
Zadetki iskanja

  • húd bad; evil; (čas, doba) hard; (rana) bad, (občutljiva) sore; (jezen) angry; ZDA sore, mad

    húda bolezen serious illness
    húda bolečina great pain
    húdi časi hard times pl
    húd kašelj a bad cough
    húd mraz a very severe frost
    húd veter sharp wind
    húda vročica (mrzlica) a virulent fever
    húda vročina intense heat
    húda ura thunderstorm
    nič húdega sluteč unsuspecting
    ta je pa že prehuda! this is outrageous!
    delati húdo kri figurativno to create ill-feeling
    nič húdega ti ne delam I do you no harm
    nič húdega ne mislim (nočem) I don't mean any harm
    nič húdega ni v tem there is no harm in it
    ne bom ti naredil nič húdega I shall not hurt you
    ona ima húd jezik she has a wicked (ali spiteful, malevolent) tongue
    nič húdega ne nameravati (misliti) to mean no harm
    nič húdega ne vidim v tem I don't see anything bad in it
    biti húd na koga to be angry with someone, to be cross with someone, to be furious (ali mad) with someone
    húd je name ZDA he is mad with me, VB he is angry with me
    v najhujšem primeru at the worst; in the worst case
    če pride do najhujšega if the worst comes to the worst
    če bi se zgodilo najhujše if it comes to the worst
    najhujše še pride the worst is yet to come
    húdo (prislov) badly
    toliko hujše! all the worse!; so much the worse
    vedno hujše worse and worse
    bodi pripravljen na najhujše! be prepared for the worst!
    húdo se motiš there you are greatly mistaken
    húdo mi je, da (ker) ne morem priti I feel sorry that I cannot come
    ni tako húdo, kot je videti (figurativno) his bark is worse than his bite
    húdo je z njim he is badly off, he is in a bad way, he is unwell
    húdo (trda) je za denar money is scarce
    saj ni tako húdo! it is not so bad (as you think)
    mnogo húdega prestati (figurativno) to go through hell, to have a rough time
  • humór humour; sense of humour; comicality; humorousness, facetiousness

    brez humórja humourless; devoid of humour
    oseba, človek brez humórja disgruntled person; ZDA pogovorno sorehead
    obešenjaški humór gallows humour
    črn humór black humour
    suh humór dry humour
    surov humór robust humour
    biti brez humórja, nobenega smisla za humór ne imeti to lack any sense of humour
  • hvála thanks pl; (pohvala) praise, laud, commendation; (govor, pismena hvala) eulogy, panegyric, encomium

    hvála! thank you!
    hvála lepa! thanks very much!, many thanks!
    hvála lepa za Vašo prijaznost! many thanks for your kindness!
    hvála bogu! thank God!
    hvála bodi bogu! thanks be to God!
    hvála za Vaše vprašanje (po mojem zdravju)! thank you for asking after me
    srčna Vam hvála za... my heartfelt thanks to you for..., I am deeply grateful to you
    biti skop s hválo to be sparing with one's praise
    hválo peti komu to sing someone's praises
    sam sebi hválo peti to blow one's own trumpet, humoristično to toot one's own horn
    še hvála mi ni nihče rekel! much (ali small) thanks I got for it!
    lastna hvála se po blatu, pod mizo valja self-praise is no recommendation
    še malo čaja? - prosim! (da); hvála, ne! some more tea? - yes, please!; no, thank you!
  • hvaléžen thankful; grateful; obliged; indebted to, beholden to

    hvaléžna naloga a gratifying task
    hvaléžen posel a profitable business
    hvaléžna vloga gledališče a rewarding role
    hvaléžen Vam bo za to he will be grateful to you for this
    zelo sem Vam hvaléžen I am much obliged to you
    globoko Vam moram biti hvaléžen I owe you a deep debt of gratitude
    vedno mu bom hvaléžen za njegovo pomoč I shall always be grateful to him for his help
  • ígla needle; (bucika) pin

    ígla za krpanje darning needle
    ígla za kvačkanje crochet needle
    ígla za pletenje knitting needle
    ígla za klobuk hatpin
    ígla za lase hairpin
    gramofonska ígla gramophone needle
    magnetska ígla magnetic needle
    varnostna ígla safety pin
    ígli podoben, iglast, kot ígl needlelike
    blazinica za ígle pincushion
    delo z íglo needlework
    naprsna ígla brooch
    etui za ígle needle case
    ušesce ígle eye of a needle
    vbod z íglo pinprick
    vdeti íglo to thread a needle
    biti, sedeti kot na íglah figurativno to be feeling uncomfortable, to feel uneasy
    udarna ígla firing pin
  • igrálec -lka (v kaki igri) player; (gledališki) actor, actress; (karte, hazardni) gambler, punter, gamester; (instrumenta) player, performer

    igrálec, -lka komik comedian
    igrálec, -lka kriketa cricketer
    igrálec, -lka šaha chess player
    skupina potujočih igrálcev company of strolling players
    on je izvrsten igrálec, -lka he is a crack player
    biti slab igrálec, -lka šport to be a bad loser
    postati igrálec, -lka to go on the stage, to go on the boards
  • imenován named, called; termed

    na kratko imenován called for short
    zgoraj imenováni, že imenováni g. X. the said (ali above-named) Mr. X
    (že) imenováni zdravnik the said physician
    biti imenován za (za vrhovnega poveljnika) to be appointed (Commander-in-Chief) ➞ imenovati
  • imovína property; fortune; possession; belongings pl

    vsa moja imovína all my goods and chattels pl
    izgubil je vso svojo imovíno he has lost all he had
    biti brez imovíne to have no property, to be poorly off, to live from hand to mouth
    izgubiti imovíno to lose one's fortune, to be ruined, to be reduced to poverty, ekonomija to fail, to go bankrupt
    pognati, zapraviti imovíno to run through one's fortune, to play ducks and drakes with one's money
    investirati svojo imovíno to invest one's fortune
    zastaviti imovíno (posestvo) to mortgage (one's estate)
  • indiskréten indiscreet; inconsiderate; prying; imprudent; inquisitive, pogovorno nosy; (oseba) talkative, loose-tongued, (jezik) loose

    daleč od indiskrétnih pogledov far from prying eyes
    nekoliko indiskrétna opazka a somewhat impertinent (ali tactless) remark
    ne bi hotel biti indiskréten, koliko ste plačali za to? if I'm not too curious, how much did you pay for it?
  • indulgénten indulgent

    biti indulgénten to be indulgent, to be tolerant
  • inferióren inferior; below average; of poor mental or physical quality

    biti komu inferióren to be inferior to someone
  • in flagránti in flagranti delicto

    biti zasačen in flagránti to be caught red-handed
    ujeti koga in flagránti to catch someone red-handed
  • instánca pravo instance; resort; process; suit

    sodišče prve (zadnje) instánce court of the first (of the last) instance
    v prvi instánci in the first instance
    biti pristojen v prvi instánci to have original jurisdiction
    druga, višja instánca pravo appellate court, (uprava) higher authority
    apelacijska instánca appeal court
    zadnja instánca final jurisdiction, highest appeal, last resort, last appeal
    v zadnji instánci in the last instance
    iti do zadnje instánce to go to the highest tribunal, to appeal to the supreme court
  • inteligénten intelligent, clever, bright, smart; pogovorno brainy

    ni posebno inteligénten he has no great brainpower
    biti inteligénten to have a quick mind, to be quick-witted
    inteligénttno prislov intelligently
  • intímen intimate; inward; internal; close; near

    intímen prijatelj an intimate (ali a close) friend, a bosom friend; intimate
    najbolj intímni kotički duše the inmost recesses of the soul
    to so preveč intímne stvari, da bi o njih govorili those things are too near one's heart to be spoken of
    biti intímen s kom to be familiar (ali intimate) with someone
    to so preintimne zadeve, da bi o njih tu razpravljali these are matters too intimate to be discussed here
    moj (najbolj) intímni prijatelj my second self
  • intrigánt intriguer; schemer; intrigant, intriguant

    biti popoln intrigánt to be a consummate schemer
  • íz from, out of; of, by, through, for, because of

    iz angleščine from (the) English
    iz ambicije for (ali because of) ambition
    iz dneva v dan from day to day
    iz glave (na pamet) by heart, from memory, extempore, off-hand
    iz ljubezni for love
    iz ljubezni do for love of
    iz mode out of fashion
    narejen iz made of (ali from)
    iz (notranjosti) hiše from within the house
    iz leta v leto year by year
    iz prepričanja by conviction
    iz izkustva from experience
    iz radovednosti out of curiosity
    iz tega razloga for this reason
    iz skoposti through (ali because of) avarice
    iz sovraštva through hatred
    iz strahu for fear (pred... of...)
    iz usmiljenja out of pity
    iz vljudnosti through politeness
    iz dobrega vira from a good source
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with anger
    je tvoja ura iz zlatá? is yours a gold watch?
    ima hčer iz prvega zakona he has a daughter by his first marriage
    piti iz kozarca to drink out of a glass
    priti iz Zagreba to come from Zagreb
    prevesti iz slovenščine v angleščino to translate from Slovene (ZDA Slovenian) into English
    razvideti iz to see by
    ni si upal iz hiše he did not dare venture out of the house
  • izbírčen finical, finicky; fastidious; particular (v in, on, about); pogovorno choosey, choosy; (v jedi) squeamish; hard to please; discriminating; dainty (in one's choice); overnice

    zelo je izbírčen glede hrane he is very particular about his food, he is very particular (as to) what he eats
    izbírčna je glede obleke she is particular about her dress
    reveži ne smejo biti izbírčni beggars can't be choosers
    biti izbírčen v spoprijateljevanju to choose one's friends carefully
  • izgarán fagged out

    biti izgarán to be overworked, to be fagged out
  • izgúba loss; waste; (v boju) casualties pl; (finančna) loss

    izgúba energije a loss of energy
    izgúba električnega toka a leakage of current
    nadomestljiva izgúba reparable loss
    popolna izgúba dead loss
    izgúbe na mrtvih in ranjenih vojska the losses in killed and wounded
    seznam izgúb vojska casualty list
    sem na izgúbi pri tem this leaves me out of pocket (ali with a loss)
    to je čista izgúba časa it's a sheer waste of time
    smo 5.000 SIT na izgúbi we are 5,000 tolars worse off
    delati z izgúbo to operate at a loss
    nadomestiti izgúbo to repair, to make up a loss
    kompenzirati izgúbo to make up a loss
    imeti težke izgúbe vojska to sustain, to suffer heavy casualties (ali losses)
    plačati (nositi) izgúbo to stand a loss
    prizadejati komu izgúbo to inflict a loss on someone
    ne more preboleti svoje izgúbe he cannot get over his loss
    preprečiti izgúbo pare to prevent a waste of steam
    biti zavezan za povrnitev (plačilo) izgúbe to be liable for a loss
    zmanjšati izgúbo to cut a loss
    prodati z izgúbo to sell at a loss (ali at a sacrifice)
    izgúba izmodrí človeka we learn by (bitter) experience