čáj tea
lipov čáj lime-blossom tea (ali infusion), infusion of lime leaves and lime blossom
fermentiran čáj black tea
kamilični čáj camomile tea
čáj iz poprove mete peppermint tea
malica s čájem (ob petih popoldne) afternoon tea, five-o'clock tea
škatlica za čáj tea-caddy
jedilni obrok s čajem (kot večerja) high tea, meat tea
piti čáj to take tea, to have tea
popiti skodelico čája to have ali to take a cup of tea
kuhati čáj to make tea
skuhati čáj to make the tea
Zadetki iskanja
- kamílica botanika camomile, chamomile
divja kamílica stinking camomile
kamilični čaj camomile tea - kúhati to cook; to boil; to prepare food; (v pari) to stew
kúhati čaj, kavo to make (ali to prepare) tea, coffe
ta fižol se težko kuha this bean is a bad boiler
dobro, fino kúhati to do fancy cooking
preprosto kúhati to do plain cooking
kaj se kuha v tem kotlu? what's brewing in this cauldron?
nekaj se kuha (figurativno) fresh trouble is brewing, something is brewing
jaz si sam kuham I cook my own food
ta krompir se dobro kuha these potatoes are good boilers
ona dobro kuha she cooks well, she is a good cook
kúhati na malem ognju to simmer
kúhati jezo na koga to bear someone a grudge
kúhati žganje to distil spirits (iz from)
vročina me kuha I am feverish
nekaj slabega se je kuhalo there was mischief brewing - lipov (made of) lime; linden
lipovo cvetje lime(-tree) blossoms pl
lipov čaj lime-blossom tea, decoction of lime blossoms and leaves
stati (stojim) kot lipov bog (figurativno) to stand like a graven image (ali like a stone idol); to stand stock-still - ljúb dear; (v pridigah) dearly beloved
zaradi ljúbega miru for peace and quiet, for a quiet life
karkoli ti je ljúbo anything you like (ali please)
stori to meni na ljúbo do if for my sake, do it to please me
napravi, kar ti je ljúbo! do as you like
tebi na ljúbo bom to naredil I shall do it to please you
ljúbo bi mi bilo, če... I should like (ali appreciate) it if...
kava mi je ljubša kot čaj I prefer coffee to tea
ta roman je moja najljubša knjiga this novel is my favourite book
najljubše opravilo (»konjiček«) hobby - méšati to mix; to blend; to stir; to shuffle
méšati barve to blend colours; (kovine) to alloy; (čaj, tobak) to blend
méšati karte to shuffle the cards
méšati si kavo to stir one's coffee
(raso, pasmo méšati, križati) to interbreed, to mongrelize
méšati poper in sol to mix pepper and salt
méšati vino z vodo to mix wine with water
méšati veselje z žalostjo to blend joy with sadness
méšati se to mix, to mingle, finance, pesniško to commingle (z with)
ne mešaj se v moje zadeve! mind your own business!
méšati se v tuje zadeve to interfere with (ali to pry into; to meddle with) other people's business
on se vedno v vse meša (figurativno) he is always poking his nose into other people's business, he likes to have a finger in every pie, he is always shoving his oar in
meša se mu (figurativno) he is rambling, he is raving, he is mad, he is delirious
se ti meša? are you crazy?, are you losing your mind? - pét five
bilo jih je pét there were five of them
ura je pét it's five o'clock
ob petih at five o'clock
čaj (malica) ob petih five o'clock tea
bilo je pét minut do sedmih it was five to seven - píti to drink; (o pijancu) to drink habitually, to tipple, to guzzle, to tope, to soak, to booze, to swill, to drink hard (ali deep, freely), to be a heavy (ali hard) drinker; to drink rather heavily
naglo, v velikih požirkih píti to gulp down, to swallow; (srebati) to sip; (o psu) to lap; (vpijati) to take in, to lap up, to absorb, to imbibe
píti kot goba to drink like a fish
píti kot žolna to drink hard (ali like a lord, like a fish)
píti več kot je pametno (žargon) to lift the elbow (too often)
preveč píti to drink too much, (žargon) to bend the (ali one's) elbow
preveč je pil he's had a drop too much, he's under the influence, he's the worse for wear
začel je (preveč) píti he took to drink
píti bratovščino s kom to hobnob with someone, to drink the pledge of brotherhood (ali intimate friendship) with someone
píti na zdravje koga to drink someone's health, to drink to the health of (ali in honour of) someone, (nazdraviti komu) to toast someone
pijem na Vaše zdravje! here's to you!
píti čaj, kavo, kakao to take (ali to have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa
ne smem píti vina I must abstain from drinking wine
on pije kri svojim dolžnikom (figurativno) he is a bloodsucker
píti slatino (v zdravilišču) to drink the waters
ki mnogo pije hard-drinking - povabíti to invite (na večerjo to dinner); to ask (na čaj, na večerjo to tea, to dinner)
povabíti koga noter (v sobo ipd.) to invite someone in
povabíti (pozvati) na sodišče to cite, to summon, to subpoena
povabili smo ga na čaj we invited him to take a cup of tea with us - rájši rather; better; sooner
rájši kot rather than
rájši imeti to like better, to prefer
rájši imam čaj kot kavo I like tea better than coffee, I prefer tea to coffee
jaz bi rájši ostal tu I would rather stay here
on rájši ne bi šel he would rather not go
rájši umrem, kot pa da te izdam I would rather die than betray you
oni bi bili rájši umrli, kot pa izdali tajnost they would have died rather than reveal the secret
on je rajši odpotoval, kot pa da bi se mi pridružil he preferred to leave rather than join me - skodélica cup
skodélica za čaj teacup
skodélica čaja a cup of tea
popiti tri skodélice čaja to drink three cups of tea - zakúhati to boil down; to thicken by boiling
zakúhati čaj to make tea
zakuhano vino mulled wine, VB negus - žájbelj (kadulja) botanika sage
žajbljev čaj sage tea
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Število zadetkov: 13