povrníti to return; to render; to repay; to give back
povrníti voznino to refund someone's fare
povrníti dobro za slabo to return (ali to render) good for evil
povrníti milo za drago; (šilo za ognjilo); enako z enakim to give tit for tat
povrníti zlo za zlo to return (ali to render) evil for evil, to take an eye for an eye
stroški mu bodo povrnjeni he will be reimbursed his expenses
ne povrníti česa (ne se izkazati hvaležnega) to make no return for something
povrníti se to return
Zadetki iskanja
- površínski surface
površínska plast superficiality; superficial stratum
ki se koplje na površínskem kopu mineralogija opencast - povsód everywhere; in every place; in all places; throughout; ZDA all over; on all sides
o tem se govori povsód po mestu it is the talk of the town
povsód navzoč omnipresent
povsód srečujem prijatelje I meet friends everywhere
povsód drugje everywhere else
povsód, kamor grem everywhere I go, wherever I go
od (vse)povsod from all sides, from everywhere, from all quarters
povsód sem to iskal I have hunted for it high and low
govorica se je povsód razširila the rumour has spread far and wide - pozabíti to forget
pozabíti (ne več misliti) na kaj to forget about something; (spregledati, izpustiti) to omit, to leave out
da ne pozabimo! lest we forget!
pozabi na to! forget it!
ne pozabi, da je to treba narediti! don't forget that it must be done!
pozabil sem (ne morem se spomniti) I forget
ne smemo pozabíti, da... it must be borne in mind that...
pozabil sem, kaj sem hotel reči I forget what I was going to say
da ne pozabim (= mimogrede povedano) by the way
pozabil sem njegov naslov I've forgotten his address
pozabíti na svoje interese to neglect one's own interests - pozdráviti1 medicina to cure
pozdráviti se to recover (od from)
pozdráviti se od dolge bolezni to recover from a long illness
kar se ne da pozdráviti, je treba pretrpeti what can't be cured, must be endured - pozdráviti2 pozdrávljatiy to greet; to salute; to pass the time of day; (pri odhodu) to bid farewell (to someone), (za dobrodošlico) to bid someone welcome, (po kom drugem) to give one's love (oziroma respects, compliments) to someone
pozdravite sestro! remember me to your sister!, give your sister my love!
pozdravi(te) ga od mene! remember me to him!, give him my kind regards
srčno vas pozdravlja (v pismih) yours sincerely, yours ever, (bolj formalno) yours faithfully
pozdráviti se to greet one another, to exchange the time of day
moj brat vas lepo pozdravlja my brother wants (ali begs) to be remembered to you - pozibávati pozíbati to rock; to swing; to sway; (na kolenu, otroka) to dandle
veter pozibava drevesa the wind sways the trees
pozibávati, pozíbati se to rock, (na deski) to seesaw; (ladja) to lurch, to sway, (dete v naročju) to be dandled
drevesa se pozibavajo v vetru the trees sway in the wind (to and fro) - pozív appeal; (uraden) summons; (vojaški) call-up; injunction
sodni pozív subpoena, writ (of summons), (z grožnjo kazni) (writ of) subpoena
napisati pozív to draw up a writ
pozív v vojsko, na orožne vaje call-up
izročiti pozív to serve with a summons (ali a writ), to summons
odzvati se, ustreči nujnemu pozívu to obey an urgent summons - pozívati pozvati to call; (v vojsko) to call up; to invite, to ask, (uradno) to summons, to cite, (s pretnjo kazni) to subpoena
pozívati, pozvati na pomoč to cry for help, to call (on someone) for help, to appeal (to someone) for help
pozívati, pozvati za pričo to call someone as a witness, to call on someone to give evidence
pozívati, pozvati se (sklicevati se) na kaj to refer to something, (na dokaz, na primer) to adduce
pozívati, pozvati se na točko pogodbe to invoke a clause - poznáti to know (koga someone), to be acquainted (with someone), to be familiar (with someone)
samo po videzu ga poznam I know him only by sight
poznáti po imenu to know by name
že več let ga poznam I have known him for years
poznamo jih že pet let we have known them for five years
ne hoteti poznáti koga to cut someone, to turn one's back on someone, to give someone the cold shoulder, to cold-shoulder someone
ne poznáti (ne vedeti za) to be ignorant of, to be a stranger to
ne poznam strahu I am devoid of fear
on ne pozna težav he is ignorant of the difficulties, he does not know the difficulties
pozna se mu na obrazu, da je utrujen one can see by his face that he is tired
ne poznajo se mu leta he does not look his age
žal vas (jaz) ne poznam you have the advantage of me - pôzno late; at a late hour
prepozno too late
pôzno zvečer late in the evening
hoditi pôzno spat, prihajati pozno domov to keep late hours
pôzno vstajati to get up late
pôzno postaja it is getting late
pôzno se je oženil he got married late in life
bolje pôzno kot nikoli better late than never - pozòr attention
pozòr na stopnico! mind the step!
pozòr! vojska attention!; look out!, take care!, (umaknite se!, žargon) mind out!
pozòr pred psom! beware of the dog!
postaviti se v pozòr to come to attention
stati v pozòru to stand at attention
pozòr pred žeparji! beware of pickpockets! - poženíti to marry off (in turn)
otroka sta poženila in zdaj sta spet sama they have married off their children and are now alone again
poženíti se (o moških) to get married (in turn)
sinovi so se poženili the sons got married - požvížgati to whistle; to blow a whistle
požvížgati komu to whistle (ali at) someone
požvížgati se na kaj (figurativno) not to care a straw (ali a pin, a rap, a hoot, a damn, a fig, a curse) for (ali about) something, not to give a hoot about something
požvížgati psu to whistle to one's dog
lahko se požvižgaš na to (= na to lahko še dolgo čakaš)! you may whistle for it!
se požvižgam na to I don't give a damn for it - práh dust; pulverized matter; powder
cvetni práh (pelod) pollen
mleko, sladkor v práhu powdered milk, caster sugar
zlati práh gold dust
oblak práhu a cloud of dust
kakšen práh! what a dust!
(p)obrisati práh to dust
dvigniti práh figurativno to kick up (ali to make, to raise) a dust
dvignil je precéj práhu figurativno he made a great stir
to je dvignilo precéj práhu it made a great stir, it created a great sensation
otresti, stresti práh s čevljev to shake the dust off one's feet
zdrobiti, zmleti v práh to powder, to pulverize, to reduce to dust (ali to powder)
práh si in v práh se boš povrnil! religija arhaično dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return
neprepusten za práh dustproof - práska scratch; slight wound; graze; vojska, spopad skirmish, encounter, brush (with the enemy)
spopasti se v (manjših) práskah to skirmish - práskati to scratch
práskati se to scratch oneself
práskati se po glavi (za ušesi) to scratch one's head (one's ears)
ne praskaj se, če te ne srbi! figurativno shut your mouth and you'll catch no flies! - prásniti
prásniti v smeh to burst out laughing, to go into fits of laughter
prásniti vžigalico to strike a match
prásniti se to scratch oneself, to get scratched - prašíti to dust, to raise dust; to powder; to cover with dust; to spray (ali to sprinkle) with powder
prašíti se to be dusty - práti (perilo) to wash, to launder, (lase) to shampoo
da(ja)ti prat (svoje) perilo v pralnico to send one's washing to the laundry
kje si daješ prat perilo? where do you get (ali have) your washing done?
ona pere za nas she does our washing
ona pere (hodi prat) za druge she does other people's washing
to blago se dobro pere this material washes well