
Zadetki iskanja

  • koncêrt concert; musical entertainment; (skladba) concerto

    mačji koncêrt figurativno cat's concert, caterwauling
    koncêrt po želji request programme
  • konkurénčen (cena) competitive, keen; (ki gre v prodajo) marketable; (zmožen konkurirati) able to compete; (tvrdka, industrija) competing, rival

    po konkurénčnih cenah at competitive prices
    konkurénčni boj competitive struggle, trade rivalry
    konkurénčna firma rival firm
    konkurénčni razpis call for tenders
    konkurénčno podjetje rival business concern
  • kôpno land; mainland

    po kôpnem by land
    na kôpnem ashore
    po kôpnem in po morju by land and sea
    doseči kôpno to reach land
    iti na kôpno to go ashore; to disembark
    prevoz po kôpnem land transport
    zagledati kôpno pomorstvo to make land, to sight land
    kôpno na vidiku! pomorstvo land ho!
    izgubiti kôpno iz vida to lose sight of land
  • koprnéti to long (po for), to crave (for), to yearn (for), to hunger (for), to hanker (after, for); to pine (for), to languish (for)

    koprnel je po vesteh od svoje družine he yearned for news of his family
  • korák step; (tempo) pace

    dolg korák stride; (hoja) walk, gait
    vojaški, brzi korák double, ZDA double time
    hitri korák vojska quick time (ali pace)
    paradni, pruski korák goose step
    telovadni, gimnastični korák double-quick
    čvrst korák brisk step
    hlačni korák crotch
    odločilen korák decisive step
    napačen korák (spodrsljaj) false step
    nagel korák a rash step
    prvi koráki first steps pl beginnings pl (pregovorov itd.) advances pl
    navadni korák vojska ordinary pace
    preudaren korák prudent step; figurativno (ukrep) step, move, measure, motion
    enakomernih korákov evenpaced
    počasnih korákov slow-paced
    naglih korákov at a fast pace
    nadaljnji korák a further step
    s hitrim korákom at a brisk pace
    korák za korákom step by step, pace by pace, by steps, little by little, (postopoma) gradually
    pri vsakem koráku at every step
    na vsakem koráku (povsod) everywhere, (vedno) all the time
    dolžina koráka length of stride
    menjava koráka change of step
    števec korákov pedometer
    to je velik korák naprej! that's a big step (ali move) forward!
    zima se bliža z velikimi koráki winter is coming upon us apace
    držati korák z to keep pace (ali step) with, to be in step with, to keep up with, (figurativno) to keep abreast of (ali up-to-date with)
    ne držati koráka to break step, to be out of step (s časom with the times)
    izmeriti razdaljo s koráki to pace out the distance
    delati velike koráke to make great strides
    napraviti korák naprej (nazaj) to step (ali to take a step) forwards (backwards)
    napraviti (potrebne) koráke (ukrepe) to take steps (proti against)
    napraviti prvi korák (figurativno) to take the first step, to make the first move, to take the initiative
    tudi koráka naprej ni mogel napraviti he couldn't walk a step further
    napraviti velik korák do uspeha to make great progress towards success, to reach a milestone in one's career
    iti v korák z to keep abreast of, to be in step with
    prvi korák je vedno najtežji the first step is always the hardest
    napraviti dolg korák to stride out
    delati dolge koráke to take (ali to make) long strides
    delati kratke koráke to take short strides
    prvi korák je storjen (figurativno) the first step is taken
    napraviti nekaj korákov to go a few steps, to take a few paces
    (iz)meriti s koráki to pace (out)
    vse moje koráke nadzorujejo they watch every step I take
    napredovati z velikanskimi koráki to advance with giant strides
    zadeva se ni niti za korák premaknila the affair hasn't got a step further
    podaljšati korák to lengthen one's stride
    priti iz koráka to get out of step
    podvzeti (hitre) koráke to take (swift) steps (v zadevi in the matter)
    pospešiti korák to quicken one's pace, to step out
    skrajšati korák to shorten one's stride
    (s)poznati koga po njegovih korákih (po hoji) to know (to recognise) someone by his step
    usmeriti korák to direct one's footsteps
    vzdržati korák to last the pace
    voziti v koráku! slow down!, dead slow!, ZDA drive slow!
  • korenína root

    pognati koreníne to strike (ali to take) root
    pognati globoke koreníne to strike deep roots
    s koreníno vred izpuljena rastlina plant torn up by the roots
    izruvati s korenínmi vred to pull up by the root
    príti do koreníne zla to get at (ali to) the root of an evil
    posekati koreníne zla to lay the axe to the root of an evil
    nastaviti sekiro na korenín (česa) to lay the axe to the root (of something)
    udariti po koreníni, odrezati koreníno (česa) to strike at the root (of something)
  • kós2 (komad) piece; (velik) chunk; (tanka rezina) slice; (del) part; (sladkorja) lump; (predmet) article

    kós pohištva piece (ali pogovorno stick) of furniture; (glasbeni) piece (of music); (poti) stretch; (zemlje, gredica) bed, patch, plot
    po kósu apiece, each
    kós za kósom piece by piece, piecemeal
    na kóse to pieces
    kós mila a cake of soap
    kós zemlje a plot (ali a piece, a patch) of land (ali of ground)
    po čem je kós? how much apiece?
    prodajajo se po kósu they are sold separately (ali singly)
    blago (tekstil) po kósu piece goods pl
    po tri funte kós at three pounds each
    delo po kósu piecework, paid for piece rate (ali by the piece)
    iz enega kósa of one piece
    delati po kósu, od kósa (na akord) to do piecework, to work piece rate
    hiša razpada kós za kósom the house is crumbling away bit by bit
    razpasti na kóse to fall to (ali to break into) pieces
    raztrgati na kóse to tear (ali to cut) to pieces, (skritizirati) to pull to pieces, to pick holes in
    prodajati po kósu (na drobno) to sell by retail, to retail
    razstaviti na kóse (demontirati) to take to pieces
    razbiti na kóse to smash in pieces
  • kôstanj botanika chestnut; (drevo) chestnut tree

    divji kôstanj horse chestnut
    užitni kôstanj (sweet, Spanish) chestnut
    iti za koga po kôstanj v žerjavico to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire, to be someone's cat's-paw
    poslati koga po kôstanj v žerjavico to make someone pull one's chestnuts out of the fire
  • kót1 angle; corner; nook; recess, retired spot

    pravi (ostri, topi) kót right (acute, obtuse) angle
    lomni kót angle of refraction
    odbojni kót angle of reflection
    vidni, zorni kót angle of sight, optic angle, visual angle, figurativno point of view
    deklinacíjski kót angle of declination
    sokot adjacent angle
    kót ob peči (zapeček) inglenook
    strel iz kóta šport corner kick, corner
    iskati kaj po vseh kótih to search high and low for something, to search every nook and cranny
    postaviti otroka v kót (kazen) to make a child stand in the corner
    mrtvi kót (avta) blind spot, vojska spot sheltered from enemy fire
    vrh kóta point of an angle
  • kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but

    čisto tako kòt just like
    ne tako kòt unlike
    več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
    bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
    rajši kòt rather than
    noben drug kòt ti none other than you
    kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
    to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
    prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
    kòt da as if, as though
    kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
    kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
    delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
    toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    kòt primer by way of example
    kòt vedno as usual, as always
    umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
    kòt na primer as for instance
    ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
    znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
    jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
    ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him)
  • kotíček small nook; (udoben) cosy nook; (sobica) snuggery

    iskati kaj po vseh kotíčekkih to search high and low for something, to search every nook and cranny
    natrpan do zadnjega kotíčekka full (ali filled, packed) to capacity
  • kraljévski royal; kingly; regal; kinglike; (sijajen) magnificent

    kraljévska čast royalty, kingship
    kraljévske insignije regalia, royal insignia
    kraljévska palača, dvor royal palace, royal court
    kraljévske pravice in privilegiji royalties pl
    (po) kraljévsko prislov royally, regally, kingly, like a king; splendidly
  • kŕcniti to fillip

    kŕcniti koga po prstih to tap someone's fingers
    kŕcniti madež prahá s hlač to flick a speck of dust from one's trousers
    kŕcniti koga po nosu to tap someone on the nose
  • kreníti to start, to move, to set off, to set out (v for)

    kreníti na potovanje to set out (ali off, arhaično forth) on a journey
    kreníti proti sovražniku to set out (ali arhaično forth) against the enemy
    kreníti po najkrajši poti to take the shortest way
    krenite na levo (na desno)! turn to the left (to the right)!
    kreníti na pot to set out (ali off) on one's way
    nenadoma kreníti vstran to swerve
    kreníti naprej to move ahead
  • krí blood; figurativno family, race

    dajalec krvi blood donor
    kaplja krvi drop of blood
    izliv krvi shedding of blood, effusion of blood
    bljuvanje krvi spitting of blood
    naval krvi rush of blood, congestion of blood
    prelivanje krvi bloodshed, slaughter
    transfuzija krvi blood transfusion
    izguba krvi loss of blood
    zastrupljenje krvi blood poisoning, sepsis
    puščanje krvi bleeding, blood-letting, cupping
    sredstvo za ustavitev krvi styptic
    preobilica krvi plethora
    kepica, strdek krvi clot of blood
    centralno zbirališče človeške krvi blood bank
    huda krí (sovraštvo) bad blood
    soroden po krvi related by blood (z to), consanguineous
    strnjena krí coagulated blood
    mlada krí young blood
    modra krí blue blood, high birth
    omadeževan s krvjo bloodstained
    žejen krvi bloodthirsty
    huda krí (antagonizem) ill (bad) blood
    kraljevska krí royal blood
    brez krvi bloodless, anaemic
    iz mesa in krvi flesh and blood
    v krvi (prirojen) bred in the bone
    krí je brizgnila iz rane blood gushed from the wound
    delati hudo krí to breed ill blood
    krí ni voda blood is thicker than water
    biti vroče krvi to have a passionate temper
    biti plemenite krvi to be of a noble stock
    po krvi mi je soroden he is a blood relation of mine
    boriti se do zadnje kaplje krvi to fight to the last drop of blood
    kar mirno krí! keep your temper!
    biti, ležati v krvi (figurativno) to run in the blood
    to mu je v krvi it runs in his blood, it is bred in the bone
    krí ga je oblila he is running with blood
    obdržati hladno krí to keep cool
    ohranite mirno krí! keep your hair on! take it easy!
    ohraniti mirno krí to retain one's composure
    krí mi je šla v glavo the blood rushed to my head
    krí mu je planila v obraz there was a rush of blood to his face
    krí mi je poledenela (od groze) my blood ran cold; it made my blood freeze (ali run cold)
    krí ji je šinila v obraz the blood rushed into her cheeks
    krí puščati to let blood, to bleed (ali to phlebotomize) (komu someone); arhaično to cup
    piti komu krí (figurativno) to suck someone's lifeblood
    to mu je prešlo v meso in krí it has become second nature with (ali to) him
    omadeževati si roke s krvjo (figurativno) to bathe one's hands in blood
    prelil je mnogo krvi he has spilt much blood
    šibati do krvi to flog till the blood runs
    krí mi teče iz nosa I have a nosebleed, my nose is bleeding (ali pogosto bleeds)
    krí mi je zastala it made my blood run cold
    krí mi je zavrela my blood began to boil, my blood was up
    krí prelivati to shed blood
  • Krístus Christ

    Jezus Krístus Jesus Christ
    pred Krístusom before Christ, B.C.
    po Krístusu anno domini, A.D.
  • krív (krivda) guilty, culpable, guilt-stained; (zvit, nevaren) curved, deformed, distorted, crooked, bent

    po krivem falsely
    krívi bogovi idols pl
    krív prerok a false prophet
    kríva prisega perjury, false oath
    kríva vera misbelief, erroneous belief, heresy
    kdo je krív? who is to blame?, whose fault is it?
    jaz nisem krív it is not my fault, I am not to blame
    biti krív to bear the blame, to be to blame, to be at fault
    on ni čisto nič krív he is quite blameless
    tega so kríve okoliščine this is due to (ali owing to) circumstances
    sam si je krív (= prav mu je) serves him right
    bil je po krívem obsojen he was unjustly condemned
    po krívem priseči to commit perjury, to perjure oneself
    priznati se za krívega to plea gullty
    spoznati za krívega to find someone guilty
    biti spoznan za krívega to be found guilty (za of)
    zaiti na kríva pota to go astray, to leave the straight and narrow, to take the wrong turning, to go wrong
  • krivíca injustice; iniquity; wrong; unfairness; unreasonableness

    po krivíci wrongly
    po pravici ali po krivíci rightly or wrongly
    vpijoča krivíca crying injustice
    narediti, zagrešiti, zakriviti krivíco to commit a wrong
    storiti komu krivíco to do someone wrong, to do wrong to someone
    popraviti krivíco to right a wrong, to make up for a wrong, to set right (ali to redress) a wrong
    delati krivíco komu to wrong someone
    razlikovati pravico od krivíce to know right from wrong
    dela se mu krivíca he is wronged, he is being unfairly treated
  • križárjenje cruise, cruising

    iti na križárjenje po Sredozemlju to go on a Mediterranean cruise
  • krojáč tailor; garment-worker, garment-maker

    damski krojáč dressmaker, ladies' tailor
    izdelan po krojáču tailor-made
    kdo je tvoj krojáč? who makes your clothes?, arhaično who tailors you?
    biti krojáč, opravljati krojaški poklic to work as a tailor (ali dressmaker), to be a tailor