
Zadetki iskanja

  • ràd willingly, gladly, with pleasure, readily; eagerly; arhaično nothing loath

    ràd ali nerad willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    iz srca, od srca ràd with all my heart
    prav ràd with the greatest pleasure
    ràd imeti to like, to be fond of, to be partial to, to have a liking for, to love
    ne imeti ràd to dislike, to be averse (ali disinclined) to, to have an aversion to
    ràd igram šah I like playing chess
    se ràd učiš angleščino? do you like learning English?
    kaj bi radi? what can I do for you?
    on se ne smeje ràd it's hard to make him smile (ali to bring a smile to his face)
    posebno ràd imam lahka vina I'm very partial to light wines
    ljudje ga ràdi vidijo he is much sought after
    to ràd verjamem I can easily believe it
    ali imate ràdi kavo? do you like coffee?
    jaz bi ràd kupil... I should like to buy...
    ràd bi vedel zakaj I wonder why
    ràd bi vedel (= bogve), kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    ràd bi verjel, da... I am quite ready (ali open) to believe that...
    take stvari se ràde dogajajo such things will happen
    radi ga vidimo he is (always) welcome here
    on ga (= vino) ràd pije he is fond of the bottle, žargon he likes his plonk, arhaično humoristično he is a winebibber, slabšalno he's a wino
  • ragljánje rattle, rattling

    sit sem njenega nenehnega ragljánja I am tired of her incessant prattle
  • razlágati to explain; to explicate; to interpret; to comment; (s primeri) to illustrate; to expound (biblijo the Bible)

    ne morem si tega razlágati I am at a loss to understand it
    na široko razlágati to expatiate
  • razuméti to understand; to comprehend, to get, to make out; to grasp, to apprehend, to take in

    napačno razuméti to misunderstand, to mistake
    ne razumem vas čisto I don't quite follow you
    dobro se razumem z njim I get on well with him
    tega ne razumem this is beyond me, this is beyond my comprehension, I cannot make head or tail of it
    ali naj razumem, da...? am I to take it that...?
    me razumeš? do you get me?
    (že) razumem I see, I understand
    razuméti! radio roger!
    ne razumem se na konje I have no experience with horses
    nisem mogel prav razuméti njegovega imena I could not catch his name
    me razumeš?, si me razumel? do you understand me?, pogovorno got the idea?, pogovorno O.K.?
    to se razume that's understood, of course!, I quite see!
    slabo ste razumeli you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick
    ne razumite me napačno don't get me wrong
    to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course, that stands to reason, that goes without saying
    on se razume na to he is clever at it, he is well versed in it, he is at home in it, he is well experienced (ali skilled) in it
    naj me vrag vzame, če razumem! I'll eat my hat if I understand that!
    z njim se ni možno razuméti there is no dealing with him
    napačno me razumete you mistake me
    ona hitro razumeva she is quick-witted
    on počasi razumeva he is dull-witted
    on ne razume šale he can't take a joke
    dobro se razuméti na posle to know one's business
    brez nadaljnjega se razume, da... it is an understood thing that...
    dobro se razuméti s kom to stand well with someone
    dobro se razumejo they get on well together, they get on (ali along) with one another, they are on good terms
    ne razumejo se med seboj they are at odds (ali at variance)
    ne razumejo se preveč they don't take to one another much
    razuméti se kot pes in mačka (figurativno) to get on like cat and dog
    dali smo jim razuméti we gave them to understand
    dali so mi razuméti, da... I was given to understand that...
    tega nisem prav nič razumel (figurativno) I could not make head or tail of it
    da, razumel sem! aeronavtika roger!
  • rés true; truly, really, indeed, in fact

    je to rés? is that true?
    rés? really?, indeed?, ZDA you don't say?, is that so?
    rés je, da... the truth is that...
    ali ni rés? is it not so?; don't you think so?
    Sestra je bolna - Res? My sister is ill - Is she?
    obljubil je, da pride, in rés je prišel he promised to come, and he did come
    Dobil sem pismo iz ZDA. - Res? I got a letter from the U.S.A. - Did you?
    ali rés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
    rés mi je žal I am truly sorry
  • résno prislov in earnest; seriously

    zelo, smrtno résno in sad earnest
    (jaz to) résno mislim I really do think so
    tega ne misliš résno? you can't be in earnest?
    misliš résno? are you really in earnest (ali in real earnest)?
    čisto résno (brez šale) in sober earnest
    mislim popolnoma résno I am quite serious
    misliš (to) résno? are you serious?
    résno govorim I am speaking in earnest
    résno se držati (zadrževati smeh) to keep a straight face
    résno se lotiti dela to really get down to work
    premalo résno kaj vzeti to take matters not too seriously
  • resór (področje) competence, -cy

    to ne sodi v moj resór I am not competent to deal with this question; this is outside my competence
  • sestrádan famished; starving, starveling

    biti sestrádan to be starved
    sestrádana oseba starveling
    sem sestrádan I am famished
  • sìt sated, satiated; fed; figurativno (naveličan) fed up with, sick of, tired of, weary of

    sìt življenja weary of life, tired of life
    do grla sem sìt I'm fed up to the teeth (with)
    najesti se do sìtega to appease one's hunger, to eat one's fill of...
    do sìtega sem se nagledal I have seen enough, pogovorno I've had an eyeful
    sìt sem ga (figurativno) I can't stand the fellow any longer
    sìt sem tega I've had enough of it, I'm fed up with it
    sìt je vsega he's fed up with everything
    sìt sem tega dela I'm sick of this work
    sìt sem čakanja I am tired of waiting
    čez glavo sem sìt I'm fed up to the back teeth (with)
    do sìtega se je najedel češenj he has eaten his fill of cherries
    ljudstvo je bilo sìto vojne the people were sick of war
    ne more biti volk sìt in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
    od dobrih (lepih) želja še nihče ni bil sìt if wishes were horses beggars might ride
  • sítnost annoyance, trouble, inconvenience; worry; bother; nuisance; disagreeableness

    kakšna sítnost! what a nuisance!
    žal mi je, da vam delam, povzročam sítnosti (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
    z njim bomo imeli še mnogo sítnosti we are going to have a lot more trouble with him
    imam dovolj sítnosti s teboj I have enough trouble with you
    povzročati sítnost to cause inconvenience
    rad bi ti prihranil to sítnost (nevšečnost) I should have liked to spare you this annoyance
  • skŕb care; (nadlega) trouble; (žalost) sorrow, grief; worries pl; (briga za) care for; (zaskrbljenost) anxiety, solicitude, concern, apprehension, uneasiness

    moreča skŕb grave concern; arhaično carking care
    ves v skŕbeh, poln skŕbi care-laden, careworn
    brez skŕbi carefree, unconcerned, easy in mind
    prva skŕb prime concern
    v skŕbeh sem za otroka I am anxious about the child
    to je moja skŕb that is my lookout, I shall see to it
    to ni moja skŕb that is no concern of mine (ali no business of mine)
    to naj bo moja skŕb! leave that to me!
    to mi je zadnja skŕb that's the last thing on my mind
    bodite brez skŕbi! do not worry!, never you fear!, be easy on that score!
    to je njegova najmanjša skŕb that is the least of his worries
    biti v velikih skŕbeh za to be in great anxiety about, to fear for
    delati si skŕbi za to concern oneself with
    delati komu skŕbi to worry someone, to cause someone trouble, to give someone much anxiety (ali concern)
    ne delaj si skŕbi glede tega! don't worry about it!
    delati si skŕbi to worry (to fret, to be concerned, to be uneasy in one's mind) (glede, zaradi about)
    ne si delati skŕbi za prihodnost to be unconcerned about the future
    vnaprej si delati skŕbi to meet trouble halfway
    njeno zdravje mi dela skŕbi her health worries me, I am concerned about her health
    preveč skŕbi si delaš! you worry too much
    imeti denarne skŕbi to have money troubles
    nobenih skŕbi ne imeti to be free from care
    imeti na skŕbi to have in charge (ali in custody), to be entrusted (ali charged) with
    navdati z veliko skŕbjo to fill someone with great apprehension
    vaše naročilo bomo izvršili z največjo skŕbjo we shall execute your order with the greatest care
    prepustiti komu skŕb za kaj to commit something to someone's charge
    povzročati komu skŕbi to cause someone anxiety (ali uneasiness)
    njeno življenje nam povzroča (dela) velike skŕbi we are terribly worried about her way of life (ali pogovorno about her goings on, about the way she's carrying on)
    skŕbi ga tarejo he is careworn (ali pogovorno worried stiff)
    skŕb za bodočnost mojih otrok me tare I am worried sick about my children's future
    ti mi zadajaš hude skŕbi you are a great trial to me
  • skrégan

    biti skrégan s kom to be on bad terms with someone
    skrégana sta they are on bad terms
    z njim sem skrégan I am not on speaking terms with him
  • slàb (moralno) bad, evil

    precéj slàb baddish; (šibak, slaboten) weak, feeble, frail, faint; (zdravje) delicate; poor, infirm, shaken
    slàbi časi hard times pl
    slàb človek a wicked man
    na slàbem glasu of bad repute
    slàb izgovor, slàbo opravičilo a poor (ali thin) excuse
    slàba kakovost inferior quality
    slàba kupčija bad bargain
    slàbi obeti bad outlook, poor prospects pl
    slàba obleka poor dress
    slàba prodaja poor sale
    slàbo pivo weak beer
    slàb, kratek spomin short memory
    slàb pulz slow pulse
    slàb strelec a poor shot
    slàba tolažba poor comfort
    slàba točka (stran) weak point, foible
    slàba volja bad temper
    slàba vidljivost poor visibility
    slàb uspeh poor success
    slàbo znanje smattering, superficial knowledge
    slàbo zdravje poor health
    slàb zrak foul air
    slàbo vreme bad (ali nasty, adverse) weather
    biti slàbe volje to be ill-humoured, to be in a bad temper
    biti na slàbem glasu to have a bad name
    on je na slabšem pri tem he has the worst of it
    v matematiki sem zelo slàb I am very poor at mathematics
    ona ima slàb (šibak) glas she has a feeble voice
    on ima slàb spomin he has a poor memory, pogovorno he has a memory like a sieve
    držati s kom (biti zvest komu) v dobrem in slàbem to stick to someone through thick and thin
    to ni slàba misel that's not a bad idea
    ta banka stoji baje na slàbih nogah (figurativno) that bank is said to be in a weak state
    v tem ne vidim nič slàbega I see no harm (ali nothing wrong) in that
    živeti v slàbih razmerah to live in straitened circumstances
    naj pride dobro ali slàbo arhaično come weal or woe
  • slíšati to hear

    dobro slíšati to hear well
    napačno slíšati to hear amiss
    slučajno slíšati to overhear
    slíšati govoriti to hear say
    slišim, da... I understand (ali I am informed) that...
    on ne sliši dobro he is hard of hearing
    moj pes sliši na ime Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
    vem (povem), kar sem slišal I know it by (I speak from) hearsay
    slišal sem jo peti I heard her sing
    ste že kdaj slišali kaj takega? have you ever heard the like of it?
    o tem noče on nič slíšati he will not hear of it
    slišal sem to od nekoga I have heard some one say so
    to (takó) sem slišal so I (have) heard
    slišal sem to praviti I have heard it said
    slíšati obe strani to hear both sides
    od tedaj o njem ni več (kaj) slíšati he hasn't been heard of since
    ona rada sliši sebe govoriti she likes to hear herself talk
    to se dobro, lepo sliši that sounds well (ali fine, pogovorno nice)
    ne hoteti slíšati to shut one's ears (to), to refuse to listen to
    s svojim radijskim aparatom morem slíšati Pariz I can get Paris on (ali with) my radio
    komaj se je slišalo, kar je rekel what he said was scarcely audible
    bil je tak hrup, da niso mogli slíšati lastnih glasov there was such a noise that they could not hear their own voices
    hujšega gluhca ni od tistega, ki noče slíšati there are none so deaf as those who will not hear
  • slučájno by chance, accidentally; unexpectedly; by accident

    slučájno je bil navzoč he happened to be present
    iti slučájno mimo to happen to pass by
    slučájno je bila doma she happened to be at home
    če ga slučájno srečaš if you happen to meet him
    slučájno sem to slišal I came to hear of it
    slučájno je videl he chanced to see
    niste slučájno...? you didn't by any chance...?
    če bi se moje pismo slučájno izgubilo if my letter should happen to get lost
    slučájno se ne motim I am not mistaken as it happens
    slučájno se je spotaknil he happened to stumble
    slučájno sem naletel nanj I came acros him, I stumbled upon him, I light upon him
  • smíliti se to have (ali to take) pity on, to pity, to commiserate

    smili se mi I feel pity for him, I pity him, I am sorry for him
    ona se nam smili we are sorry for her
    smilite se mi I am sorry for you
    smíliti se sam sebi to be sorry for oneself
  • smôla (zemeljska) pitch; bitumen

    katranska smôla coal-tar pitch; (drevesna) resin, gum arabic; (terpentinova) rosin
    čevljarska smôla cobbler's wax; (figurativno) hard luck, ill-luck, bad luck, misfortune, mishap, ill fortune
    smôla! (figurativno) hard luck!, tough luck!, hard lines!
    vedno imam smôlo I am an unlucky fellow, žargon I always cop it
    ona mi prinaša smôlo she brings me bad luck
    črn kot smôla pitch-black
    da bo moja smôla še večja... to crown my misery...
  • soglášati to agree (z with); to be agreeable (to)

    ne soglášati to disagree (with); (pristati) to consent, to assent
    soglašam s tem I am in agreement with it
    soglašam z vami v tej točki I agree with you on that point
  • spánec sleep; slumber; somnolence

    spánec se me loteva I am getting sleepy, I am feeling drowsy
    premagal me je spánec I was overcome by sleep
  • spoznáti to recognize; to realize; to become aware; to get to know (London London), to come to know; to become (ali to be) alive (to something); to be aware (of); to perceive; (zavedati se) to become cognizant of

    spoznal sem, da sem se bil zmotil I was aware I had made a mistake
    spoznáti se s kom to make someone's acquaintance
    spoznal sem se z njim lani I made his acquaintance last year
    dobro se spoznáti v čem to be a good judge of something, (figurativno) to know the ropes, to know what's what
    ne se spoznáti iz česa to be at a loss to understand sth
    ne spoznam se v tem I don't know which is which
    ne spoznam se v tem kraju the place is unfamiliar to me
    ne spoznam se o njem I can make neither head nor tail of him
    moram ga spoznáti (se seznaniti z njim) I must get to know (ali acquainted with) with him
    spoznavam, da... I am becoming aware that...