
Zadetki iskanja

  • nakít jewels pl, jewellery, ZDA jewelry

    cenen nakít trinkets pl, brez nakíta unadorned
    etui za nakít jewel case, jewel box
    umeten nakít costume jewellery
  • namèn intention; purpose; end

    v ta namèn for this purpose
    v kakšen namèn? with what purpose, arhaično to what end?
    z namènom, da... with the intention of (ali with a view to) (bi šli going)
    namèn je jasen the intention is obvious
    imeti namèn to plan, to intend
    imeti skrite namène (žargon) to have something up one's sleeve
    ustrezati namènu to answer the purpose
    že nekaj dni imam namèn dati uro v popravilo I've been meaning to get my watch repaired for days
    namèn posvečuje sredstva the end justifies (ali arhaično sanctifies) the means
    nimam namèna, da bi vas žalil I have no wish to offend you
    nimamo namèna, da bi odgovorili na to vprašanje we do not intend to answer (ali we have not the slightest intention of answering) this question
    prišel sem z namènom, da bi govoril s teboj I came to have a word with you
    rekel je to brez kakršnegakoli namèna he said that with no ulterior motive
    ima najboljše namène he has the best intentions
    ustrezati (služiti rabiti) namènu to answer (to serve) the purpose
  • napáka mistake; fault; blunder; defect; error; (groba, zlasti pri izpitu) žargon howler

    brez napáke faultless, free from fault; correct
    govorna napáka medicina speech impediment, speech handicap, speech defect
    lepotna napáka blemish, flaw, disfigurement
    računska napáka arithmetical error, mistake, miscalculation
    slušna napáka defective hearing
    telesna napáka physical defect, infirmity, affliction
    podedovana napáka hereditary defect (ali fault)
    napáka v materialu flaw (ali defect, fault) in material, poor quality of goods
    pravopisna napáka misspelling
    tipkarska napáka typing mistake (ali error)
    tiskovna napáka misprint, erratum, pl errata, typographic error, printer's error, literal
    napáka v pisanju clerical error
    za napáke ne odgovarjamo! trgovina errors (and omissions) excepted!
    delam slovnične napáke I make mistakes in (ali with) my grammar, pogovorno I get my grammar wrong
    delati napáke to make mistakes; to commit errors, to blunder
    popraviti svojo napáko to make good one's mistake
    napáke se rade vrinejo errors will slip in
    najti napáke pri kom to find fault with someone
    padati v staro napáko to backslide, to be a backslider
    mnogo napák je bilo storjenih z naše strani many mistakes have been committed on our side
    imeti iste napáke (v značaju) to be tarred with the same brush
    na napákah se učimo one learns by one's mistakes
    nihče ni brez napák (figurativno) no one's perfect
  • narávnost1 straight; directly

    narávnost kvišku straight up
    narávnost naprej straight on, straight forward
    narávnost (brez strahu) povedati svoje mnenje (figurativno) to give it (someone) straight from the shoulder
    narávnost povedati to tell (someone) straight out
    pojdite narávnost! go straight on!
    narávnost vprašati koga to ask someone point-blank
    povejmo narávnost (bolj odkrito)! let us put it in plain language!
    povej mi narávnost, kaj misliš! tell me straight what you think!
    povedal sem mu narávnost v obraz I told him straight out
    narávnost po nosu me je udaril he hit me square on the nose
  • nedólžen innocent (of); (nekriv) not guilty, guiltless; blameless; harmless; guileless; (deviški) virgin, chaste, maidenly, immaculate; (naiven) naive

    nedólžno jagnje innocent lamb
    nedólžno (neškodljivo) zdravilo a harmless remedy
    po nedólžnem innocently
    lahko dokažem, da sem nedólžen I can prove (that) I am innocent
    proglasiti koga za nedólžnega to pronounce someone innocent, to bring in a verdict of not guilty (ali a not-guilty verdict), to acquit, to discharge, to vindicate someone
    on nikakor ni nedólžen (brez krivde) he is by no means blameless
  • nehánje cessation, ceasing, finishing

    brez nehánja incessantly, constantly, perpetually, continuously, without interruption (ali letup)
    neháti to stop, to cease, to end, to finish; to leave off; (odnehati) to desist (from)
    tu se vse neha! that's the limit!
    nehaj že vendar! drop it!
    nehal je govoriti he stopped (ali ceased, left off) speaking
    nehalo je deževati it (has) stopped raining
    nehajmo s tem! let's drop it!, let's drop it, shall we?
    kje smo nehali (zadnjič)? where did we leave off?
  • neodlóčen undecided, (igra) drawn, (omahljiv) indecisive, irresolute, hesitating, vacillating, wavering

    neodlóča dirka, neodlóčen izid teka a dead heat
    neodlóča igra draw, tie, (brez zadetkov) goalless (ali no-score) draw
    še neodlóčen not yet decided, undecided, pending, put off, postponed
    vojna je (še) neodlóča the war is (still) undecided
    pustiti neodlóčo to leave (a matter) undecided
    biti neodlóčen (cincati) to dither, hesitate, to vacillate, to waver, not to know one's own mind
    dirka, tek je bil(a) neodlóč(a) the race was a tie
  • nevárnost danger, peril; risk; jeopardy; dangerousness, perilousness, critical state

    smrtna nevárnost danger of death
    svarilo za nevárnost warning of danger
    žarišče nevárnosti danger spot
    brez vsake nevárnosti without any risk
    ni nevárnosti there is no danger
    biti v nevárnosti to be in jeopardy, to run a (oziroma the) risk
    biti v smrtni nevárnosti to go in danger of one's life
    biti iz (zunaj) nevárnosti to be out of danger; to be safe
    izogibati se nevárnosti to keep out of danger
    podati se v nevárnost, izpostaviti se nevárnosti to expose oneself to danger, to run a risk, to run into danger, to take risks
    odvrniti, preprečiti nevárnost to avert, to obviate a danger
    spraviti, izpostaviti koga v nevárnost to imperil someone, to expose someone to danger (ali risk), to endanger someone, to jeopardize someone, to imperil something, someone
    ustrašiti se nevárnosti, umakniti se nevárnosti to shrink from risks
    zavedati se nevárnosti to awake to one's danger
  • nezgóda accident; misadventure; mishap, mischance, mischief; ill luck

    brez nezgóde without mishap
    po nezgódi accidentally
    težka nezgóda disaster
    prometna nezgóda traffic accident
    smrtna nezgóda accidental death
    vrsta nezgód a chapter of accidents
    zavarovanje proti nezgódam accident insurance
    doživeti nezgódo to meet with an accident
    doživeti prometno nezgódo to be involved in a trafric accident
  • nóč night; night-time, nightfall; (tema) darkness, dark

    do nóči till dark
    pozno v nóč far into the night, till late at night
    pred nóčjo before nightfall
    vsako nóč every night, nightly
    nóč za nóčjo night after night
    sredi trde nóči in the dead of the night, at dead of night
    preko nóči, čez nóč overnight
    pod nóč in the dusk
    vso, celo nóč all night (long)
    neke nóči one (certain) night
    preteklo nóč last night
    cele nóči for whole nights
    neke temne nóči on a dark night
    lahko nóč! good night!
    trajajoč vso nóč nightlong, all-night
    nóč na dan (24 ur brez prekinitve) around the clock
    mesečna nóč moonlit (ali moonlight) night
    kresna nóč Midsummer Night
    božična, sveta nóč religija Christmas Eve
    novoletna nóč New Year's Eve
    velika nóč religija Easter
    poročna nóč wedding night, nuptial night
    šentjernejska nóč zgodovina the Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Eve
    polarna nóč the polar night
    viharna nóč a dirty night
    nóč brez spanja a sleepless night, a restless night
    1001 noč Arabian Nights' Entertainments pl, the Arabian Nights pl
    nóč se dela it is getting dark; it is growing dark
    biti različen kot nóč pa dan to be as different as chalk and cheese
    prebiti dobro (slabo) nóč to have (ali to pass) a good (a bad) night
    nóč in dan mislim na to I keep thinking of it night and day
    vso nóč sem spal I slept the whole night (through)
    prebil sem nóč brez spanja I had (ali passed) a sleepless night, I did not sleep a wink all night
    vso nóč nisem niti za hip zatisnil očesa I could not get a wink of sleep all night
    prekrokati nóč to make a night of it
    prebdeti, prečuti nóč to sit up all night
    on bdí dolgo v nóč he sits up late, he keeps late hours
    delati nóč in dan to work night and day
    ostati čez nóč (prenočiti) to stay the night
    nóč ga je vzela he slipped away under cover of night
  • nogavíca (kratka) sock, (dolga) stocking

    dolge nogavíce long stockings, hose pl
    par nogavíc a pair of stockings
    zelo kratka nogavíca (do gležnjev) ankle sock, bobby sock, pl -sox, -s
    tenke, prozorne ženske nogavíce sheer stockings, pl
    nogavíce z ojačanimi prsti in peto stockings pl with reinforced heels and toes
    brezšivne nogavíce seamless stockings pl
    bombažne nogavíce cotton stockings pl
    moška nogavíca sock, half hose
    ženske nogavíce ladies' (ali women's) stockings pl
    elastične nogavíce elastic stockings pl
    nogavíca -dokolenka knee-length, mid-length
    nogavíce iz umetne svile rayon stockings pl
    najlonske nogavíce nylons pl
    svilene nogavíce silk stockings pl
    volnene nogavíce woollen (ZDA woolen) stockings pl
    v nogavícah (= sezut) in one's stockings, in one's stockinged feet
    obut (le) v nogavíce stockinged
    nogavíce brez stopala hosetops pl
    nogavíce za krčne žile elastic stockings pl
    tovarna nogavíc hosiery mill
    trgovina z nogavícami hosier's
    obleči (sleči) nogavíce to put on (to take off) one's stockings
    obleči komu nogavíce to help someone on with his (ali her) stockings
    nogavíca se natrga the stocking ladders, there is a ladder in the stocking
    pas za nogavíce suspender belt
    podveza za nogavíco garter; suspender
  • obéd lunch; dinner; midday meal

    odmor za obéd lunch break
    ostati na obédu pri kom to stay to (ali for) dinner with someone
    ostati brez obéda to go without dinner
    prisesti k obédu (o nepričakovanem gostu) to take potluck with (someone), to partake of potluck with (someone)
  • oblák cloud

    brez obláka, oblákov cloudless, serene
    nizko ležeči obláki aeronavtika low cloud level
    gradovi v oblákih (figurativno) castles in Spain
    tvorba oblákov cloud formation
    utrganje oblákov a cloudburst
    zidanje gradov v obláke (figurativno) building castles in the air, wishful thinking
    dvigati se visoko pod obláke to rise high into the sky
    kriki so se dvignili do oblákov the shouts made the welkin ring
    leteti nad obláki aeronavtika žargon to fly over the top
    (po)let nad obláki over-the-top flight
    obláki se kopičijo the clouds are baking up
    iz oblákov pasti (figurativno) to drop from the clouds
    oblák se je utrgal there was a violent downpour
    zidati gradove v obláke to build castles in the air
    živeti v oblákih (figurativno) to be (ali to have one's head) in the clouds
  • oblíka form; format; shape; size; formation; configuration

    brez oblíke formless, shapeless, amorphous, deformed
    skladne oblíke well-proportioned, shapely
    dati oblíko to form, to shape, to mould
    dobiti, privzeti oblíko to take shape, to assume the appearance (of something)
  • obotávljanje hesitation; delay, delaying, tarrying; lingering; lag; waver(ing)

    sprejel je brez obotávljanja he accepted unhesitatingly (ali straight away)
    brez nadaljnjega obotávljanja without further ado
  • obrámba defence, ZDA defense; (zaščita) protection, guard; (zagovor) pravo vindication, advocacy, apology, justification

    v, za svojo obrámbo in one's defence
    protiletalska obrámba air-raid protection, antiaircraft defence(s)
    brez obrámbe defenceless
    vseljudska obrámba total national defence
  • obréd religija rite; ceremony, ceremonial

    brez obréda without ceremony
    cerkveni obrédi pl rituals pl
    krstni obréd baptismal rite
    grški pravoslavni obréd Greek rite
    rimskokatoliški obréd Roman rite, Latin rite
    pogrebni obréd burial rites pl, funeral rites
    nauk o obrédih ritualism
    opravljati obréd, držati se obréda to ritualize
  • obrésti1 interest

    navadne obrésti simple interest
    obrestne obrésti compound interest
    visoke obrésti high interest rate
    tekoče obrésti current interest rate
    dolgovane obrésti interest due
    zamudne obrésti interest for delay (ali for retardment)
    glavnica z obréstmi (vred) principal and interest
    zaostale obrésti interest unpaid, arrears pl of interest, outstanding interest
    5% letne obrésti interest at the rate of five per cent per annum
    dohodek od obrésti investment income
    izguba obrésti loss of interest
    z obréstmi together with (ali plus) interest
    brez obrésti free of (ali ex) interest
    debetne obrésti interest on debit balances
    dajati, donašati obrésti to bear interest
    dati 5% obrésti to yield an interest of five per cent
    naložiti denar na obrésti to put the money on interest
    dodati obrésti glavnici to add the interest to the principal
    posoditi denar proti obréstim to lend money at (ali on) interest
    poplačati z obréstmi to pay back interest
    pripisati obrésti kapitalu to add the interest to the capital
    vrniti kaj z obréstmi (figurativno) to return something with interest
    obrésti tečejo od 1. maja interest accrues from the first of May
    zahtevati oderuške obrésti to charge exorbitant rates of interest
    zaračunati obrésti to charge interest
    živeti od obrésti to live on annuities (ali investment income, income from investments)
    živi od obrésti svojega kapitala he lives on the interest from his capital
  • obzír regard; consideration, (spoštovanje) respect, deference; attention

    iz obzíra do out of regard (ali respect) for, in deference to
    brez obzíra do, na without regard to (ali for), regardless of
    nobenega obzíra nima do materinih čustev he has no regard for his mother's feelings
    vzeti v obzír kaj to take something into consideration
  • ôče father; pogovorno papa, pa, governor, pater

    cerkveni ôčetje Fathers pl of the Church
    brez ôčeta fatherless
    krušni ôče foster father, fosterer
    stari ôče grandfather
    očetje (predniki) fathers pl, pesniško sires pl
    on je čisto kot ôče he is a chip off the old block
    vreči se po ôčetu to take after one's father
    on je izrezan ôče (figurativno) he is the very spit and image (ali spitting image, exact likeness) of his father
    kakor ôče, tako sin like father, like son