čestítati komu to congratulate someone (za on, upon); to compliment someone (on); arhaično to felicitate someone (on)
čestitam! congratulations!
čestital sem mu že za zmago I have already complimented him on his victory
čestitam si, da sem to naredil I congratulate myself on having done it
lahko si čestitaš! you may congratulate yourself! ali pogovorno you can give yourself a pat on the back
čestitali so si drug drugemu they congratulated one another
iskreno vam čestitamo k vašemu uspehu we heartily congratulate you on your success
Zadetki iskanja
- čéšnja botanika (sadež) cherry, (drevo) cherry tree
volčja čéšnja deadly nightshade; belladonna
z njim ni dobro čéšnje zobati he is a difficult customer (ali a strange fellow), he is a tough proposition (ali pogovorno a tough egg) - čéta company; band; squad
čéte pl forces pl, troops pl
francoske čéte the French troops
v čétah in troops, in bands
prednja čéta vanguard
inženirske čéte pl (angleške) Royal Engineers, pogovorno the R.E.'s
padalske čéte paratroops pl, pogovorno the paras; sky troops
koncentracija čet concentration of troops
prevoz čet transport ali conveyance of troops
revija čet military review
oskrbovanje čet provisioning of troops - četŕt četrtína quarter; fourth (part)
četŕt, četrtína na osem je it is a quarter past seven
tri četŕt, četrtína na osem je it is a quarter to eight
četŕt, četrtína ure a quarter of an hour
četŕt, četrtína funta a quarter of a pound (čaja of tea)
mestna četŕt, četrtína quarter; ward; district
stanovanjska (mestna) četŕt, četrtína residential quarter (ali district, area)
centralno ogrevanje za celo mestno četŕt, četrtína district heating
zmagal je v teku na četŕt, četrtína milje he won the quarter-mile
tekač na četŕt, četrtína milje šport quarter-miler - četverovpréga a four-horse carriage; four-in-hand
peljati se s četverovprégo to ride (ali to drive) a four-in-hand (ali in a carriage and four) - čévelj (nizek) shoe; (visok, ženski) boot; (stara dolžinska mera) foot (0,3048m)
gorski čévlji climbing boots
lakast čévelj patent leather shoe
platnen čévelj canvas shoe
plesni čévlji dancing shoes
čévlji z gumastimi podplati (gumarice) rubber-soled shoes
podkovani čévlji hob-nailed boots
štrapacni čévlji walking shoes
teniški čévlji tennis shoes
visokopetni čévlji high-heeled shoes
težki čévlji heavy shoes, (za golf) brogues
čiščenje čévljev a shoe shine
krpač čévljev cobbler
čistilo, krema za čévlje shoe-cream, (shoe-) polish
kopito za čévelj last
mast za čévlje grease, dubbin
natezalec za čévlje shoetree
omara za čévlje shoe cabinet
pribor za čiščenje čévljev shoe-shine kit
obuvalo za čévlje shoehorn, shoe-lift
ščetka za čévlje shoe-brush, blacking-brush
trgovina s čévlji shoe shop, ZDA shoe store, shoe saloon
snažilec čévljev bootblack, shoeblack, (hotelski) boots, ZDA shoe-shiner, shoe boy
vezalka za čévelj bootlace, shoelace, ZDA shoe string
usnje za čévlje shoe leather
zaponka za čévelj shoe buckle
žlica za čévelj shoehorn
žebelj, cvek za čévelj shoe nail, tack, (lesen) shoe-peg
tovarna čévljev shoe factory
velikost čévljev size
oglaviti čévelj to vamp
(o)snažiti, (o)čistiti čévlje to clean (ali to black) boots, ZDA to shine shoes
pomeriti čévelj to try on a shoe
podplatiti čévelj to sole, to resole a shoe
čévlji škripljejo the shoes squeak
čévelj tišči, žuli the shoe pinches
kje žuli čévelj? figurativno where does the shoe pinch?
vsakdo ve, kje ga čévelj žuli everybody knows where the shoe pinches
le čévlje sodi naj kopitar let the cobbler stick to his last; every man to his craft! - čéz over; across; past, after; beyond
čéz in čéz all over
čéz dan during the day
čéz noč during the night
čéz teden dni a week today, this day week
čéz 14 dni a fortnight today, this day fortnight
čéz 3 tedne three weeks today
čéz zimo during the winter
star čéz 50 let on the wrong (ali shady) side of fifty
biti čéz 50 let star to be over fifty
čéz 1.000 over (ali above) a thousand, a thousand odd
čéz mero excessively, inordinately
čéz vse mere beyond measure
čéz polovico a good half
čéz vse more than anything
nekaj minut čéz osmo uro a few minutes past eight
čéz hribe in doline through the length and breadth of the country
iti čéz to pass
iti čéz reko to cross the river
nič ni čéz naravo there is nothing like nature
potovati čéz Pariz to go by way of Paris, to go via Paris
prodajati vino čéz cesto to sell wine off licence - činítelj (dejavnik) factor; element
odločilni, merodajni činítelj decisive ali deciding factor - číst clean; pure; neat; clear; (brez madeža) unstained, spotless; (opran) washed, cleansed; (tudi figurativno) unsullied, unblemished; (nepopisan) blank; (spolno) chaste, pure; (nemešan) unmixed; sheer; (neponarejen) genuine; (nedolžen) innocent, guileless
iz číste potrebe by sheer necessity
číst in čeden neat and dapper
čísti dobiček net (ali clear) profit
číst kot kristal as clear as crystal
po čístem, golem naključju by pure accident
čísta potrata sheer waste
čísta (sama, gola) skala sheer rock
číst prepis fair copy
číste (nedolžne) roke white hands
čísta resnica plain (ali naked) truth
to je čísti nesmisel it is sheer nonsense
čísta srajca a clean shirt
čísta voda pure water
čísta vest clear conscience
iz číste volne all-wool
čísto zlato pure gold
číst zrak pure air
povedati čísto resnico to tell the plain truth
prepisati kaj na čísto to copy out something, to make a fair copy of something - čístiti to clean; to cleanse; to purify; (sladkor ipd.) to refine; figurativno to purge
čístiti si perje (o pticah) to preen one's feathers (ali oneself)
čístiti progo to clear the line
čístiti tla to scrub, to clean the floor
kemično čístiti (obleko) to dry-clean; medicina (o zdravilu) to act as aperient (ali as laxative) - čístka politika purge
čístka knjižnice purge ali pogovorno clearout of a library
napraviti (politično) čístko to purge
izvesti čístko politika to purge - číšča
mesečna číšča (meustruacija) menses pl; monthly ali menstrual period; pogovorno monthlies, the curse - čítati to read
čítati dalje to read on
čítati do konca to read through
zopet čítati to reread
čítati med vrsticami figurativno to read between the lines
čítati glasno to read aloud
čítati tiho, potihem to read to oneself
čítati zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
čítati pazljivo to peruse
čítati površno, bežno to skim
čítati komu kaj to read something to someone
čítati dolgočasno knjigo to wade through a dull book
čítati komu na obrazu to read someone's face
on mnogo čita he is a great reader, he is a bookworm
on je mnogo čital (je načitan) he is well-read, he is a man of wide reading
to se čita kot roman it reads like a novel
ona ne čita mnogo she is not much of a reader
knjiga se lepo čita the book reads well
ta knjiga se zanimivo čita this book makes good reading ali pogovorno a good read
ona ima rada, da ji kaj čitajo she likes being read to
na očeh se mu čita pohlep his greed can be read in his eyes
hoteti čítati v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
najbolj čitana knjiga the most widely read book - člôvek man, pl men; human being; fellow, individual, person
člôvek (božji)! (vzklik nestrpnosti) man (alive)!
čuden člôvek a queer (ali an odd) fellow
nepomemben člôvek nonentity
odrasel člôvek grown-up person, adult
noben člôvek nobody, not a soul
navaden, poprečen člôvek the man in the street, the average person
vsak člôvek everybody, everyone
poslovni člôvek man of business
on je prijeten člôvek he is a pleasant fellow
on je najboljši člôvek na svetu he is the best man alive; there is no better man alive (than he)
člôvek za vsak posel, za vse jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-of-all-trades
člôvek u podoben man-like; anthropoid
kakšen člôvek pa je on? what kind of person is he?, what sort of fellow is he?
on je tudi samó člôvek he is only human
Vi ste člôvek, ki ga hočem, potrebujem you are the man I want
kaj naj si člôvek misli o njem? what should one think of him?
kaj drugega bi člôvek mogel reči v tem primeru? what else could a man say in this case?
člôvek obrača, bog pa obrne man proposes, God disposes
člôvek na slabem glasu a bad egg (ali hat, lot) - čokoláda chocolate
polnjena čokoláda chocolate cream
tekoča čokoláda chocolate syrup
tablica čokoláde bar of chocolate; tablet (ali slab ali cake) of chocolate
tovarna čokoláde chocolate factory - čóln boat; canoe; sloop; šport sculler, skiff, (na vesla) wherry
čóln na vesla rowing boat, ZDA rowboat
športni čóln sporting boat
majhen čóln dinghy
motorni čóln motorboat
platnen, zložljiv čóln folding canoe, collapsible boat
plitek, ploščat čóln punt, (za lov na divje race) gunning punt
velik čóln barge
velik in odprt čóln launch
torpedni čóln torpedo boat
reševalni čóln lifeboat
ribiški čóln fishing boat
gumijast čóln rubber dinghy, rubber boat
drog (kavelj) za odrivanje ali privlačenje čólnov boathook
izlet s čólnom boat trip, boating party
vožnja s čólnom boating, arhaično boatage
izposojevalnica čólnov boat hire (business)
voziti se s čólnom to go boating, to boat
prevažati kaj s čólnom to carry (ali convey ali transport) something by boat - čŕka letter; (tiskarska) character, type
mala čŕka small letter
vélika čŕka capital (letter)
začetna čŕka initial letter
začetne čŕke initials pl
velika tiskana čŕka block letter
nema čŕka mute letter
gotska čŕka Gothic (ali black) character
mastna, debela čŕka boldface type, boldface, bold
v latinskih čŕkah in Latin characters
do čŕke natančno izvesti, izpolniti to carry out to the letter
biti tiskan z mastnimi čŕkami to be in boldface type
čŕka (duh) zakona the letter (the spirit) of the law
nadpis v velikih čŕkah a headline in large type
čitati besedo čŕko za čŕko to spell out a word, letter by letter
držati se čŕke zakona to stick to the letter of the law
z zlatimi čŕkami zapisan dan a red-letter day - čŕn black
čŕno na belem (= pismeno) dati, napisati to put in writing
čŕn kot smola as black as soot (ali as ink)
čŕno na belem in black and white
to imam čŕno na belem I have it in writing
čŕna barva black (colour ali dye ali paint)
čŕna borza black market
čŕn kruh brown bread
čŕna kroglica (pri volitvah) blackball
čŕna lista (seznam), knjiga black list, black book
čŕna magija the black art
čŕna metalurgija iron metallurgy
čŕna nehvaležnost black ingratitude
čŕna (garjava) ovca black sheep
čŕna (žalna) obleka mourning, (widow's) weeds pl
črn, nesrečen dan unlucky day, black day
čŕno oblečen black-clad
čŕn kot vran as black as ebony
čŕno vino red wine
čŕno nebo a black sky
čŕno obrobljen black-edged
čŕno obrobljen pisemski papir black-bordered notepaper
delo na čŕno žargon scab work
delati kot čŕna živina to work like a nigger
čŕno se mi dela pred očmi my head begins to swim
dati, vnesti v čŕn seznam to blacklist
v čŕno (žalno) se obleči to wear (ali arhaično to don) mourning
udarec je zadel v čŕno the thrust went home
prisegati, da je čŕno belo to swear that black is white
vrag ni tako čŕn, kot ga slikajo the devil is not so black as he is painted
zadeti v čŕno to hit the mark - čŕta line; (pomišljaj) dash; (poteza) trait, stroke
cikcakasta čŕta zigzag line
kriva čŕta crooked line; curve
prema, ravna čŕta straight line
čŕta (poteza) v obrazu line, trait, feature, lineament
ostre čŕte v obrazu clean-cut features
čŕta v značaju characteristic
zračna čŕta pogovorno beeline
10 milj zračne čŕte ten miles as the crow flies
v ravni čŕti in a straight line
v zračni čŕti in a beeline
v glavnih čŕth in outline
na vsej čŕti (vsepovsod) pogovorno all along the line
potegniti čŕto to trace (ali to draw) a line - čudák a queer (ali eccentric) person; an odd fellow (ali character); a queer fish; an original; oddity; fog(e)y; žargon a queer (ali rum) customer
star čudák an old codger
biti čudák to have a bee in one's bonnet, to be a queer fish (ali a queer bird)
ti si čudák! you are a one!