakem čásu at any time
ves čás all along, all the time
pred davnim čásom long ago
v teku čása in the course of time
vsak čás zdaj any time now
v starih čásih in olden times
v dobrih starih čásih in the good old days
v tistem čásu at that time
ob katerem čásu? at what time?
v sedanjem čásu at present, now
v določenem čásu within a fixed period, in due course
zadnje čáse lately
za vse čáse for all time
prav v zadnjem čásu quite recently
od davnih čásov from time immemorial, from time out of mind
ob določenem čásu at the appointed time
v prostem čásu at one's leisure
šala o nepravem čásu ill-timed jest
škoda čása za to it's a mere waste of time
vsaka stvar ob svojem čásu everything in its season
vse ob svojem čásu there is a time for everything, all in good time
v čásu, v čásih poplav in times of flood
čás beži time flies
skrajni čás je it is high time
to je samo vprašanje čása it's only a question of time
je že tudi čás! (it's) about time, too!
to je samo izguba čása it's a sheer waste of time
za to je še čás there is plenty of time for that
za to je še do jutri čás it can wait till tomorrow
bil je čás, ko... time was when...
za to je treba čása this takes time
določiti čás to fix a date
dati komu čás to give someone time
imate malo čása zame? can you spare me a moment?
čás se mu vleče time hangs heavy on his hands
ne imeti čása za... to have no time for
krajšati si čás to while away the time
izkoristiti čás to take time by the forelock
imam nekaj prostega čása I have some time to spare
iti (vštric) s čásom to be abreast of the times
nimam dosti čása, ne smem izgubljati čása I have no time to spare
kje so lepi stari čási? pesniško where are the snows of yester year?
kako dolgo čása ga ni! what a long time he has been gone!
korakati s čásom to move with the times
čási so minuli, ko... time was, when...
čás je potekel time is up
preganjati čás (figurativno) to while away the time
prihraniti čás to save time
prebiti svoj čás to pass one's time
njegov čás je prišel his hour has struck
čakati svoj čás to bide one's time
držati korak s čásom to keep pace with the times
priti ravno o pravem čásu to come in the nick of time
čás bo pokazal time will show, time will tell
čás presti (figurativno) to twiddle one's thumbs
je škoda čása (ne izplača se) it is not worth while
ob nepriličnem čásu priti h komu to intrude upon someone's time
štopati čás to time with a stopwatch
on je videl boljše čáse he had known better times
vzeti mnogo čása to take long
precéj čása mi bo vzelo, da... it will take me ages to...
to mi vzame skoraj ves moj čás it takes up nearly all my time
vzemite si čás! take your time!
ubi(ja)ti čás to kill time
ves čás sem to vedel I have known it all the time (ali all along)
precéj čása te že nisem videl I haven't seen you for ages
precéj čása bo trajalo, da... it will take some time to...
zapravljati tratiti (svoj) čás to waste one's time, to fritter away one's time, ZDA žargon to boondoggle
med tem čásom se je marsikaj zgodilo many things have happened in between
čás je denar time is money
preživljati težke čáse to have a hard time
čás hitro teče time passes quickly (ali races by, flies) - dávno long ago, a long time ago, ages ago
dávno je že, kar sem odšel od doma it's a long time since I left home
to vem že dávno I've known that for ages
dávno minuli časi times long past - húd bad; evil; (čas, doba) hard; (rana) bad, (občutljiva) sore; (jezen) angry; ZDA sore, mad
húda bolezen serious illness
húda bolečina great pain
húdi časi hard times pl
húd kašelj a bad cough
húd mraz a very severe frost
húd veter sharp wind
húda vročica (mrzlica) a virulent fever
húda vročina intense heat
húda ura thunderstorm
nič húdega sluteč unsuspecting
ta je pa že prehuda! this is outrageous!
delati húdo kri figurativno to create ill-feeling
nič húdega ti ne delam I do you no harm
nič húdega ne mislim (nočem) I don't mean any harm
nič húdega ni v tem there is no harm in it
ne bom ti naredil nič húdega I shall not hurt you
ona ima húd jezik she has a wicked (ali spiteful, malevolent) tongue
nič húdega ne nameravati (misliti) to mean no harm
nič húdega ne vidim v tem I don't see anything bad in it
biti húd na koga to be angry with someone, to be cross with someone, to be furious (ali mad) with someone
húd je name ZDA he is mad with me, VB he is angry with me
v najhujšem primeru at the worst; in the worst case
če pride do najhujšega if the worst comes to the worst
če bi se zgodilo najhujše if it comes to the worst
najhujše še pride the worst is yet to come
húdo (prislov) badly
toliko hujše! all the worse!; so much the worse
vedno hujše worse and worse
bodi pripravljen na najhujše! be prepared for the worst!
húdo se motiš there you are greatly mistaken
húdo mi je, da (ker) ne morem priti I feel sorry that I cannot come
ni tako húdo, kot je videti (figurativno) his bark is worse than his bite
húdo je z njim he is badly off, he is in a bad way, he is unwell
húdo (trda) je za denar money is scarce
saj ni tako húdo! it is not so bad (as you think)
mnogo húdega prestati (figurativno) to go through hell, to have a rough time - modéren modern; up-to-date; (moda) fashionable, stylish, new-fashioned
modérni časi modern times pl
modérna hiša an up-to-date house
modérna šola (the) modern school
modérna žena (the) new woman
dolga krila so spet postala modérna long skirts have come back into fashion - običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom
po mojem običáju according to my wont
dvorski običáj etiquette
trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
splošno privzet običáj common practice
star običáj an old (ancient) usage
ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us - predvôjen prewar
predvôjni časi prewar times pl - razburljív exciting; excitative; irritating; stirring; excitable
razburljívi časi (dogodki) stirring times pl (events pl)
razburljíva knjiga, (prizor) exciting book (scene) - sedánji present, actual; present-day; current; existing; existent; modern; now in force, now ruling, now in fashion
sedánji časi (doba) modern times pl
v sedánjih okoliščinah in the present circumstances
sedánje cene current prices
sedánja moda the modern fashion, the fashion now prevailing
sedánja vrednost ekonomija present value - slàb (moralno) bad, evil
precéj slàb baddish; (šibak, slaboten) weak, feeble, frail, faint; (zdravje) delicate; poor, infirm, shaken
slàbi časi hard times pl
slàb človek a wicked man
na slàbem glasu of bad repute
slàb izgovor, slàbo opravičilo a poor (ali thin) excuse
slàba kakovost inferior quality
slàba kupčija bad bargain
slàbi obeti bad outlook, poor prospects pl
slàba obleka poor dress
slàba prodaja poor sale
slàbo pivo weak beer
slàb, kratek spomin short memory
slàb pulz slow pulse
slàb strelec a poor shot
slàba tolažba poor comfort
slàba točka (stran) weak point, foible
slàba volja bad temper
slàba vidljivost poor visibility
slàb uspeh poor success
slàbo znanje smattering, superficial knowledge
slàbo zdravje poor health
slàb zrak foul air
slàbo vreme bad (ali nasty, adverse) weather
biti slàbe volje to be ill-humoured, to be in a bad temper
biti na slàbem glasu to have a bad name
on je na slabšem pri tem he has the worst of it
v matematiki sem zelo slàb I am very poor at mathematics
ona ima slàb (šibak) glas she has a feeble voice
on ima slàb spomin he has a poor memory, pogovorno he has a memory like a sieve
držati s kom (biti zvest komu) v dobrem in slàbem to stick to someone through thick and thin
to ni slàba misel that's not a bad idea
ta banka stoji baje na slàbih nogah (figurativno) that bank is said to be in a weak state
v tem ne vidim nič slàbega I see no harm (ali nothing wrong) in that
živeti v slàbih razmerah to live in straitened circumstances
naj pride dobro ali slàbo arhaično come weal or woe - spremeníti to change; to alter; to modify; to convert; to vary
to na stvari nič ne spremeni it doesn't make any difference to things, it does not alter the facts
spremeníti barvo to change colour
spremeníti svoje vedenje to change one's behaviour, (figurativno) one's approach
prepisal sem to, ne da bi spremenil eno samo vrsto I copied it without altering a single line
spremeníti se to change, to alter, to undergo a change
spremeníti se na boljše (slabše) to change (ali to alter) for the better (for the worse)
se ne da nič spremeníti (pomagati) it can't be helped
s tem se položaj spremeni that changes the case
časi so se zelo spremenili times have (ali are) greatly changed
vreme se je nenadoma spremenilo a sudden change of weather has taken place
spremeníti zakon to revise an act - stár old; aged; advanced in years; (starodaven) ancient; (postaran) elderly; (staromoden) old-fashioned, (zastarel) antiquated, rusty; (beseda) archaic, obsolescent, obsolete; (obrabljen) used, worn, (ponošen) wornout, threadbare; (fraza) hackneyed, trite, timeworn; exploded; (že rabljen) secondhand (pohištvo furniture); (kruh, pivo, novica, šala) stale
stári vek ancient times, antiquity
stár dovtip, vic old joke
stáro železo scrap iron, scrap
stár grešnik inveterate sinner
stár (izkušen) mornar (figurativno) old salt
stár (odslužen) vojak veteran
stári Rimljani the ancient Romans pl
stára obleka worn-out (ali cast-off) clothes pl
na stára leta in one's old age
v stárih časih in ancient (ali in former) times
stári oče, stára mati grandfather, grandmother
stáro in mlado young and old
stára šara junk, lumber
stár kot zemlja as old as the hills
srednje stár middle-aged
stár kot Matuzalem as old as Methuselah
po stárem (načinu) in the old way
dobri stári časi the good old times pl
stára devica an old maid
diplomat stáre šole a diplomat of the old school
zgodba stára kot svet a story as old as the hills
stári jeziki ancient languages pl, classics pl (s konstr. v sg)
stára zgodovina ancient history
stára številka (časopisa) back number
iz stárih časov from days of yore
stára navada železna srajca habit is second nature
koliko ste stári? how old are you?, what age are you?, what is your age?
on je 15 let stár he is fifteen (years of age)
toliko je stár kot jaz he is my age, pogovorno he's the same age as me
stár sem več kot 30 let I am over thirty
on še ni (je blizu) 40 let stár he is on the right (ali on the sunny) side of forty
je že preko 40 let (star) he is on the wrong (ali on the shady) side of forty
ona še ni 20 let stára she is not yet out of her teens
to te dela stárega that makes you look old, pogovorno it puts years on you
on je kaki dve leti starejši od mene he is some two years my senior
on je (že) čez 70 let (star) he is seventy odd
ne bo delal stárih kosti he won't make old bones
stár postajati to grow old
vse gre po stárem everything's going on in the same old way
vse ostane pri stárem everything stays as it was (ali as before)
(zdravstveno) še nisem »stari« I am not my old self yet
kje so dobri stári časi? where are the good old days? - težàk -žka, -o (teža) heavy; (masa) ponderous, weighty; (breme) weighty; figurativno leaden; (naloga) toilsome; (naporen) hard, difficult, arduous, trying, exhausting; (kazen) severe; (napaka) grave; (vino) heady
težki časi hard times pl
težko breme heavy burden
težko delo hard work
težki delavec manual labourer, heavy worker (ali labourer)
težka atletika heavy athletics pl
težka artilerija heavy artillery, heavy guns pl
težka hoja heavy tread
težka izbira hard choice
težka jed indigestible food
težàk, -žka, -o vojaški invalid severely disabled ex-serviceman
težàk, -žka, -o boj hard struggle
težàk, -žka, -o bombnik heavy bomber
težka industrija heavy industry
težka kovina heavy metal
težke izgube heavy losses pl
težka naloga hard task
težka napaka gross mistake, blunder
težka križarka heavy cruiser
težka svila heavy silk
težàk, -žka, -o udarec hard blow
težki nemiri serious rioting
težka nesreča serious accident
težka skrb grievous worries, arhaično care
težka oborožitev heavy armament
težàk, -žka, -o porod difficult birth
10 funtov težka ščuka a ten-pound pike
s težkim srcem with a heavy heart
težka voda kemija heavy water
težko je zame (figurativno) it's hard on me
glava mi je težka my head feels heavy
on je težàk, -žka, -o (= tehta) 120 funtov he scales 120 pounds
ona je težka, težko je z njo (figurativno) she is hard to get on with - tŕd hard; flinty, adamantine; solid; rigid, stiff; (odporen) resistant, resistent; (krut) hardhearted; (nepopustljiv) unyielding, inflexible, unbending
tŕd boj fierce fight
tŕdi časi hard times pl
tŕdo delo hard work
tŕde besede harsh words pl
tŕda glava thick (ali stupid, dense) head
tŕd les hardwood, firm wood
tŕd (neusmiljen) kot kamen as hard as the nether millstone
tŕd oreh (figurativno) a hard nut to crack
tŕde poteze (v obrazu) stern features pl
tŕd prepečenec, dvopek hard tack
tŕdega srca hard of heart
tŕd (hud) udarec a hard blow
tŕda usoda hard lot, cruel fate
tŕda voda hard water
tŕdo življenje hard life
biti tŕd od strahu to be scared stiff
za denar je trda (figurativno) money is tight
zanj je potrebna tŕd roka he needs a firm hand
trda mi prede za denar (figurativno) I am short of money
trda mu prede (figurativno) it will go hard with him
postati tŕd to harden, to grow hard - zlát made of gold, gold; golden; (barva) gold-coloured
zláta doba the golden age
zlát človek (figurativno) a very kind-hearted man
zláta črka gilt letter
zláti časi (figurativno) golden hours pl
zláti fazan golden pheasant
zláti lasje golden hair
zláta jama (figurativno) treasure house, ZDA (zlasti figurativno) bonanza
zlát kovanec gold coin
zláto kritje gold cover
zlát lak gold-coloured varnish
zláta pena gold foil, tinsel
zlát list gold leaf
zláta rozga botanika golden rod
zláta palica gold ingot
zláta mladina (figurativno) gilded youth
knjiga z zláto obrezo a gilt-edged book
zláti prah gold dust
zláto (pisalno) pero gold nib, gold fountain pen
zláto runo golden fleece
zláto tele golden calf
zláta sredina golden mean
zláta rezerva gold reserves pl (ali reserve)
zláta poroka golden wedding
zláto pravilo golden rule
zláta mrzlica (figurativno) gold fever, gold rush
zláta ribica goldfish
zláta posoda gold plate
zláta kep(ic)a gold nugget
zláto število golden number
zláta ura gold watch
zláto srcé a heart of gold
zláti tečaj gold price
zlát trak gold lace
zláta valuta gold currency, gold standard
države z zláto valuto countries on the gold standard
zláta zlitina alloy of gold
zláto žito golden wheat
Zlata obala geografija the Gold Coast
jesti iz zláte sklede to eat off gold plate
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Število zadetkov: 16