prizídan joined to another building; built as an extension
prizídati to add to a building, to build an extension
prizídati krilo to add a wing
prizidan built as an extension
púnktum! there's an end of it!
razboléti se (zboleti) to fall (ali to become) ill, to catch an illness, to be taken ill; (rana) to cause pain, to give pain, to begin to smart
razknjížiti to free from all mortgages; to remove an owner's name from the land registry book
referírati to report (o čem on something); to give an account (of something); to relate (komu to someone)
sestájati se to meet regularly, to assemble, to gather, to convene; to have appointments, pogovorno to have dates; (nekdanji dijaki) to hold an old boys' (ali old girls') reunion (ali pogovorno get-together)
sídrast anchor-shaped, like an anchor
skovíkanje hoot, hooting; an owl's cry
smrdéti to stink; to smell nastily, to smell; to have an offensive smell (ali stench)
on smrdi po viskiju he stinks (ali reeks) of whisky
nekaj smrdi v deželi danski something is rotten in the state of Denmark
snúbiti to woo, to ask in marriage; to propose (to someone); to put the question; to make an offer of marriage, (redko) to sue for a lady's hand in marriage; (glasove pri volitvah) to solicit for votes; to canvass
sporazuméti se to agree; to come to (ali to make) an agreement (ali an understanding); to settle a matter; to settle by agreement; to come to terms
nisva (nismo) se mogla (mogli) sporazuméti se we could not understand each other (one another), we could not make ourselves understood
ne morejo se sporazuméti se they cannot come to terms (ali to an understanding), they cannot reach agreement (o on)
sviráč piper; player (ali performer) on an instrument; musician; executant
tóžiti1 to accuse, to charge, to sue; to bring a suit, to go to law; to bring an action (koga against someone)
tóžiti koga za odškodnino to sue someone for damages
tóžiti koga za umor to charge someone with murder
tŕditi to affirm; to assert; to make an assertion
tŕditi, da... to maintain that...
trlèp (neroda) an awkward fellow
učinkováti to effect, to be effectual; to operate (na on), to take effect, to have an effect; to act; to produce an effect (na on); to have an influence (na on)
učinkováti na koga to have an effect on someone, to influence someone, to impress someone, to tell on someone
to ni prav nič učinkovalo nanj it had no effect on him, it did not affect him
to nanj ne učinkuje (figurativno) this cuts no ice with him
ona učinkuje nanj kot rdeča ruta (na bika) she makes him see red
slika učinkuje mnogo boljše iz daljave the picture looks much better at a distance
zdravilo ni učinkovalo the remedy did not work
ugovárjati to object, to make an objection; to contradict; to gainsay; to raise objections; to protest
ugovárjati čemu to make (ali to raise) objections to something; (nazaj odgovarjati) to talk back
ne ugovárjati to have no objections
nimamo kaj ugovárjati, da on odpotuje v X. we have no objection to his leaving for X.
ugovarjal je mojemu nasvetu he protested against my advice
ukvárjati se to occupy oneself (z with), to be occupied (z with); to be engaged (z in, on); to employ oneself, to be employed (in doing something); to be busy (in, at, with); to work (at); to go in for, to take up, to study; to take an interest (in); to be involved (in); to be concerned (z with)
ne ukvarja se kaj prida s svojimi otroki he takes little interest in his children
ukvárjati se malo z glasbo to be quite interested in music
ne ukvarjam se s politiko I do not concern myself with politics, pogovorno I don't get involved in politics
on se ukvarja s preveč stvarmi (figurativno) he has too many irons in the fire
s tem problemom sem se mnogo ukvarjal I have given a lot of thought to this question
ukvárjati se s problemi kriminala to take an interest in criminological problems
on se ukvarja izključno samó z nemščino he is fully occupied with his German
s takimi posli se ne ukvarjam I do not concern myself with such matters
uradníški of (oziroma like, belonging to, dealing with, concerning) an official (ali clerk); clerical
uradníško osebje clerical staff