
Zadetki iskanja

  • ugrízniti to bite

    ugrízniti v kaj to bite at something; (pičiti) to sting; to snap (at)
    riba je ugriznila v vabo the fish snapped at (ali up) the bait
    pes, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
  • uhó ear; (šivanke) eye (of a needle); (košare, posode) handle

    srednje uhó middle ear
    zunanje uhó auricle
    ostro uhó keen ear, quick ear
    oslovsko uhó (v knjigi) dog-ear
    napraviti oslovsko uhó (v listu, knjigi) to dog-ear (a page, a book)
    bolečina v ušesu earache
    vnetje ušesa otitis
    vnetje srednjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
    ušesa me bolé I have (ali pogovorno I've got) earache
    krik, ki gre skozi ušesa an earsplitting, earpiercing scream
    šumenje v ušesih buzzing in the ears
    ščitnik za uhó earflap, ZDA earmuff
    zrcalo za uhó medicina auriscope, otoscope
    biti gluh na levo uhó to be deaf in the left ear
    do ušes je zadolžen he is up to his ears in debt, he is over head and ears in debt
    biti do ušes zaljubljen to be head over heels in love
    imeti ostro uhó (figurativno) to have a quick (ali a sharp) ear, to have excellent hearing
    pocukati, povleči koga za uhó to tweak, to pull someone's ear
    napeti ušesa to prick up one's ears, to be all ears
    naleteti na gluha ušesa to find deaf ears
    nekaj bi ti rad povedal na uhó I'd like a word in your ear
    prišlo mi je na uhó it came to my hearing
    naviti komu ušesa to tweak someone's ears
    pridigati gluhim ušesom (figurativno) to fall on deaf ears
    (za)mašiti si ušesa to stop up one's ears
    poslušati le z enim ušesom to listen with only half an ear
    konj striže z ušesi the horse twitches his ears
    vleči na ušesa to listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
    za ušesa privleči (kako zadevo) (figurativno) to drag in a matter by the ears
    v (levem, desnem) ušesu mi zveni my (left, right) ear is ringing (ali is burning)
    pri enem ušesu noter, pri drugem pa ven (figurativno) (it goes) in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
    v ušesih mi je zvenelo (= morali so govoriti o meni) my ears were burning
    stene imajo ušesa walls have ears
    v uhó me piši! (žargon) go and fly a kite!
  • ujéti to catch; to capture; to take (someone) prisoner; to seize

    ujéti koga pri dejanju to catch someone red-handed (ali in the act)
    ujéti v past to trap, arhaično to entrap
    ujéti koga na laži to catch someone out in a lie
    nevihta nas je ujela we were caught in a storm
    noč me je ujela I was overtaken by night (ali darkness)
    ujel sem ga za rokav I caught him by the sleeve
    niti ene ribe ni ujel he did not catch a single fish
    naša mačka je ujela dve miši our cat has caught two mice
    biti ujet, ujeti se to be caught, to get caught
    bil je ujet vojska he was taken prisoner
    bil sem ujet med umikom I was taken prisoner during the retreat
    tatu so ujeli the thief has been caught
  • ujetníštvo captivity

    pasti, priti v ujetníštvo to be taken prisoner; to fall into captivity
  • úk apprenticeship

    dati v úk to apprentice
    dal je sina v úk he has apprenticed his son
    v starosti 14 let so ga dali v úk at the age of fourteen he was apprenticed (h krojaču to a tailor)
  • ukopán

    stati kot v zemljo ukopán to stand rooted (ali riveted) to the spot
    stal je kot ukopán he stood as if glued to the spot
    bil sem kot ukopán od začudenja I was rooted to the spot with surprise
  • úlica street, (ozka, majhna) lane, alley

    na úlici in the street, ZDA on the street
    glavna úlica main street, high street
    enosmerna úlica one-way street
    stranska úlica side street
    čez úlico across the street
    slepa úlica cul-de-sac, street with a dead end, dead-end street, figurativno blind alley, dead end
    tlakovana, asfaltirana úlica paved, asphalted street
    živahna úlica busy (ali crowded) street
    človek z úlice the man in the street, man on the Clapham omnibus
    prodaja na úlici street sale
    seznam úlic street directory
    čiščenje úlic street cleaning, scavenging
    soba gleda na úlico the room faces the street
    za parkiranje prepovedana úlica no-parking street
    v kateri úlici stanujete? which street do you live in?
    postaviti na úlico (na cesto) to turn out, to put out (in the street)
    za promet zaprta úlica! street (ali road) closed for traffic!
  • ulovíti to catch; to catch hold (of), to take hold of; (prijeti, aretirati) to arrest

    ulovíti v past to trap, arhaično to entrap
    ulovíti v zanko to ensnare
  • umakníti to withdraw; to draw back; to retract; to take back; vojska to retire; to remove

    umakníti čete vojska to withdraw (the) troops
    umakníti svojo kandidaturo to withdraw one's candidature
    umakníti tožbo to withdraw a charge
    umakníti obtožbo to retract an accusation
    umakníti se to withdraw, to draw back, vojska to retire, to retreat; to beat a retreat
    umakníti se iz svetnega življenja to retire from the world
    vojska se je pred sovražnikom umaknila v lepem redu the army retired before the enemy in good order
    uspešno, srečno se umakníti (izmuzniti) to make good one's retreat
    umaknite se! (pojdite s poti!) make way!
    umaknite se mi! get out of my way!
  • umésti to churn

    umésti smetano v maslo to churn butter (from cream)
    umésti jajce to beat an egg
  • umétnosten artistic

    umétnostni kritik art critic
    umétnostni strokovnjak expert, connoisseur
    umétnostna zgodovina history of art
    umétnostna znanost science of art, aesthetics pl (s konstr. v sg)
  • umík umíkanje withdrawal, withdrawing; (vojske) retreat

    v umík, umíkanjeu na celi črti in full retreat
    trobiti k umík, umíkanjeu to sound the retreat
  • umréti to die, to pass away; to expire; to decease; to depart this life; to give up the ghost; to yield up one's breath, to breathe one's last; to close one's eyes; žargon to bite the dust; žargon to pop off, to kick the bucket, to push up the daisies; (evfemistično) to go West, to go the way of all flesh, to go to one's long rest

    umréti naravne smrti to die a natural death, to die in one's bed
    nasilne smrti umréti to die a violent death, to die with one's boots on, to die by violence
    umréti na grmadi zgodovina to die at the stake
    umréti na morišču to die on the scaffold
    umréti za jetiko to die of consumption
    umréti od lakote to die of hunger
    umréti od mraza to die of cold
    umréti za rakom to die of cancer
    umréti bedne smrti to die like a dog (ali the death of a dog)
    umréti v bedi to die destitute (ali a pauper)
    umréti od žalosti to die of grief
    umréti od lastne roke to die by one's own hand
    umréti sredi (aktivnega) dela to die in harness, to die in the shafts
    umréti junaške smrti to die a hero (ali a hero's death)
    hrabro umréti to die game (to the end)
    umréti od strahu to die of fright
    umrl je v najboljših letih he was taken in the prime of life
    mislil sem, da bom umrl od smeha I thought I would die laughing
    naj umrem, če je to res! I'll stake my life it isn't true (ali there isn't a word of truth in it)!
    umrl je kot berač he died a beggar
    naj na mestu umrem, če... I'll be damned if...
  • unêsti se (popustiti, oslabeti) to slacken; to diminish, to grow less; to subside; (mraz) to abate; (veter) to calm

    jeza se mu bo kmalu unesla his anger will soon subside
    unêsti se se (= izdivjati se v mladosti) to sow one's wild oats
  • unifórma uniform; regimentals pl; (livreja) livery

    oblečen v unifórmo uniformed
    bojna unifórma battledress
    častniki v paradni unifórmi officers pl in full-dress uniforms (oziroma in full regimentals)
    obleči v unifórmo to uniform, to dress in uniform
  • upàd upádanje decline; decrease; sinking; diminution; subsidence

    v upàd, upádanjeu on the decrease
  • úpanje hope; hopefulness; expectation; expectancy; anticipation; (bright) prospect

    goljufivo, varljivo úpanje false hope(s)
    prazno úpanje vain hope
    zadnje (skoraj neuresničljivo) úpanje forlorn hope, figurativno (zanesljivo) sheet anchor
    brez úpanja hopeless, past (all) hope
    poln úpanja full of hope, hopeful
    niti trohice úpanja not a glimmer of hope, (pogovorno) not the ghost of a chance, not a dog's (ali an earthly) chance
    Rt Dobrega Upanja the Cape of Good Hope
    žarek úpanja a ray (ali a gleam) of hope
    úpanje, da bo prišel there is (some) hope that he will come, it is hoped he will come, hopefully he will come
    zanj ni več úpanja he is past hope
    nobenega úpanja ni bilo, da bi on prišel there was no prospect of his coming
    on je moje zadnje úpanje he is my last hope, he is my only remaining hope
    dajati komu úpanje to hold out hope to someone
    dajati mnogo úpanja to promise well, to be very promising
    gojiti úpanje to cherish (ali to entertain) a (ali the) hope
    imeti malo úpanja, da... to hope against hope that...
    imam le slabo, šibko úpanje I have only a faint hope
    nobenega úpanja več ne imeti to be out of hope, to have no hope left
    imeti úpanje to stand a chance
    nikoli ne izgubljaj úpanja! (= ne obupaj!) never say die!
    opustiti vsako úpanje to abandon hope, to give up every hope
    oklepati se úpanja to cling to hope (ali one's hopes)
    preseči úpanja to exceed hopes
    prevarati koga v úpanju to frustrate someone's hopes
    razočarati koga v úpanju to disappoint someone, to frustrate someone
    moje úpanje se ni uresničilo my hopes have not been realized
    upati brez úpanja zmage to hope against hope
    vdajati se úpanju, da... to allow oneself the hope of..., to hope for..., to be in hopes that...
    komu vsako úpanje vzeti to deprive someone of all hope
    vzeti komu úpanje to dampen someone's hopes
    zbujati úpanje to give (ali to inspire) hope, to raise expectations, to provide grounds for hope
    zbujati komu úpanje to raise hopes in someone
    zbujati prazno úpanje to raise false hopes
    živeti v úpanju za, za... to live in hopes of (kaj something)
    malo úpanja je ostalo (ostaja) there is little hope left
  • úpati to hope, to cherish (ali to entertain, to harbour) hopes; (pričakovati) to expect, to look for, to look forward to, to anticipate

    úpati brez upa zmage to hope against hope
    trdno úpati to trust
    úpati na kaj to hope for
    upam, da vas bom videl v nedeljo I hope (that) I shall see you on Sunday
    upajmo na najboljše! let us hope for the best!
    upajmo na boljše čase! let us hope for better times!
    úpati je, da... it is to be hoped that...
    upam, da se otrok ni poškodoval I trust the child is not hurt
    upajmo to! let us hope so!
    nič boljšega ni úpati od njega nothing better is to be expected from him
    človek upa, dokler živi while there is life there is hope
  • upírati

    upírati oči v, na... to fix one's eyes (ali gaze) on...
  • upréti

    upréti oči v..., na... to fix one's eyes (ali gaze) on...
    oči uprte v... eyes fixed on...