área (prostor, površina) area
ploščína geometrija square dimension, superficial contents pl; area, superficies; surface
merjenje ploščíne planimetry
podróčje province, region, sphere; area, territory, district; circuit; department; jurisdiction; (stroka) field, line; (oblast) domain; (doseg) reach; (obseg) range, compass
podróčje dejavnosti sphere of activity, field of work
temperaturno podróčje temperature range
nevarno podróčje danger area
podróčje slabega prejema (TV, radio) mush area
podróčje pod ognjem, obstreljavano podróčj vojska covered area
industrijsko podróčje manufacturing district
moje posebno podróčje my particular sphere
raziskovalno podróčje field of research
interesno, vplivno podróčje politika sphere of influence
podróčje nizkega pritiska low-pressure area
na podróčju nacionalnih znanosti in the field of national sciences
to je zunaj (znotraj) mojega podróčja that is beyond (within) my scope
to ne spada v moje podróčje this is not within my province
površína surface; area; (izražena v jutrih) acreage
površína jezera the surface of a lake
próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region
próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
brezzračni próstor vacuum
življenjski próstor living space
zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
trgovski próstori business premises pl
društveni próstori a society's premises
ni več próstora there is no room left
próstora je za vse there is room for all
vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
rezervirati próstor to book a seat
niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
kazenski próstor šport penalty area
fráta clearing; area cleared of trees
komasácija merger of individual properties in a given area, commassation
očélje frontal region; area round the forehead
Podónavje the Danubian area
armáden army
armádno področje army area
armádni zbor (korpus) army corps
bôjen fighting; of combat, combat
bôjni duh fighting spirit
bôjna črta firing line, front line
bôjne čete fighting forces
bôjni cilj objective
bôjna enota combat (ali fighting) unit, tactical unit
bôjno izkustvo combat experience
bôjni konj war-horse; steed
bôjni krik battle-cry, war-cry, ZDA (Indijancev) whoop
bôjna cona combat (ali battle) zone
bôjno letalo bomber (aircraft)
bôjna moč fighting power, fighting strength
bôjna oprema soldier's battle (ali combat) gear
bôjna pesem war-song
bôjni ples war-dance
bôjni pohod (vdor) invasion, descent, raid
bôjno polje battlefield
bôjno področje fighting zone, combat theatre, battlefield, forward area
bôjna postojanka fortified position, stronghold
bôjni sektor combat sector
bôjni red order of battle, battle array
bôjna sekira battle-axe
bôjni spopad action, engagement
bôjna sreča fortunes of war
bôjna sredstva means pl of waging war
bôjno stanje state of war, war footing
bôjni voz, bôjno vozilo tank; combat vehicle
bôjni vrvež (gneča) thick of the fray, din of battle, turmoil of battle
bôjna zvijača stratagem
bôjna glava (rakete, torpeda itd.) warhead
ciklón cyclone; tornado; hurricane
ciklónski cyclone
ciklónsko področje area of low pressure, low
proticiklonsko zaklonišče ZDA cyclone cellar
četŕt četrtína quarter; fourth (part)
četŕt, četrtína na osem je it is a quarter past seven
tri četŕt, četrtína na osem je it is a quarter to eight
četŕt, četrtína ure a quarter of an hour
četŕt, četrtína funta a quarter of a pound (čaja of tea)
mestna četŕt, četrtína quarter; ward; district
stanovanjska (mestna) četŕt, četrtína residential quarter (ali district, area)
centralno ogrevanje za celo mestno četŕt, četrtína district heating
zmagal je v teku na četŕt, četrtína milje he won the quarter-mile
tekač na četŕt, četrtína milje šport quarter-miler
depresíjski (of) depression
depresíjska cona area or low barometric pressure, depression, low
depresíjsko jedro core of depression
depresíjski oblaki depression clouds pl
industríjski industrial
industríjska banka industrial bank
industríjska dežela, država industrial country
industríjske delnice industrial shares pl, industrials pl
industríjska firma industrial firm
industríjski kartel (koncern, monopol, okoliš) industrial cartel (concern, monopoly, area)
industríjski kralj, veljak industrial leader, captain of industry, ZDA pogovorno tycoon
industríjsko mesto industrial (ali manufacturing) town
industríjski obrat industrial (ali manufacturing) plant
industríjske obveznice industrial bonds pl
industríjske odplake industrial effluent
industríjsko organizacijsko planiranje industrial engineering
industríjski magnat pogovorno big shot, ZDA pogovorno tycoon
industríjsko podjetje industrial enterprise (ali undertaking), factory, plant, works pl
industríjski potencial industrial potential
industríjsko podorčje industrial area (ali region)
industríjski plin industrial gas
industríjski proizvod industrial product, manufacture
industríjska proizvodnja industrial production, industrial output
industríjska psihologija industrial psychology
industríjske rastline plants pl used for industrial purposes
industríjska razstava industrial exhibition
industríjska revolucija industrial revolution
industríjsko središče industrial centre
industríjski sejem industries fair
industríjska strokovna zveza ZDA industrial association
industríjska šola industrial school
industríjska veja branch of industry, manufacturing branch, industrial division
industríjska zbornica chamber of industry
industríjska četrt (mestna) industrial estate
kázenski penal; criminal; punitive
kázenska naloga imposition
kázenski zakon penal (ali punitive) law
dati, naložiti kázensko nalogo to set an imposition
kázenska kolonija penal colony, convict settlement, convict colony
kázenska ekspedicija punitive expedition
kázenski postopek penal proceedings pl
kázenski zakonik penal code
kázensko odgovarjati to be called to reply to a criminal charge
kázenski prostor šport penalty area
kázenski strel šport penalty kick, penalty
mésten (of) town, (of) city; municipal; urban
méstni arhiv town records pl
méstni ceh city company, guild, livery company
méstna četrt, méstni okraj (town) quarter, ward, district of a city, ZDA section (of a city)
méstni grb city arms pl
méstna hiša, magistrat town hall, ZDA city hall, (hiša v mestu) town house
méstna knjižnica municipal library
méstne (občinske) dajatve municipal (ali local) taxes pl, (town) rates pl
méstno letališče municipal airport
méstni ljudje townspeople (s konstr. v sg ali pl), townsfolk (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
méstna mitnina, trošarina toll
méstna občina township, municipality, ZDA city
méstni očetje city fathers pl
méstno planiranje town planning
méstni prebivalec town dweller, city dweller
méstno prebivalstvo population of a town, townspeople (s konstr. v sg ali pl)
méstni svèt municipal council, town (ali city) council
méstna uprava municipal authorities pl
méstno območje, področje urban area, city area
méstno obzidje town wall, city wall
méstno sodišče municipal court
méstni stražnik municipal policeman, arhaično watchman
méstna vrata town gate, city gate
méstno življenje town life, city life
mínski mine-
mínska past booby trap
mínsko polje minefield
mínska zapora mine barrier
mínski detektor mine detector
mínsko področje mine zone, mineinfested area
mŕtev dead; (umrli, rajni) deceased, late
mŕtvi pl the dead; (brez življenja) lifeless, inanimate, inert; (brezčuten) insensible, benumbed, hardened (za against); (ugasel) extinct; past; (neproduktiven) idle
na pol mŕtev half-dead
mŕtev kot hlod stone dead, as dead as a doornail, dead as mutton
bolj mŕtev kot živ more dead than alive; more than half-dead
ves mŕtev na kaj dead keen on something, crazy about something, pogovorno into something
že davno mŕtev dead and gone
stoj, ali pa si mŕtev! stop, or you're a dead man!
mŕtev jezik dead language
mŕtva barva dull (ali lifeless) colour
mŕtev kapital unemployed (ali frozen) capital
mŕtva kopriva dead nettle
Mrtvo morje the Dead Sea
mŕtva sezona dead (ali off) season
mŕtva tišina dead silence
mŕtva oseba the deceased, dead person; vojska casualty
mŕtev tir dead-end siding
mŕtev kót dead ground, shielded angle, blind spot
mŕtva veja dead branch
mŕtva teža dead weight
mŕtva straža vojska forlorn hope
mŕtev prostor dead area
mŕtva točka tehnika dead centre, dead point, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
mŕtev tek tehnika lost motion, šport dead heat
kraljestvo mrtvih kingdom (ali realm) of the dead
sežig(anje) mrtvih cremation, incineration
smo na mŕtvi točki (figurativno) we are at a standstill
stvar je prišla na mŕtvo točko it came to a deadlock
pogajanja so prišla na mŕtvo točko the negotiations have come to a deadlock (ali to a dead end, to a standstill)
denar mu leži mŕtev v blagajni his money lies dead in a safe
biti ves mŕtev na kaj to be mad (ali crazy) about something, to be dead (ali mad) keen on something
delati se mrtvega to feign death, to sham dead
pretepsti do mŕtvega to beat black and blue
proglasiti za mŕtvega to declare someone dead, to officially pronounce someone dead
zbuditi (vstati) od mrtvih to raise (to rise) from the dead
zgruditi se mŕtev to drop dead, to die in one's boots, ZDA to die in one's tracks
neváren dangerous, perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe; critical
nevárno področje danger zone, danger area
nevárna točka danger point