nepozáben unforgettable; never-to-be-forgotten; memorable; not to be forgotten; (neizbrisen) indelible
neprebrodljív unfordable; (težava) insurmountable; not to be overcome
nepreložljív not to be delayed (ali postponed)
neukanljív indisputable; undeceivable; not to be outwitted
nezamenljív that cannot be exchanged (ali bartered) (za for)
nezanesljív unreliable, untrustworthy; unsure; (névaren) unsafe, insecure; not to be counted upon; unauthentic
norčeváti se to make fun, to be flippant, not to be serious
norčeváti se iz to make a fool of, to fool (iz koga someone), to scoff at, to make a joke (ali jest) of, to poke fun at, to make sport of
noréti to be mad, to be crazy; to be foolish
noréti za kom to dote on someone
vse ženske norijo za njim all the women are wild about him
noréti za čim to rave about something; (neumno se obnašati) to play the fool, to do foolish things, to lose one's wits
občeváti to have (ali to hold) intercourse; to have relations (z with); to associate (with), to communicate (with), to commune; to mingle (with); (intimno) to be on intimate terms (with), to be on friendly terms, to cultivate someone's acquaintance, to consort with
on z nikomer ne občuje he keeps himself to himself, he shuns company
s kom občujete? with whom do you associate?
pogosto občujem z njim I see a great deal of him
spolno občeváti z to have sexual intercourse with
obilováti to abound in, to be plentiful; to have in plenty; to be rich in
oblást (uradna) authority, (sodna) jurisdiction; (moč) power, might; the powers that be; (absolutna) absolutism, despotism; (najvišja) sovereignty; (gospostvo) dominion, rule, sway
na oblásti in power
ki ima oblást put in charge (of), set in authority
civilna in vojaška oblást civil and military authorities
državna oblást state authority
neomejena oblást absolute power
posvetna oblást secular arm
tuja oblást alien rule
zakonodajna oblást legislative power
borba za oblást struggle for power
oblást nad samim seboj self-possession
prevzem oblásti assumption (ali seizure) of power
prisvojitev oblásti usurpation of power
pohlep po oblásti greed for power
biti na oblásti to be in power
biti v oblásti koga to be in someone's power
vsa oblást je v rokah ljudstva all power is vested in the people (izvira iz oblásti all power derives from the people)
imeti oblást to be in authority, to carry authority
imeti v oblásti to have command of, to be master of
ne imeti oblásti to be without authority
imeti se v oblásti to have self-control, to be master of oneself, to be in control (ali command) of one's feelings
to ni v moji oblásti that's beyond my power
ni v moji oblásti, da... it is not in my power to...
imeti koga v oblásti to have someone in one's power
izgubil je oblást nad seboj he lost his self-control
ivajati oblást nad to exercise (ali to wield) power (ali authority) over
polastiti se oblásti to seize power
prevzeti oblást to assume (ali to take over) power
priti na oblást to come to power
priti pod pristojnost sodne oblásti to come under the jurisdiction (of)
obnêsti se to be (ali to prove) effective, to take effect, to stand the test; to turn out well; (uspeti) to be a success, to succeed, to be successful
kot stotnik se ni obnesel he was not a success as captain
sijajno se obnêsti se to behave splendidly
dobro se obnêsti se (se izkazati) to acquit oneself well
oboléti to fall ill, to be taken ill; to contract an illness; to sicken
obračúnati to settle (ali to square) accounts (z with); to account (for); to settle up accounts; to balance; (figurativno) to have done (s kom with someone), to be quits (with someone), to be even (with someone); (plačati) to pay the bill; (maščevati se) to take revenge (s kom on someone)
obratováti to work; to be at work; to be in operation; (martinova peč) to be in blast
ne obratováti to be idle, to shut down; to be inactive
ta tovarna ne obratuje this factory is standing idle
ta stroj ne obratuje this machine is not working
le dve peči obratujeta only two furnaces are in blast
obsedéti to remain seated, to keep one's seat; (na plesu) to have no partner, to be a wallflower; (ne se omožiti) to remain unmarried, to remain a spinster, to be left on the shelf; (v šoli) to be kept (ali left) back, not to get one's move up
obstájati to exist; to subsist; to be in existence
v čem obstaja razlika? wherein lies the difference?
obstáti2 (obstanem) (ustaviti se) to stop; to halt, to make a halt; to be brought to a standstill
nenadoma obstáti, obstáti kot ukopan to stop dead, to stop short
obstinírati to be obstinate
obubóžati to become poor, to be reduced to poverty (ali to pauperism); arhaično to come upon the parish, to fall in want