užalíti to offend, to give offence (to); to insult, to affront; to outrage; to hurt, to hurt (someone's) feelings; to offer an insult (koga to someone); pogovorno to tread on someone's corns
nisem imel namena užalíti I meant no offence
Zadetki iskanja
- vesláški of (oziroma like, belonging to) an oarsman
vesláška klop seat for a rower, thwart, (na galeji) bank (of oars)
vesláški klub rowing club
vesláško moštvo rowing crew, boat crew
vesláški šport rowing
vesláška tekma regatta, rowing match - vknjížiti to register; to make an entry; to enter in the book(s); to make an entry; to book
- začétniški of a beginner, of an inexperienced person, of a novice; (nevešč, nov, neizkušen, neizurjen) raw
začétniški vojaki (rekruti) raw recruits pl - zagotovíti zagotávljati to assure (komu kaj someone of something); to give an assurance (of); to promise; (zajamčiti) to ensure
zagotavljamo vam, da... you may be assured that...
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si kaj to make sure of something, to secure something
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si večino to secure a majority
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si sedež, prostor to secure a place - zakléti (zakolnem) to curse, to swear (at), to spit out an oath
zakléti se to swear (by), to vow
zaklel se je, da se bo maščeval za žalitev he vowed to avenge the insult
zaklel sem se, da ne bom več kadil, pil I've sworn off tobacco, drink
zakléti se pri vsem, kar je svetega to swear by all that's holy (ali sacred) - zakljúčiti to conclude (iz, da... from, that...); to draw a conclusion, to deduce, to infer (iz from); (dokončati) to bring to an end
zakljúčiti se to close
razstava se je zaključila the exhibition has closed
svoj govor je zaključil s temi besedami he concluded his speech with these words
zaključil je sejo he declared the sitting to be at an end
seja je zaključena the sitting is concluded - zamakníti to ravish; to put in an ecstasy, to enrapture
zamakníti (se) to be enraptured (ali ravished), to be in raptures, pogovorno to be on cloud nine - zapôslen employed; employed in an occupation, engaged (z in, with); busy
redno zapôslen on the active list
biti zapôslen to be in employment, to be employed
biti zapôslena čim to occupy oneself with (ali in) doing something
zapôslen sem z zbiranjem gradiva za novo knjigo I am busy (ali engaged) in collecting material for my new book - zapriséči to administer an oath (koga to someone)
zapriséči koga to put someone on oath
zapriséči pričo to put a witness on oath
zapriséči uradnika to swear in an official
zapriséči, priseči to take (to swear) an oath (na on, to)
zaprisežen sworn in - zaprosíti to ask, to request (za kaj something), to make a request (for something); to make (oziroma to send, to put in) an application (for)
zaprosíti za roko to ask for someone's hand in marriage, to propose (marriage)
zaprosíti za koga, za kaj to apply to someone, for something
zaprosíti za mir to sue for peace; (rotiti) to entreat - zarézati to make an incision, to incise, to cut (into); to jag; to notch (into)
- zaróbljenec a rustic, an uncouth (ali an ill-bred) fellow
- zatožíti (obtožiti) pravo to accuse (koga someone); to bring an accusation (ali an action) against someone, to sue someone (za for); to impeach (someone), to charge (koga zaradi someone with), to indict someone for; (v šoli) pogovorno to sneak on someone
- završén2 finished, completed, concluded, closed; brought to an end, ended
- završíti to finish; to end; to conclude; to complete; to terminate, to bring to an end; to get something finished
završíti se to end - zgódaj early; at an early hour; (ob zori) at dawn, at daybreak, at sunrise; (v mladosti) in early life
zgódaj zjutraj early in the morning
zgódaj ali pozno early or late
zgódaj popoldne in the early afternoon
prišel je zgódaj he came early
skušaj priti zgódaj! try and come early!
lasje so mu zgódaj osiveli his hair turned white early in life (ali at an early age)
on prihaja zgódaj domov he keeps good hours
zgódaj vstati to get up early
zelo zgódaj vstajati to be an early riser, to rise with the sun, to be up with the lark
hoditi zgódaj spat in zgódaj vstajati to keep early (ali good) hours - zgovoríti se to make an arrangement (s kom with someone), to arrange with someone (o čem about something); to agree (up)on (ali about)
- zgŕda in an unfriendly way
zlepa ali zgŕda by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook - žêkno mouth of an oven; (vulkana) vent